Feature: Help Me I've Got Versionitis Scenario: get help for the main script When I get help for "git-semaphore" Then the exit status should be 0 And the banner should be present And the banner should include the version And the banner should document that this app takes options And the following trollop options should be documented: | --version, -v: | | --help, -h: | | --working-dir, -w: | | --project-name, -p: | | --branch-name, -b: | | --check-auth, -x: | | --check-project, -y: | | --check-branch, -z: | | --env-config, -e: | | --git-config, -g: | | --projects, -r: | | --branches, -a: | | --status, -s: | | --commit-status, -c: | | --rebuild-last-revision, -u: | Scenario: get the version of the main script When I get the version of "git-semaphore" Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should include the version And the output should include the app name And the output should include a copyright notice