class Admin::ResourcesController < Admin::BaseController include Typus::Controller::Actions include Typus::Controller::Associations include Typus::Controller::Autocomplete include Typus::Controller::Filters include Typus::Controller::Format include Typus::Controller::Headless Whitelist = [:edit, :update, :destroy, :toggle, :position, :relate, :unrelate] before_filter :get_model before_filter :set_context # MultiSite ... before_filter :get_object, :only => Whitelist + [:show] before_filter :check_resource_ownership, :only => Whitelist before_filter :check_if_user_can_perform_action_on_resources ## # This is the main index of the model. With filters, conditions and more. # # By default application can respond to html, csv and xml, but you can add # your formats. # def index get_objects respond_to do |format| format.html do if headless_mode_with_custom_action_is_enabled? set_headless_resource_actions else add_resource_action(default_action.titleize, {:action => default_action}, {}) add_resource_action("Trash", {:action => "destroy"}, {:confirm => "#{Typus::I18n.t("Trash")}?", :method => 'delete'}) end generate_html end %w(json xml csv).each { |f| format.send(f) { send("generate_#{f}") } } end end def new item_params = params.dup item_params.delete_if { |k, v| ! } @item = respond_to do |format| format.html # new.html.erb format.json { render :json => @item } end end ## # Create new items. There's an special case when we create an item from # another item. In this case, after the item is created we also create the # relationship between these items. # def create @item = @item.assign_attributes(params[@object_name], :as => :admin) set_attributes_on_create respond_to do |format| if format.html { redirect_on_success } format.json { render :json => @item, :status => :created, :location => @item } else format.html { render :action => "new" } format.json { render :json => @item.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } end end end def edit end def show check_resource_ownership if @resource.typus_options_for(:only_user_items) =begin respond_to do |format| format.html # show.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @item } format.json { render :json => @item } end =end end def update attributes = params[:attribute] ? { params[:attribute] => nil } : params[@object_name] respond_to do |format| role = admin_user.is_root? ? :admin : :default if @item.update_attributes(attributes, :as => role) set_attributes_on_update format.html { redirect_on_success } format.json { render :json => @item } else format.html { render :edit } format.json { render :json => @item.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } end end end def destroy if @item.destroy notice = Typus::I18n.t("%{model} successfully removed.", :model => @resource.model_name.human) else alert = @item.errors.full_messages end redirect_to :back, :notice => notice, :alert => alert end def toggle @item.toggle(params[:field]) respond_to do |format| if format.html do notice = Typus::I18n.t("%{model} successfully updated.", :model => @resource.model_name.human) redirect_to :back, :notice => notice end format.json { render :json => @item } else format.html { render :edit } format.json { render :json => @item.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } end end end private def get_model @resource = resource @object_name = ActiveModel::Naming.singular(@resource) end def resource params[:controller].extract_class end helper_method :resource def set_context @resource end helper_method :set_context def get_object @item = @resource.find(params[:id]) end def get_objects eager_loading = @resource.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).reject { |i| i.options[:polymorphic] }.map { |i| } @resource.build_conditions(params).each do |condition| @resource = @resource.where(condition) end @resource.build_my_joins(params).each do |join| @resource = @resource.joins(join) end if @resource.typus_options_for(:only_user_items) check_resources_ownership end @resource = @resource.order(set_order).includes(eager_loading) end def fields @resource.typus_fields_for(params[:action]) end helper_method :fields def set_order params[:sort_order] ||= "desc" params[:order_by] ? "#{@resource.table_name}.#{params[:order_by]} #{params[:sort_order]}" : @resource.typus_order_by end def redirect_on_success path = params.dup.cleanup # Redirects to { :action => 'index' } if params[:_save] path.delete_if { |k, v| %w(action id).include?(k) } end ## # Here what we basically do is to associate objects after they have been # created. It's similar to calling `relate` but which the difference that # we are creating a new record. # # We have two objects, detect the relationship_between them and then # call the related method. # if params[:_saveandassign] item_class = params[:resource].typus_constantize # For some reason we are forced to set the /admin prefix to the controller # when working with namespaced stuff. options = { :controller => "/admin/#{item_class.to_resource}" } assoc = item_class.relationship_with(@resource).to_s unused_path, notice, alert = send("set_#{assoc}_association", item_class, options) path.merge!(:action => 'edit', :id => end # Redirects to { :action => 'new' } if params[:_addanother] path.merge!(:action => 'new', :id => nil) end # Redirects to { :action => 'edit' => :id => } if params[:_continue] path.merge!(:action => 'edit', :id => end message = (params[:action] == 'create') ? "%{model} successfully created." : "%{model} successfully updated." notice = Typus::I18n.t(message, :model => @resource.model_name.human) redirect_to path, :notice => notice end def default_action @resource.typus_options_for(:default_action_on_item) end end