module Munge module Cli # This class directs commandline flags to appropriate classes class Dispatch < Thor desc "init PATH", "Create new site at PATH" def init(path) end desc "build", "Build site" method_option :reporter, desc: "Set reporting formatter", default: "Default", type: :string method_option :dry_run, desc: "Run without writing files", default: false, type: :boolean method_option :verbosity, aliases: "-v", desc: "Preferred amount of output", enum: %w(all written silent), default: "written", type: :string def build ENV["MUNGE_ENV"] ||= "production", **symbolized_options, build_root: ENV["BUILD_ROOT"]).call end desc "view", "View built files" method_option :port, aliases: "-p", desc: "Set port", default: 7000, type: :numeric method_option :host, aliases: "-h", desc: "Set host", default: "", type: :string def view ENV["MUNGE_ENV"] ||= "production", **symbolized_options, build_root: ENV["BUILD_ROOT"]).call end desc "server", "Run the development server" def server ENV["MUNGE_ENV"] ||= "development" ENV["BUILD_ROOT"] ||= "tmp/development-build" end desc "update", "Use with caution: override local configs with pristine version (useful after bumping version in Gemfile)" def update ENV["MUNGE_ENV"] ||= "development", current_working_directory).call end desc "version", "Print version (v#{Munge::VERSION})" map %w(-v --version) => "version" def version puts "munge #{Munge::VERSION}" end private def current_working_directory File.expand_path("") end def bootloader current_working_directory) rescue Munge::Errors::ConfigYmlNotFound => e puts e.message exit end def symbolized_options Munge::Util::SymbolHash.deep_convert(options) end end end end