module Forth open System open System.Text.RegularExpressions type Value = int type Word = string type Item = | Value of Value | Word of Word type Operation = | Plus | Minus | Mult | Div | Dup | Drop | Swap | Over | User of Item list type ForthState = { sStack: Value list; sInput: Item list; sMapping: Map } let defaultMapping = [("+", Plus); ("-", Minus); ("*", Mult); ("/", Div); ("dup", Dup); ("drop", Drop); ("swap", Swap); ("over", Over)] |> Map.ofList let breakBy callback xs = (xs |> List.takeWhile (callback >> not), xs |> List.skipWhile (callback >> not)) let empty = { sStack = []; sInput = []; sMapping = defaultMapping } let split (str: string) = Regex.Split(str, "[\s\b]") let formatStack (state: ForthState) = match state.sStack with | [] -> "" | _ -> state.sStack |> List.rev |> string |> List.reduce (fun x y -> x + " " + y) let parseItem text = match Int32.TryParse text with | true, value -> Value value | _ -> Word text let parseText (text: string) = text.ToLowerInvariant() |> split |> List.ofArray |> parseItem let addItems state items = { state with sInput = items @ state.sInput } let parse text state = parseText text |> addItems state let unaryStackOp op state = match state.sStack with | [] -> None | x::xs -> Some { state with sStack = op x @ xs} let binaryStackOp op state = match state.sStack with | x::y::xs -> Some { state with sStack = op x y @ xs} | _ -> None let toBinaryStackOp op x y = [op y x] let divOp state = match state.sStack with | 0::_ -> None | x::y::xs -> Some { state with sStack = (y / x) :: xs } | _ -> None let applyOp op state = match op with | Plus -> binaryStackOp (toBinaryStackOp (+)) state | Minus -> binaryStackOp (toBinaryStackOp (-)) state | Mult -> binaryStackOp (toBinaryStackOp (*)) state | Div -> divOp state | Dup -> unaryStackOp (List.replicate 2) state | Drop -> unaryStackOp (fun _ -> []) state | Swap -> binaryStackOp (fun x y -> [y; x]) state | Over -> binaryStackOp (fun x y -> [y; x; y]) state | User terms -> addItems state terms |> Some let evalWord word state = match Map.tryFind word state.sMapping with | None -> None | Some op -> applyOp op state let rec evalState state = match state with | None -> state | Some s -> match s.sInput with | [] -> state | (Value v)::xs -> { s with sStack = v::s.sStack; sInput = xs } |> Some |> evalState | (Word w)::xs -> match w with | ":" -> match breakBy (fun c -> c = Word ";") xs with | ((Word userWord::operations), remainder) -> { s with sInput = List.tail remainder; sMapping = Map.add (userWord.ToLower()) (User operations) s.sMapping } |> Some |> evalState | _ -> None | ";" -> None | _ -> evalWord w { s with sInput = xs } |> evalState let rec eval commands (state: ForthState option) = match commands, state with | [], _ -> state |> (fun x -> List.rev x.sStack) | x::xs, Some y -> let updatedState = parse x y |> Some |> evalState eval xs updatedState | _ -> None let evaluate commands = eval commands (Some empty)