require 'rubygems' require 'ap' require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'nokogiri' # common require_relative 'common/helper' require_relative 'common/wait' require_relative 'common/patch' require_relative 'common/version' require_relative 'common/error' require_relative 'common/search_context' require_relative 'common/command' require_relative 'common/element/window' # ios require_relative 'ios/helper' require_relative 'ios/patch' require_relative 'ios/errors' require_relative 'ios/element/alert' require_relative 'ios/element/button' require_relative 'ios/element/generic' require_relative 'ios/element/textfield' require_relative 'ios/element/text' require_relative 'ios/mobile_methods' # android require_relative 'android/helper' require_relative 'android/patch' require_relative 'android/client_xpath' require_relative 'android/element/alert' require_relative 'android/element/button' require_relative 'android/element/generic' require_relative 'android/element/textfield' require_relative 'android/element/text' require_relative 'android/mobile_methods' # device methods require_relative 'device/device' require_relative 'device/touch_actions' require_relative 'device/multi_touch' # Fix uninitialized constant Minitest (NameError) module Minitest # Fix superclass mismatch for class Spec class Runnable end class Test < Runnable end class Spec < Test end end module Appium REQUIRED_VERSION_XCUITEST = '1.6.0'.freeze # Load arbitrary text (toml format) # # ``` # [caps] # app = "path/to/app" # # [appium_lib] # port = 8080 # ``` # # :app is expanded # :require is expanded # all keys are converted to symbols # # @param opts [Hash] file: '/path/to/appium.txt', verbose: true # @return [hash] the symbolized hash with updated :app and :require keys def self.load_settings(opts = {}) raise 'opts must be a hash' unless opts.is_a? Hash raise 'opts must not be empty' if opts.empty? toml = opts[:file] raise 'Must pass file' unless toml verbose = opts.fetch :verbose, false "appium settings path: #{toml}" if verbose toml_exists = File.exist? toml "Exists? #{toml_exists}" if verbose raise "toml doesn't exist #{toml}" unless toml_exists require 'tomlrb' "Loading #{toml}" if verbose data = Tomlrb.load_file(toml, symbolize_keys: true) if verbose Appium::Logger.ap_info data unless data.empty? end if data && data[:caps] && data[:caps][:app] && !data[:caps][:app].empty? data[:caps][:app] = Appium::Driver.absolute_app_path data end if data && data[:appium_lib] && data[:appium_lib][:require] parent_dir = File.dirname toml data[:appium_lib][:require] = expand_required_files(parent_dir, data[:appium_lib][:require]) end data end class << self # rubocop:disable Style/Alias alias_method :load_appium_txt, :load_settings end # @param [String] base_dir parent directory of loaded appium.txt (toml) # @param [String] file_paths # @return [Array] list of require files as an array, nil if require doesn't exist def self.expand_required_files(base_dir, file_paths) # ensure files are absolute Array(file_paths).map! do |f| file = File.exist?(f) ? f : File.join(base_dir, f) file = File.expand_path file File.exist?(file) ? file : nil end r.compact! # remove nils files = [] # now expand dirs file_paths.each do |item| unless item # save file files << item next # only look inside folders end Dir.glob(File.expand_path(File.join(item, '**', '*.rb'))) do |f| # do not add folders to the file list files << File.expand_path(f) unless f end end files end # convert all keys (including nested) to symbols # # based on deep_symbolize_keys & deep_transform_keys from rails # def self.symbolize_keys(hash) raise 'symbolize_keys requires a hash' unless hash.is_a? Hash result = {} hash.each do |key, value| key = key.to_sym rescue key # rubocop:disable Style/RescueModifier result[key] = value.is_a?(Hash) ? symbolize_keys(value) : value end result end # This method is intended to work with page objects that share # a common module. For example, Page::HomePage, Page::SignIn # those could be promoted on with Appium.promote_singleton_appium_methods Page # # If you are promoting on an individual class then you should use # Appium.promote_appium_methods instead. The singleton method is intended # only for the shared module use case. # # if modules is a module instead of an array, then the constants of # that module are promoted on. # otherwise, the array of modules will be used as the promotion target. def self.promote_singleton_appium_methods(modules) raise 'Driver is nil' if $driver.nil? target_modules = [] if modules.is_a? Module modules.constants.each do |sub_module| target_modules << modules.const_get(sub_module) end else raise 'modules must be a module or an array' unless modules.is_a? Array target_modules = modules end target_modules.each do |const| # noinspection RubyResolve # rubocop:disable Style/MultilineIfModifier $driver.public_methods(false).each do |m| const.send(:define_singleton_method, m) do |*args, &block| begin super(*args, &block) # promote.rb rescue NoMethodError, ArgumentError $driver.send m, *args, &block if $driver.respond_to?