/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2014 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "manager.h" #include "hostlist.h" #include "iotable.h" #include "timer-ng.h" #include "internal.h" #define LOGARGS(mgr, lvl) mgr->settings, "lcbio_mgr", LCB_LOG_##lvl, __FILE__, __LINE__ using namespace lcb::io; namespace lcb { namespace io { struct PoolHost { inline PoolHost(Pool*, const std::string&); inline void connection_available(); inline void start_new_connection(uint32_t timeout); void ref() { refcount++; } void unref() { if (!--refcount) { delete this; } } ~PoolHost() { if (parent) { parent->unref(); parent = NULL; } } inline void dump(FILE *fp) const; size_t num_pending() const { return LCB_CLIST_SIZE(&ll_pending); } size_t num_idle() const { return LCB_CLIST_SIZE(&ll_idle); } size_t num_requests() const { return LCB_CLIST_SIZE(&requests); } size_t num_leased() const { return n_total - (num_idle() + num_pending()); } lcb_clist_t ll_idle; /* idle connections */ lcb_clist_t ll_pending; /* pending cinfo */ lcb_clist_t requests; /* pending requests */ const std::string key; /* host:port */ Pool *parent; lcb::io::Timer async; unsigned n_total; /* number of total connections */ unsigned refcount; }; } } struct CinfoNode : lcb_list_t {}; namespace lcb { namespace io { struct PoolConnInfo : lcbio_PROTOCTX, CinfoNode { inline PoolConnInfo(PoolHost *parent, uint32_t timeout); inline ~PoolConnInfo(); inline void on_idle_timeout(); inline void on_connected(lcbio_SOCKET *sock, lcb_error_t err); void set_leased() { lcb_assert(state == IDLE); state = LEASED; idle_timer.cancel(); } static PoolConnInfo *from_llnode(lcb_list_t *node) { return static_cast(static_cast(node)); } static PoolConnInfo *from_sock(lcbio_SOCKET *sock) { lcbio_PROTOCTX *ctx = lcbio_protoctx_get(sock, LCBIO_PROTOCTX_POOL); return static_cast(ctx); } PoolHost *parent; lcbio_SOCKET *sock; lcbio_pCONNSTART cs; lcb::io::Timer idle_timer; enum State { PENDING, IDLE, LEASED }; State state; }; } } struct ReqNode : lcb_list_t {}; namespace lcb { namespace io { struct PoolRequest : ReqNode, ConnectionRequest { PoolRequest(PoolHost *host_, lcbio_CONNDONE_cb cb, void *cbarg) : host(host_), callback(cb), arg(cbarg), timer(host->parent->io, this), state(PENDING), sock(NULL), err(LCB_SUCCESS) { } virtual ~PoolRequest() {} virtual void cancel(); inline void invoke(); void invoke(lcb_error_t err_) { err = err_; invoke(); } inline void timer_handler(); inline void set_ready(PoolConnInfo *cinfo) { cinfo->set_leased(); sock = cinfo->sock; state = ASSIGNED; timer.signal(); } inline void set_pending(uint32_t timeout) { timer.rearm(timeout); } static PoolRequest *from_llnode(lcb_list_t *node) { return static_cast(static_cast(node)); } PoolHost *host; lcbio_CONNDONE_cb callback; void *arg; Timer timer; enum State { ASSIGNED, PENDING }; State state; lcbio_SOCKET *sock; lcb_error_t err; }; } } static const char *get_hehost(PoolHost *h) { if (!h) { return "NOHOST:NOPORT"; } return h->key.c_str(); } /** Format string arguments for %p%s:%s */ #define HE_LOGID(h) get_hehost(h), (void*)h #define HE_LOGFMT "<%s> (HE=%p) " PoolConnInfo::~PoolConnInfo() { parent->n_total--; if (state == IDLE) { lcb_clist_delete(&parent->ll_idle, this); } else if (state == PENDING && cs) { lcbio_connect_cancel(cs); } if (sock) { // Ensure destructor is not called! dtor = NULL; lcbio_protoctx_delptr(sock, this, 0); lcbio_unref(sock); } parent->unref(); } static void cinfo_protoctx_dtor(lcbio_PROTOCTX *ctx) { PoolConnInfo *info = reinterpret_cast(ctx); info->sock = NULL; delete info; } Pool::Pool(lcb_settings* settings_, lcbio_pTABLE io_) : settings(settings_), io(io_), refcount(1) { } typedef std::vector HeList; void Pool::ref() { refcount++; } void Pool::unref() { if (!