require "spec_helper" describe Lita::Handlers::Coffee, lita_handler: true do # Sample office SAMPLE_DATA = [ {name: 'stu', group: 'cool kids', coffee: 'Colombian filter'}, {name: 'joel', group: 'cool kids', coffee: 'Strong cap w/ 1/2 sugar'}, {name: 'arun', group: 'cool kids', coffee: 'Warragamba highball'}, {name: 'danielle', group: 'latte socialists', coffee: 'Latte'}, {name: 'jack', group: 'latte socialists', coffee: 'Latte'}, {name: 'john', group: 'latte socialists', coffee: 'Latte'}, {name: 'alex', group: 'latte socialists', coffee: 'Latte'}, {name: 'geoff', group: 'traditionalists', coffee: 'Flat white'}, {name: 'simon', group: 'traditionalists', coffee: 'Skim flat white'}, ] it { route('coffee').to(:list_orders) } it { route('I really like coffee!').to(:init_user)} it { route('coffee +').to(:get_me_a_coffee)} it { route('coffee + cool dudes').to(:get_me_a_coffee)} it { route('coffee -c').to(:cancel_order)} it { route('coffee -i').to(:display_profile)} it { route('coffee -s Latte').to(:set_prefs)} it { route('coffee -g Testers').to(:set_prefs)} it { route('coffee -b This one is on me :)').to(:buy_coffees)} it { route('coffee -t').to(:system_settings)} it { route('coffee -d').to(:delete_me)} it { route('coffee -l').to(:list_groups)} it { route('coffee -w').to(:show_stats)} describe '#coffee' do before{robot.trigger(:loaded)} it 'sets up a user if they do not exist already' do send_message("coffee") expect(replies.first).to start_with("Welcome to coffee!") end it 'lists the current coffee orders if no options received' do send_message("coffee") expect(replies.last).to start_with("Current orders") end it 'orders you a coffee if you ask it!' do send_message("coffee +") expect(replies.last).to eq("Ordered you a coffee from coffee-lovers") send_message("coffee") expect(replies.last).to start_with("Test User:") end it 'orders me a coffee from a different group too' do send_message("coffee + testers") expect(replies.last).to eq("Ordered you a coffee from testers") end it 'displays my profile settings' do send_message("coffee -i") expect(replies.last).to start_with("Your current coffee is") end it 'sets my coffee preference' do send_message("coffee -s decaf soy cappuccino") expect(replies.last).to eq("Updated your coffee to decaf soy cappuccino") send_message("coffee -i") expect(replies.last).to start_with("Your current coffee is decaf soy cappuccino") end it 'changes my coffee group' do set_prefs('stu',{group: 'testing team'}) expect(replies.last).to eq("Updated your group to testing team") check_prefs('stu') expect(replies.last).to end_with("You are in the testing team group.") end it 'cancels my order' do populate_the_database expect(coffees_in_the_queue('cool kids')).to eq(3) cancel_order('stu') expect(replies.last).to eq("Cancelled your coffee") #TODO: check that my name has been removed from the queue expect(coffees_in_the_queue('cool kids')).to eq(2) end it 'deletes me from the system' do send_message("coffee -d") expect(replies.last).to eq("You have been deleted from coffee") end it 'displays default settings' do send_message("coffee -t") expect(replies.last).to start_with("Default coffee:") end it 'buys the coffees and clears the queue' do populate_the_database buy_coffees_for('cool kids') expect(replies.last).to start_with("Cleared all orders") send_message("coffee") expect(replies.last).to end_with("--") expect({|x| x == "Test User has bought you a coffee!"}.count).to eq(3) end it 'lists the available groups' do populate_the_database send_message("coffee -l") expect(replies.last).to start_with("The following groups are active:-") end it 'gets some stats' do populate_the_database buy_coffees_for('cool kids') send_message("coffee -w cool kids") expect(replies.last).to start_with("Coffees to be repaid") end def set_prefs(name,opts={}) user = init_user(name) send_message("coffee -g #{opts[:group]}", as: user) unless opts[:group].nil? send_message("coffee -s #{opts[:coffee]}", as: user) unless opts[:coffee].nil? end def check_prefs(name) user = init_user(name) send_message("coffee -i", as: user) end def order_a_coffee(name) user = init_user(name) send_message('coffee +', as: user) end def cancel_order(name) user = init_user(name) send_message('coffee -c', as: user) end def coffees_in_the_queue(group) send_message("coffee -g #{group}") send_message("coffee") replies.reverse.slice(0,replies.reverse.index{|x| ( x =~ /^Current orders/ ) == 0}).count end def populate_the_database SAMPLE_DATA.each do |x| set_prefs(x[:name],{coffee: x[:coffee],group: x[:group]}) order_a_coffee(x[:name]) end end def init_user(name) Lita::User.create(1,name: name) end def buy_coffees_for(group) send_message("coffee -g #{group}") send_message("coffee -b") end end end