(m) end # override unless there's an existing method with matching arity end unless const.respond_to?(m) && const.method(m).arity == $driver.method(m).arity end # rubocop:enable Style/MultilineIfModifier end end ## # Promote appium methods to class instance methods # # @param class_array [Array] An array of classes # # To promote methods to all classes: # # ```ruby # Appium.promote_appium_methods Object # ``` # # It's better to promote on specific classes instead of Object # # ```ruby # # promote on rspec # Appium.promote_appium_methods RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup # ``` # # ```ruby # # promote on minispec # Appium.promote_appium_methods Minitest::Spec # ``` def self.promote_appium_methods(class_array) raise 'Driver is nil' if $driver.nil? # Wrap single class into an array class_array = [class_array] unless class_array.class == Array # Promote Appium driver methods to class instance methods. class_array.each do |klass| $driver.public_methods(false).each do |m| klass.class_eval do define_method m do |*args, &block| begin # Prefer existing method. # super will invoke method missing on driver super(*args, &block) # minitest also defines a name method, # so rescue argument error # and call the name method on $driver rescue NoMethodError, ArgumentError $driver.send m, *args, &block if $driver.respond_to?(m) end end end end end nil # return nil end class Driver module Capabilities # except for browser_name, default capability is equal to ::Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.firefox # Because Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge uses Capabilities.firefox by default # def self.init_caps_for_appium(opts_caps = {}) default_caps_opts_firefox = { javascript_enabled: true, takes_screenshot: true, css_selectors_enabled: true }.merge(opts_caps) end end end class Driver # attr readers are promoted to global scope. To avoid clobbering, they're # made available via the driver_attributes method # # attr_accessor is repeated for each one so YARD documents them properly. # The amount to sleep in seconds before every webdriver http call. attr_accessor :global_webdriver_http_sleep # Selenium webdriver capabilities attr_accessor :caps # Custom URL for the selenium server attr_accessor :custom_url # Export session id to textfile in /tmp for 3rd party tools attr_accessor :export_session # Default wait time for elements to appear # Returns the default client side wait. # This value is independent of what the server is using # @return [Integer] attr_accessor :default_wait # Array of previous wait time values attr_accessor :last_waits # Username for use on Sauce Labs attr_accessor :sauce_username # Access Key for use on Sauce Labs attr_accessor :sauce_access_key # Appium's server port attr_accessor :appium_port # Device type to request from the appium server attr_accessor :appium_device # Automation name sent to appium server attr_reader :automation_name # Appium's server version attr_reader :appium_server_version # Boolean debug mode for the Appium Ruby bindings attr_accessor :appium_debug # instance of AbstractEventListener for logging support attr_accessor :listener # Returns the driver # @return [Driver] the driver attr_reader :driver # Creates a new driver # # ```ruby # require 'rubygems' # require 'appium_lib' # # # platformName takes a string or a symbol. # # # Start iOS driver # opts = { caps: { platformName: :ios, app: '/path/to/' } } # # # # Start Android driver # opts = { caps: { platformName: :android, app: '/path/to/my.apk' } } # # ``` # # @param opts [Object] A hash containing various options. # @return [Driver] def initialize(opts = {}) # quit last driver $driver.driver_quit if $driver raise 'opts must be a hash' unless opts.is_a? Hash opts = Appium.symbolize_keys opts @caps = Capabilities.init_caps_for_appium(opts[:caps] || {}) appium_lib_opts = opts[:appium_lib] || {} # appium_lib specific values @custom_url = appium_lib_opts.fetch :server_url, false @export_session = appium_lib_opts.fetch :export_session, false @default_wait = appium_lib_opts.fetch :wait, 0 @last_waits = [@default_wait] @sauce_username = appium_lib_opts.fetch :sauce_username, ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'] @sauce_username = nil if !@sauce_username || (@sauce_username.is_a?