class EricWeixin::Xiaodian::Order < ActiveRecord::Base # require 'barby/barcode/code_128' # require 'barby/outputter/png_outputter' self.table_name = 'weixin_xiaodian_orders' # belongs_to :weixin_user, class_name: "::EricWeixin::WeixinUser" belongs_to :product, class_name: "::EricWeixin::Xiaodian::Product", foreign_key: 'weixin_product_id' belongs_to :weixin_public_account, class_name: "::EricWeixin::PublicAccount", foreign_key: 'weixin_public_account_id' # 接收订单 DELIVERY_COMPANY = { "Fsearch_code" => "邮政EMS", "002shentong" => "申通快递", "066zhongtong" => "中通速递", "056yuantong" => "圆通速递", "042tiantian" => "天天快递", "003shunfeng" => "顺丰速运", "059Yunda" => "韵达快运", "064zhaijisong" => "宅急送", "020huitong" => "汇通快运", "zj001yixun" => "易迅快递" } def weixin_user ::EricWeixin::WeixinUser.find_by_openid self.openid end def product_info return '' if self.sku_info.blank? info = "" list = self.sku_info.split(";") list.each do |sku| str = sku.split(":")[1] return 'error' if str.blank? if str.match /^\$/ info += str[1,str.size-1] info += "、" end if str.match /^\d/ wx_value = ::EricWeixin::Xiaodian::SkuValue.find_by_wx_value_id(str) unless wx_value.blank? info += info += "、" end end end info end # 创建订单 # 参数: # OrderId 订单ID # FromUserName 用户userid # ToUserName 公众账号微信号 # ProductId # CreateTime # SkuInfo # OrderStatus # def self.create_order options order = EricWeixin::Xiaodian::Order.where(order_id: options[:OrderId]).first unless order.blank? order.delay(:priority => -10).get_info return order end openid = options[:FromUserName] # user = EricWeixin::WeixinUser.where(openid: openid).first to_user_name = options[:ToUserName] account = EricWeixin::PublicAccount.where(weixin_number: to_user_name).first product = EricWeixin::Xiaodian::Product.where(product_id: options[:ProductId]).first if product.blank? EricWeixin::Xiaodian::Product.get_all_products product = EricWeixin::Xiaodian::Product.where(product_id: options[:ProductId]).first end # if user.blank? # account.delay.rebuild_users_simple # # user = EricWeixin::WeixinUser.where(openid: openid).first # end # user_id = user.blank? ? nil : order = order_id: options[:OrderId], order_create_time: options[:CreateTime], order_status: options[:OrderStatus], weixin_product_id:, sku_info: options[:SkuInfo], weixin_public_account_id:, openid: openid! order.delay(:priority => -10).get_info order end # def buyer_nick # CGI::unescape(self.attributes["buyer_nick"]) rescue '无法正常显示' # end # 更新指定时间区间的订单信息 # EricWeixin::Xiaodian::Order.update_order_infos def self.update_order_infos start_date, end_date self.where("order_create_time between ? and ? ", start_date.to_time.to_i, end_date.to_time.to_i).each do |order| order.get_info end true end # 根据订单ID获取订单详情 def get_info token = ::EricWeixin::AccessToken.get_valid_access_token public_account_id: self.weixin_public_account_id param = {order_id: self.order_id} response = "{token}", param.to_json response = JSON.parse response.body if response["errcode"] == 0 order_params = response["order"] ["receiver_zip", "product_id", "buyer_openid"].each do |a| order_params.delete a end self.update_attributes{|k,v| ['order_id', 'order_status', 'order_total_price', 'order_create_time', 'order_express_price', 'buyer_nick', 'receiver_name', 'receiver_province', 'receiver_city', 'receiver_zone', 'receiver_address', 'receiver_mobile', 'receiver_phone', 'product_name', 'product_name', 'product_sku', 'product_count', 'product_img', 'trans_id'].include? k } else pp response return end end # 根据订单状态/创建时间获取订单详情,并更新自身数据库 # EricWeixin::Xiaodian::Order.get_order_list_and_update nil, nil ,nil ,'rszx' def self.get_order_list_and_update begin_time, end_time, status, public_account_name account = EricWeixin::PublicAccount.get_public_account_by_name public_account_name token = ::EricWeixin::AccessToken.get_valid_access_token public_account_id: param = {:a => 1} if !begin_time.blank? and !end_time.blank? param = {begintime: begin_time.to_i, endtime: end_time.to_i} end param.merge!