require 'spec_helper' describe Prawn::SVG::Elements::Path do let(:source) { double(name: "path", attributes: {}) } let(:path) {, source, [], {}) } before do allow(path).to receive(:attributes).and_return("d" => d) end describe "command parsing" do context "with a valid path" do let(:d) { "A12.34 -56.78 89B4 5 12-34 -.5.7+3 2.3e3 4e4 4e+4 c31,-2e-5C 6,7 T QX 0 Z" } it "correctly parses" do calls = [] path.stub(:run_path_command) {|*args| calls << args} path.parse calls.should == [ ["A", [12.34, -56.78, 89]], ["B", [4, 5, 12, -34, -0.5, 0.7, 3, 2.3e3, 4e4, 4e4]], ["c", [31, -2e-5]], ["C", [6, 7]], ["T", []], ["Q", []], ["X", [0]], ["Z", []] ] end end context "with m and M commands" do let(:d) { "M 1,2 3,4 m 5,6 7,8" } it "treats subsequent points to m/M command as relative/absolute depending on command" do [ ["M", [1,2,3,4]], ["L", [3,4]], ["m", [5,6,7,8]], ["l", [7,8]] ].each do |args| path.should_receive(:run_path_command).with(*args).and_call_original end path.parse end end context "with an empty path" do let(:d) { "" } it "correctly parses" do path.should_not_receive(:run_path_command) path.parse end end context "with a path with invalid characters" do let(:d) { "M 10 % 20" } it "raises" do expect { path.parse }.to raise_error(Prawn::SVG::Elements::Base::SkipElementError) end end context "with a path with numerical data before a command letter" do let(:d) { "M 10 % 20" } it "raises" do expect { path.parse }.to raise_error(Prawn::SVG::Elements::Base::SkipElementError) end end end context "when given an A path" do subject { path.parse; path.commands } context "that is pretty normal" do let(:d) { "M 100 200 A 10 10 0 0 1 200 200" } it "uses bezier curves to approximate an arc path" do expect(subject).to eq [ ["move_to", [100.0, 200.0]], ["curve_to", [150.0, 150.0, 100.0, 172.57081148225683, 122.57081148225683, 150.0]], ["curve_to", [200.0, 200.0, 177.42918851774317, 150.0, 200.0, 172.57081148225683]] ] end end context "with an identical start and end point" do let(:d) { "M 100 200 A 30 30 0 0 1 100 200" } it "ignores the path" do expect(subject).to eq [ ["move_to", [100.0, 200.0]] ] end end context "with an rx of 0" do let(:d) { "M 100 200 A 0 10 0 0 1 200 200" } it "substitutes a line_to" do expect(subject).to eq [ ["move_to", [100.0, 200.0]], ["line_to", [200.0, 200.0]] ] end end context "with an ry of 0" do let(:d) { "M 100 200 A 10 0 0 0 1 200 200" } it "substitutes a line_to" do expect(subject).to eq [ ["move_to", [100.0, 200.0]], ["line_to", [200.0, 200.0]] ] end end end end