--refcount) { delete this; } } void Pool::shutdown() { HeList hes; HostMap::iterator h_it; for (h_it = ht.begin(); h_it != ht.end(); ++h_it) { PoolHost *he = h_it->second; lcb_list_t *cur, *next; LCB_LIST_SAFE_FOR(cur, next, (lcb_list_t *)&he->ll_idle) { delete PoolConnInfo::from_llnode(cur); } LCB_LIST_SAFE_FOR(cur, next, (lcb_list_t *)&he->ll_pending) { delete PoolConnInfo::from_llnode(cur); } hes.push_back(he); } for (HeList::iterator it = hes.begin(); it != hes.end(); ++it) { PoolHost *he = *it; ht.erase(he->key); he->async.release(); he->unref(); } unref(); } void PoolRequest::invoke() { if (sock) { PoolConnInfo *info = PoolConnInfo::from_sock(sock); info->set_leased(); state = ASSIGNED; lcb_log(LOGARGS(info->parent->parent, DEBUG), HE_LOGFMT "Assigning R=%p SOCKET=%p",HE_LOGID(info->parent), (void*)this, (void*)sock); } callback(sock, arg, err, 0); if (sock) { lcbio_unref(sock); } delete this; } /** * Called to notify that a connection has become available. */ void PoolHost::connection_available() { while (LCB_CLIST_SIZE(&requests) && LCB_CLIST_SIZE(&ll_idle)) { lcb_list_t *reqitem = lcb_clist_shift(&requests); lcb_list_t *connitem = lcb_clist_pop(&ll_idle); PoolRequest* req = PoolRequest::from_llnode(reqitem); PoolConnInfo* info = PoolConnInfo::from_llnode(connitem); req->sock = info->sock; req->invoke(); } } /** * Connection callback invoked from lcbio_connect() when a result is received */ static void on_connected(lcbio_SOCKET *sock, void *arg, lcb_error_t err, lcbio_OSERR) { reinterpret_cast(arg)->on_connected(sock, err); } void PoolConnInfo::on_connected(lcbio_SOCKET *sock_, lcb_error_t err) { lcb_assert(state == PENDING); cs = NULL; lcb_log(LOGARGS(parent->parent, DEBUG), HE_LOGFMT "Received result for I=%p,C=%p; E=0x%x", HE_LOGID(parent), (void*)this, (void*)sock, err); lcb_clist_delete(&parent->ll_pending, this); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { /** If the connection failed, fail out all remaining requests */ lcb_list_t *cur, *nxt; LCB_LIST_SAFE_FOR(cur, nxt, (lcb_list_t *)&parent->requests) { PoolRequest *req = PoolRequest::from_llnode(cur); lcb_clist_delete(&parent->requests, req); req->sock = NULL; req->invoke(err); } delete this; } else { state = IDLE; sock = sock_; lcbio_ref(sock); lcbio_protoctx_add(sock, this); lcb_clist_append(&parent->ll_idle, this); idle_timer.rearm(parent->parent->options.maxidle); parent->connection_available(); } } PoolConnInfo::PoolConnInfo(PoolHost *he, uint32_t timeout) : parent(he), sock(NULL), cs(NULL), idle_timer(he->parent->io, this), state(PENDING) { // protoctx fields id = LCBIO_PROTOCTX_POOL; dtor = cinfo_protoctx_dtor; lcb_host_t tmphost; lcb_error_t err = lcb_host_parsez(&tmphost, he->key.c_str(), 80); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(he->parent, ERROR), HE_LOGFMT "Could not parse host! Will supply dummy host (I=%p)", HE_LOGID(he), (void*)this); strcpy(tmphost.host, "BADHOST"); strcpy(tmphost.port, "BADPORT"); } lcb_log(LOGARGS(he->parent, TRACE), HE_LOGFMT "New pool entry: I=%p", HE_LOGID(he), (void*)this); cs = lcbio_connect(he->parent->io, he->parent->settings, &tmphost, timeout, ::on_connected, this); } void PoolHost::start_new_connection(uint32_t tmo) { PoolConnInfo *info = new PoolConnInfo(this, tmo); lcb_clist_append(&ll_pending, info); n_total++; refcount++; } void PoolRequest::timer_handler() { if (state == ASSIGNED) { PoolConnInfo *cinfo = PoolConnInfo::from_sock(sock); // Note - invoke() checks to make sure we've been passed an IDLE // connection. We should probably add a dedicated state for this // in a separate commit. cinfo->state = PoolConnInfo::IDLE; invoke(); } else { lcb_clist_delete(&host->requests, this); invoke(LCB_ETIMEDOUT); } } PoolHost::PoolHost(Pool *parent_, const std::string& key_) : key(key_), parent(parent_), async(parent->io, this), n_total(0), refcount(1) { lcb_clist_init(&ll_idle); lcb_clist_init(&ll_pending); lcb_clist_init(&requests); parent->ref(); } ConnectionRequest* Pool::get(const lcb_host_t& dest, uint32_t timeout, lcbio_CONNDONE_cb cb, void *cbarg) { PoolHost *he; lcb_list_t *cur; std::string key(dest.host); key.append(":").append(dest.port); HostMap::iterator m = ht.find(key); if (m == ht.end()) { he = new PoolHost(this, key); ht.insert(std::make_pair(key, he)); } else { he = m->second; } PoolRequest *req = new PoolRequest(he, cb, cbarg); GT_POPAGAIN: cur = lcb_clist_pop(&he->ll_idle); if (cur) { int clstatus; PoolConnInfo *info = PoolConnInfo::from_llnode(cur); clstatus = lcbio_is_netclosed(info->sock, LCB_IO_SOCKCHECK_PEND_IS_ERROR); if (clstatus == LCB_IO_SOCKCHECK_STATUS_CLOSED) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, WARN), HE_LOGFMT "Pooled socket is dead. Continuing to next one", HE_LOGID(he)); /* Set to LEASED, since it's not inside any of our lists */ info->state = PoolConnInfo::LEASED; delete info; goto GT_POPAGAIN; } req->set_ready(info); lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, INFO), HE_LOGFMT "Found ready connection in pool. Reusing socket and not creating new connection", HE_LOGID(he)); } else { req->set_pending(timeout); lcb_clist_append(&he->requests, req); if (he->num_pending() < he->num_requests()) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, DEBUG), HE_LOGFMT "Creating new connection because none are available in the pool", HE_LOGID(he)); he->start_new_connection(timeout); } else { lcb_log(LOGARGS(this, DEBUG), HE_LOGFMT "Not creating a new connection. There are still pending ones", HE_LOGID(he)); } } return req; } void PoolRequest::cancel() { Pool *mgr = host->parent; if (sock) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(mgr, DEBUG), HE_LOGFMT "Cancelling request=%p with existing connection", HE_LOGID(host), (void*)this); Pool::put(sock); host->async.signal(); } else { lcb_log(LOGARGS(mgr, DEBUG), HE_LOGFMT "Request=%p has no connection.. yet", HE_LOGID(host), (void*)this); lcb_clist_delete(&host->requests, this); } delete this; } void PoolConnInfo::on_idle_timeout() { lcb_log(LOGARGS(parent->parent, DEBUG), HE_LOGFMT "Idle connection expired", HE_LOGID(parent)); lcbio_unref(sock); } void Pool::put(lcbio_SOCKET *sock) { PoolHost *he; Pool *mgr; PoolConnInfo *info = PoolConnInfo::from_sock(sock); if (!info) { fprintf(stderr, "Requested put() for non-pooled (or detached) socket=%p\n", (void *)sock); lcbio_unref(sock); return; } he = info->parent; mgr = he->parent; if (he->num_idle() >= mgr->options.maxidle) { lcb_log(LOGARGS(mgr, INFO), HE_LOGFMT "Closing idle connection. Too many in quota", HE_LOGID(he)); lcbio_unref(info->sock); return; } lcb_log(LOGARGS(mgr, INFO), HE_LOGFMT "Placing socket back into the pool. I=%p,C=%p", HE_LOGID(he), (void*)info, (void*)sock); info->idle_timer.rearm(mgr->options.tmoidle); lcb_clist_append(&he->ll_idle, info); info->state = PoolConnInfo::IDLE; } void Pool::discard(lcbio_SOCKET *sock) { lcbio_unref(sock); } void Pool::detach(lcbio_SOCKET *sock) { lcbio_protoctx_delid(sock, LCBIO_PROTOCTX_POOL, 1); } bool Pool::is_from_pool(const lcbio_SOCKET *sock) { return lcbio_protoctx_get(sock, LCBIO_PROTOCTX_POOL) != NULL; } #define CONN_INDENT " " static void write_he_list(const lcb_clist_t *ll, FILE *out) { lcb_list_t *llcur; LCB_LIST_FOR(llcur, (lcb_list_t *)ll) { PoolConnInfo *info = PoolConnInfo::from_llnode(llcur); fprintf(out, "%sCONN [I=%p,C=%p ", CONN_INDENT, (void *)info, (void *)&info->sock); if (info->sock->io->model == LCB_IOMODEL_EVENT) { fprintf(out, "SOCKFD=%d", (int)info->sock->u.fd); } else { fprintf(out, "SOCKDATA=%p", (void *)info->sock->u.sd); } fprintf(out, " STATE=0x%x", info->state); fprintf(out, "]\n"); } } void PoolHost::dump(FILE *out) const { lcb_list_t *llcur; fprintf(out, "HOST=%s", key.c_str()); fprintf(out, "Requests=%lu, Idle=%lu, Pending=%lu, Leased=%lu\n", num_requests(), num_idle(), num_pending(), num_leased()); fprintf(out, CONN_INDENT "Idle Connections:\n"); write_he_list(&ll_idle, out); fprintf(out, CONN_INDENT "Pending Connections: \n"); write_he_list(&ll_pending, out); fprintf(out, CONN_INDENT "Pending Requests:\n"); LCB_LIST_FOR(llcur, (lcb_list_t *)&requests) { PoolRequest *req = PoolRequest::from_llnode(llcur); union { lcbio_CONNDONE_cb cb; void *ptr; } u_cb; u_cb.cb = req->callback; fprintf(out, "%sREQ [R=%p, Callback=%p, Data=%p, State=0x%x]\n", CONN_INDENT, (void *)req, u_cb.ptr, (void *)req->arg, req->state); } fprintf(out, "\n"); } void Pool::dump(FILE *out) const { if (out == NULL) { out = stderr; } HostMap::const_iterator ii; for (ii = ht.begin(); ii != ht.end(); ++ii) { ii->second->dump(out); } }