(status: status) unless status.blank? response = "{token}", param.to_json response = JSON.parse response.body if response["errcode"] == 0 order_list = response["order_list"] order_list.each do |order| orders = EricWeixin::Xiaodian::Order.where order_id: order["order_id"] next unless orders.blank? EricWeixin::Xiaodian::Order.create_order OrderId: order["order_id"], FromUserName: order["buyer_openid"], ToUserName: account.weixin_number, ProductId: order["product_id"], CreateTime: order["order_create_time"], SkuInfo: order["product_sku"], OrderStatus: order["order_status"] end else pp response return end end # 设置订单发货信息 # 参数如下: # { # "delivery_company": "059Yunda", # "delivery_track_no": "1900659372473", # "need_delivery": 1, # "is_others": 0 # } # # 参数解释如下: # # delivery_company # 物流公司ID(参考《物流公司ID》; # 当need_delivery为0时,可不填本字段; # 当need_delivery为1时,该字段不能为空; # 当need_delivery为1且is_others为1时,本字段填写其它物流公司名称) # # delivery_track_no # 运单ID( # 当need_delivery为0时,可不填本字段; # 当need_delivery为1时,该字段不能为空; # ) # # need_delivery # 商品是否需要物流(0-不需要,1-需要,无该字段默认为需要物流) # # is_others # 是否为6.4.5表之外的其它物流公司(0-否,1-是,无该字段默认为不是其它物流公司) def set_delivery options # pp options if options["need_delivery"].to_s == "0" options = {need_delivery: 0} else BusinessException.raise 'need_delivery不为0时,delivery_track_no字段必填' if options["delivery_track_no"].blank? BusinessException.raise 'need_delivery不为0时,delivery_company字段不可以为空' if options["delivery_company"].blank? if options["is_others"].to_s != "1" BusinessException.raise 'need_delivery不为0且is_others不为1时,delivery_company字段必须是规定的快递公司ID' unless DELIVERY_COMPANY.include? options["delivery_company"] end end token = ::EricWeixin::AccessToken.get_valid_access_token public_account_id: self.weixin_public_account_id options.merge!("order_id" => self.order_id) response = "{token}", options.to_json response = JSON.parse response.body if response["errcode"] == 0 if options["need_delivery"].to_s == "0" self.update_attributes delivery_id: "", delivery_company: "" else self.update_attributes delivery_id: options["delivery_track_no"], delivery_company: options["delivery_company"] end true else false end end # need_deliver 1:未发货 0 已发货 def self.get_excel_of_orders options orders = self.order_query options # if options[:need_deliver] == '1' # orders = orders.where("delivery_id is null or delivery_id = '' or delivery_company is null or delivery_company = '' ") # else # orders = orders.where("delivery_id is not null and delivery_id <> '' and delivery_company is not null and delivery_company <> '' ") # end orders = orders.order(order_create_time: :desc) Spreadsheet.client_encoding = 'UTF-8' book = sheet1 = book.create_worksheet name: '订单表' sheet1.row(0).push '产品名称', '数量', '收货人', '移动电话', '快递公司', '快递单号', '买家昵称', '订单ID', '固定电话', '省', '城市', '区', '地址', '是否是粉丝', '订单时间', '快递费(单位:元)', '总金额(单位:元)' current_row = 1 orders.each do |order| wx_user = order.weixin_user is_fan = if !wx_user.blank? && wx_user.subscribe == 1 '是' else '否' end sheet1.row(current_row).push (begin rescue '' end), order.product_count, order.receiver_name, order.receiver_mobile, order.delivery_company, order.delivery_id, order.buyer_nick, order.order_id, order.receiver_phone, order.receiver_province, order.receiver_city, order.receiver_zone, order.receiver_address, is_fan,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), order.order_express_price.to_f/100, order.order_total_price.to_f/100 current_row += 1 end dir = Rails.root.join('public', 'downloads') Dir.mkdir dir unless Dir.exist? dir file_path = File.join(dir,"#{"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")}订单.xls") book.write file_path file_path end # order查询,支持以下参数: # start_date, end_date 起始日期, 终止日期 # buyer_nick 买家昵称 # receiver_name 收货人姓名 # receiver_mobile 收货人手机 # deliver_status 发货状态, (1-未发货, 2-已发货) # delivery_id 快递单号 # receiver_address 地址 # receiver_city 城市 def