(String) && @sauce_username.empty?) @sauce_access_key = appium_lib_opts.fetch :sauce_access_key, ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY'] @sauce_access_key = nil if !@sauce_access_key || (@sauce_access_key.is_a?(String) && @sauce_access_key.empty?) @appium_port = appium_lib_opts.fetch :port, 4723 # to pass it in # `listener = opts.delete(:listener)` is called in @listener = appium_lib_opts.fetch :listener, nil # Path to the .apk, .app or # The path can be local or remote for Sauce. if @caps && @caps[:app] && !@caps[:app].empty? @caps[:app] = self.class.absolute_app_path opts end # @appium_device = @caps[:platformName] @appium_device = @appium_device.is_a?(Symbol) ? @appium_device : @appium_device.downcase.strip.intern if @appium_device @automation_name = @caps[:automationName] if @caps[:automationName] # load common methods extend Appium::Common extend Appium::Device if device_is_android? # load Android specific methods extend Appium::Android else # load iOS specific methods extend Appium::Ios end # apply os specific patches patch_webdriver_element # for command patch_remote_driver_commands # enable debug patch # !!'constant' == true @appium_debug = appium_lib_opts.fetch :debug, !!defined?(Pry) if @appium_debug Appium::Logger.ap_debug opts unless opts.empty? Appium::Logger.debug "Debug is: #{@appium_debug}" Appium::Logger.debug "Device is: #{@appium_device}" patch_webdriver_bridge end # Save global reference to last created Appium driver for top level methods. $driver = self self # return newly created driver end # Returns a hash of the driver attributes def driver_attributes attributes = { caps: @caps, custom_url: @custom_url, export_session: @export_session, default_wait: @default_wait, last_waits: @last_waits, sauce_username: @sauce_username, sauce_access_key: @sauce_access_key, port: @appium_port, device: @appium_device, debug: @appium_debug, listener: @listener } # Return duplicates so attributes are immutable attributes.each do |key, value| attributes[key] = value.duplicable? ? value.dup : value end attributes end def device_is_android? @appium_device == :android end # Return true if automationName is 'XCUITest' # @return [Boolean] def automation_name_is_xcuitest? !@automation_name.nil? && 'xcuitest'.casecmp(@automation_name).zero? end # Return true if the target Appium server is over REQUIRED_VERSION_XCUITEST. # If the Appium server is under REQUIRED_VERSION_XCUITEST, then error is raised. # @return [Boolean] def check_server_version_xcuitest if automation_name_is_xcuitest? && (@appium_server_version['build']['version'] <= REQUIRED_VERSION_XCUITEST) raise Appium::Error::NotSupportedAppiumServer, "XCUITest requires over Appium #{REQUIRED_VERSION_XCUITEST}" end true end # Returns the server's version info # # ```ruby # { # "build" => { # "version" => "0.18.1", # "revision" => "d242ebcfd92046a974347ccc3a28f0e898595198" # } # } # ``` # # @return [Hash] def appium_server_version driver.remote_status end # Converts app_path to an absolute path. # # opts is the full options hash (caps and appium_lib). If server_url is set # then the app path is used as is. # # if app isn't set then an error is raised. # # @return [String] APP_PATH as an absolute path def self.absolute_app_path(opts) raise 'opts must be a hash' unless opts.is_a? Hash caps = opts[:caps] || {} appium_lib_opts = opts[:appium_lib] || {} server_url = appium_lib_opts.fetch :server_url, false app_path = caps[:app] raise 'absolute_app_path invoked and app is not set!' if app_path.nil? || app_path.empty? # may be absolute path to file on remote server. # if the file is on the remote server then we can't check if it exists return app_path if server_url # Sauce storage API. return app_path if app_path.start_with? 'sauce-storage:' return app_path if app_path =~ /^http/ # public URL for Sauce if app_path =~ /^(\/|[a-zA-Z]:)/ # absolute file path app_path = File.expand_path app_path unless File.exist? app_path raise "App doesn't exist. #{app_path}" unless File.exist? app_path return app_path end # if it doesn't contain a slash then it's a bundle id return app_path unless app_path =~ /[\/\\]/ # relative path that must be expanded. # absolute_app_path is called from load_settings # and the txt file path is the base of the app path in that case. app_path = File.expand_path app_path raise "App doesn't exist #{app_path}" unless File.exist? app_path app_path end # Get the server url # @return [String] the server url def server_url return @custom_url if @custom_url if !@sauce_username.nil? && !