open Base let (>|>) f g x = g (f x) module String_map = Map.M(String) let emptyStringMap = Map.empty (module String) let string_to_int (s: string): int option = Option.try_with (fun () -> Int.of_string s) type sentence = | Def of string | Normal of string list type stack = int list type handler = stack -> stack option type vocabulary = handler String_map.t let handle_binary_op f = function | x :: y :: xs -> Some ((f y x) :: xs) | _ -> None let std_vocabulary: vocabulary = emptyStringMap |> Map.set ~key:"+" ~data:(handle_binary_op (+)) |> Map.set ~key:"-" ~data:(handle_binary_op (-)) |> Map.set ~key:"*" ~data:(handle_binary_op ( * )) |> Map.set ~key:"/" ~data:(function | x :: y :: xs -> if x = 0 then None else Some ((y/x) :: xs) | _ -> None) |> Map.set ~key:"DUP" ~data:(function | x :: xs -> Some (x :: x :: xs) | _ -> None) |> Map.set ~key:"DROP" ~data:(function | _ :: xs -> Some xs | _ -> None) |> Map.set ~key:"SWAP" ~data:(function | x :: y :: xs -> Some (y :: x :: xs) | _ -> None) |> Map.set ~key:"OVER" ~data:(function | x :: y :: xs -> Some (y :: x :: y :: xs) | _ -> None) let (<|>) o1 o2 = match o1 with | None -> o2 | Some _ -> o1 let apply x f = f x let string_last = function | "" -> None | s -> Some s.[String.length s - 1] let evaluate_number (word: string) (stack: stack): stack option = (string_to_int word) ~f:(fun n -> n :: stack) let evaluate_word (word: string) (vocabulary: vocabulary) (stack: stack): stack option = evaluate_number word stack <|> Option.bind (Map.find vocabulary word) ~f:(apply stack) <|> None let rec eval_all (stack: 'a) (fs: ('a -> 'a option) list): 'a option = match fs with | [] -> Some stack | f :: fs -> (match f stack with | None -> None | Some stack -> eval_all stack fs ) let to_sentence (words: string): sentence = if Char.(words.[0] = ':') && Option.equal Char.equal (string_last words) (Some ';') then Def words else Normal (String.split ~on:' ' words) let rec handle_def vocabulary stack words: (vocabulary * stack) option = let words = String.split ~on:' ' words in let words = List.drop words 1 in let words = List.take words (List.length words - 1) in if List.length words < 2 then None else let new_vocab = List.hd_exn words in if Option.is_some (string_to_int new_vocab) then None else let def = List.drop words 1 in let vocabulary = Map.set vocabulary ~key:new_vocab ~data:(fun stack -> ~f:(snd >|> List.rev) @@ evaluate_stack stack vocabulary def) in Some (vocabulary, stack) and evaluate_sentence_or_fail (vocabulary: vocabulary) (stack: stack) (sentence: sentence): (vocabulary * stack) option = match sentence with | Normal words -> eval_all (vocabulary, stack) ( words ~f:(fun w -> fun (v,s) -> (evaluate_word w v s) ~f:(fun s -> (v,s)))) | Def def -> handle_def vocabulary stack def and evaluate_stack (stack: stack) (vocabulary: vocabulary) (words: string list): (vocabulary * stack) option = List.fold words ~init:(Some (vocabulary, stack)) ~f:(fun mvs w -> (match mvs with | None -> None | Some (v, s) -> evaluate_sentence_or_fail v s (to_sentence w) )) |> ~f:(fun (v,s) -> (v, List.rev s)) let evaluate words = ~f:snd @@ evaluate_stack [] std_vocabulary ( ~f:String.uppercase words)