self.order_query options orders = self.all orders = orders.where("order_create_time >= ?", options[:start_date].to_time.change(hour:0,min:0,sec:0).to_i) unless options[:start_date].blank? orders = orders.where("order_create_time <= ?", options[:end_date].to_time.change(hour:23,min:59,sec:59).to_i) unless options[:end_date].blank? orders = orders.where("buyer_nick LIKE ?", "%#{options[:buyer_nick]}%") unless options[:buyer_nick].blank? orders = orders.where("receiver_name LIKE ?", "%#{options[:receiver_name]}%") unless options[:receiver_name].blank? orders = orders.where("receiver_mobile = ?", options[:receiver_mobile]) unless options[:receiver_mobile].blank? orders = orders.where("delivery_id like ?", "%#{options[:delivery_id]}%") unless options[:delivery_id].blank? orders = orders.where("receiver_address like ?", "%#{options[:receiver_address]}%") unless options[:receiver_address].blank? orders = orders.where("receiver_city like ?", "%#{options[:receiver_city]}%") unless options[:receiver_city].blank? orders = orders.where("delivery_id is null or delivery_id = '' or delivery_company is null or delivery_company = '' ") if options[:deliver_status] == 1.to_s orders = orders.where("delivery_id is not null and delivery_id <> '' and delivery_company is not null and delivery_company <> '' ") if options[:deliver_status] == 2.to_s orders end # 通过excel文件更新微信小店订单快递信息,包括快递公司与快递单号 def self.update_delivery_info_by_excel file self.transaction do Spreadsheet.client_encoding = 'UTF-8' dir = 'public/temp' Dir.mkdir dir unless Dir.exist? dir path = Rails.root.join(dir, file.original_filename), 'wb') do |f| f.write( end book = path sheet = book.worksheet 0 # 遍历到订单ID列 order_id_col = -1 delivery_company_col = -1 delivery_order_id_col = -1 100.times do |i| order_id_col = i if sheet.row(0)[i] == '订单ID' delivery_company_col = i if sheet.row(0)[i] == '快递公司' delivery_order_id_col = i if sheet.row(0)[i] == '快递单号' break if order_id_col != -1 && delivery_company_col != -1 && delivery_order_id_col != -1 end BusinessException.raise '请确保excel文件第一列包含以下列名:订单ID、快递公司、快递单号' if order_id_col == -1 || delivery_company_col == -1 || delivery_order_id_col == -1 success_count = 0 total_count = 0 sheet.each_with_index do |row, index| next if index == 0 total_count += 1 # 以下几种情况会跳过 # * 订单ID不正确 # * 没有快递公司 # * 没有快递单号 # * 数据库中快递小店订单的快递公司已经存在 # * 数据库中快递小店订单的快递单号已经存在 order_id = row[order_id_col] xiaodian_order = self.find_by_order_id(order_id) next if xiaodian_order.blank? next if row[delivery_company_col].blank? || row[delivery_order_id_col].blank? next if !xiaodian_order.delivery_company.blank? || !xiaodian_order.delivery_id.blank? # 过五关、斩六将后,终于可以更新快递信息了 delivery_order_id = row[delivery_order_id_col].is_a?(Float) ? row[delivery_order_id_col].to_i.to_s : row[delivery_order_id_col].to_s options = { "delivery_company" => row[delivery_company_col].to_s, "delivery_track_no" => delivery_order_id, "need_delivery" => 1, "is_others" => 1 } result = xiaodian_order.set_delivery options success_count += 1 if result end # 删除临时文件 File.delete path "共#{total_count}条记录,更新成功#{success_count}条。" end end # 生成订单的快递号条码, 图片保存在 ddc_system/public/uploads/barcode/ 文件夹中, 需要定时清除! def delivery_id_barcode delivery_id = self.delivery_id file_name = "order_delivery_id_#{delivery_id}.png" options = { :content => delivery_id.to_s, :file_path => Rails.root.join('public', 'uploads/barcode', file_name) } Dir.mkdir Rails.root.join('public/uploads') unless Dir.exist? Rails.root.join('public/uploads') Dir.mkdir Rails.root.join('public/uploads/barcode') unless Dir.exist? Rails.root.join('public/uploads/barcode') BarbyTools.create_barcode options # 使用tools里面的方法,代替下面这个注释过的代码块 # barcode = # blob = => 20, :margin => 5) # 初始png数据 # file_path = Rails.root.join('public', 'uploads/barcode', file_name) #, 'wb'){|f| # f.write blob.force_encoding("ISO-8859-1") # } simple_file_path = "/uploads/barcode/#{file_name}" simple_file_path end end