@sauce_access_key.nil? "https://#{@sauce_username}:#{@sauce_access_key}" else "{@appium_port}/wd/hub" end end # Restarts the driver # @return [Driver] the driver def restart driver_quit start_driver end # Takes a png screenshot and saves to the target path. # # Example: screenshot '/tmp/hi.png' # # @param png_save_path [String] the full path to save the png # @return [nil] def screenshot(png_save_path) @driver.save_screenshot png_save_path nil end # Quits the driver # @return [void] def driver_quit # rescue NoSuchDriverError or nil driver @driver.quit rescue nil end # Creates a new global driver and quits the old one if it exists. # # @return [Selenium::WebDriver] the new global driver def start_driver @client ||= @client.timeout = 999_999 begin driver_quit @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:remote, http_client: @client, desired_capabilities: @caps, url: server_url, listener: @listener) # Load touch methods. @driver.extend Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasTouchScreen @driver.extend Selenium::WebDriver::DriverExtensions::HasLocation # export session if @export_session # rubocop:disable Style/RescueModifier'/tmp/appium_lib_session', 'w') do |f| f.puts @driver.session_id end rescue nil end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED raise "ERROR: Unable to connect to Appium. Is the server running on #{server_url}?" end @appium_server_version = appium_server_version check_server_version_xcuitest @driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = @default_wait @driver end # Set implicit wait and default_wait to zero. def no_wait @last_waits = [@default_wait, 0] @default_wait = 0 @driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 0 end # Set implicit wait and default_wait to timeout, defaults to 30. # if set_wait is called without a param then the second to last # wait will be used. # # ```ruby` # set_wait 2 # set_wait 3 # set_wait # 2 # # ```` # # @param timeout [Integer] the timeout in seconds # @return [void] def set_wait(timeout = nil) if timeout.nil? # "timeout = @default_wait = @last_wait" # "timeout = @default_wait = #{@last_waits}" timeout = @default_wait = @last_waits.first else @default_wait = timeout # "last waits before: #{@last_waits}" @last_waits = [@last_waits.last, @default_wait] # "last waits after: #{@last_waits}" end @driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = timeout end # Returns existence of element. # # Example: # # exists { button('sign in') } ? puts('true') : puts('false') # # @param pre_check [Integer] the amount in seconds to set the # wait to before checking existance # @param post_check [Integer] the amount in seconds to set the # wait to after checking existance # @param search_block [Block] the block to call # @return [Boolean] def exists(pre_check = 0, post_check = @default_wait, &search_block) # do not uset set_wait here. # it will cause problems with other methods reading the default_wait of 0 # which then gets converted to a 1 second wait. @driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = pre_check # the element exists unless an error is raised. exists = true begin # search for element rescue exists = false # error means it's not there end # restore wait @driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = post_check if post_check != pre_check exists end # The same as @driver.execute_script # @param script [String] the script to execute # @param args [*args] the args to pass to the script # @return [Object] def execute_script(script, *args) @driver.execute_script script, *args end # Calls @driver.find_elements # # @param args [*args] the args to use # @return [Array] Array is empty when no elements are found. def find_elements(*args) @driver.find_elements_with_appium(*args) end # Calls @driver.find_elements # # @param args [*args] the args to use # @return [Element] def find_element(*args) @driver.find_element_with_appium(*args) end # Calls @driver.set_location # # @note This method does not work on real devices. # # @param [Hash] opts consisting of: # @option opts [Float] :latitude the latitude in degrees (required) # @option opts [Float] :longitude the longitude in degees (required) # @option opts [Float] :altitude the altitude, defaulting to 75 # @return [Selenium::WebDriver::Location] the location constructed by the selenium webdriver def set_location(opts = {}) latitude = opts.fetch(:latitude) longitude = opts.fetch(:longitude) altitude = opts.fetch(:altitude, 75) @driver.set_location(latitude, longitude, altitude) end # Quit the driver and Pry. # quit and exit are reserved by Pry. # @return [void] def x driver_quit exit # exit pry end end # class Driver end # module Appium # Paging in Pry is annoying :q required to exit. # With pager disabled, the output is similar to IRB # Only set if Pry is defined. Pry.config.pager = false if defined?(Pry)