# Typhoeus [![CI](https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![Experimental](https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus/actions/workflows/experimental.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/typhoeus/typhoeus/actions/workflows/experimental.yml) [![Code Climate](https://img.shields.io/codeclimate/maintainability/typhoeus/typhoeus.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/typhoeus/typhoeus) [![Gem Version](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/typhoeus.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/typhoeus) Like a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, Typhoeus runs HTTP requests in parallel while cleanly encapsulating handling logic. ## Example A single request: ```ruby Typhoeus.get("www.example.com", followlocation: true) ``` Parallel requests: ```ruby hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.new 10.times.map{ hydra.queue(Typhoeus::Request.new("www.example.com", followlocation: true)) } hydra.run ``` ## Installation Run: ``` bundle add typhoeus ``` Or install it yourself as: ``` gem install typhoeus ``` ## Project Tracking * [API Documentation](https://rubydoc.info/github/typhoeus/typhoeus/frames/Typhoeus) (GitHub master) ## Usage ### Introduction The primary interface for Typhoeus is comprised of three classes: Request, Response, and Hydra. Request represents an HTTP request object, response represents an HTTP response, and Hydra manages making parallel HTTP connections. ```ruby request = Typhoeus::Request.new( "www.example.com", method: :post, body: "this is a request body", params: { field1: "a field" }, headers: { Accept: "text/html" } ) ``` We can see from this that the first argument is the url. The second is a set of options. The options are all optional. The default for `:method` is `:get`. When you want to send URL parameters, you can use `:params` hash to do so. Please note that in case of you should send a request via `x-www-form-urlencoded` parameters, you need to use `:body` hash instead. `params` are for URL parameters and `:body` is for the request body. #### Sending requests through the proxy Add a proxy url to the list of options: ```ruby options = {proxy: 'http://myproxy.org'} req = Typhoeus::Request.new(url, options) ``` If your proxy requires authentication, add it with `proxyuserpwd` option key: ```ruby options = {proxy: 'http://proxyurl.com', proxyuserpwd: 'user:password'} req = Typhoeus::Request.new(url, options) ``` Note that `proxyuserpwd` is a colon-separated username and password, in the vein of basic auth `userpwd` option. You can run the query either on its own or through the hydra: ``` ruby request.run #=> ``` ```ruby hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.hydra hydra.queue(request) hydra.run ``` The response object will be set after the request is run. ```ruby response = request.response response.code response.total_time response.headers response.body ``` ### Making Quick Requests Typhoeus has some convenience methods for performing single HTTP requests. The arguments are the same as those you pass into the request constructor. ```ruby Typhoeus.get("www.example.com") Typhoeus.head("www.example.com") Typhoeus.put("www.example.com/posts/1", body: "whoo, a body") Typhoeus.patch("www.example.com/posts/1", body: "a new body") Typhoeus.post("www.example.com/posts", body: { title: "test post", content: "this is my test"}) Typhoeus.delete("www.example.com/posts/1") Typhoeus.options("www.example.com") ``` #### Sending params in the body with PUT When using POST the content-type is set automatically to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. That's not the case for any other method like PUT, PATCH, HEAD and so on, irrespective of whether you are using body or not. To get the same result as POST, i.e. a hash in the body coming through as params in the receiver, you need to set the content-type as shown below: ```ruby Typhoeus.put("www.example.com/posts/1", headers: {'Content-Type'=> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, body: {title:"test post updated title", content: "this is my updated content"} ) ``` ### Handling HTTP errors You can query the response object to figure out if you had a successful request or not. Here’s some example code that you might use to handle errors. The callbacks are executed right after the request is finished, make sure to define them before running the request. ```ruby request = Typhoeus::Request.new("www.example.com", followlocation: true) request.on_complete do |response| if response.success? # hell yeah elsif response.timed_out? # aw hell no log("got a time out") elsif response.code == 0 # Could not get an http response, something's wrong. log(response.return_message) else # Received a non-successful http response. log("HTTP request failed: " + response.code.to_s) end end request.run ``` This also works with serial (blocking) requests in the same fashion. Both serial and parallel requests return a Response object. ### Handling file uploads A File object can be passed as a param for a POST request to handle uploading files to the server. Typhoeus will upload the file as the original file name and use Mime::Types to set the content type. ```ruby Typhoeus.post( "http://localhost:3000/posts", body: { title: "test post", content: "this is my test", file: File.open("thesis.txt","r") } ) ``` ### Streaming the response body Typhoeus can stream responses. When you're expecting a large response, set the `on_body` callback on a request. Typhoeus will yield to the callback with chunks of the response, as they're read. When you set an `on_body` callback, Typhoeus will not store the complete response. ```ruby downloaded_file = File.open 'huge.iso', 'wb' request = Typhoeus::Request.new("www.example.com/huge.iso") request.on_headers do |response| if response.code != 200 raise "Request failed" end end request.on_body do |chunk| downloaded_file.write(chunk) end request.on_complete do |response| downloaded_file.close # Note that response.body is "" end request.run ``` If you need to interrupt the stream halfway, you can return the `:abort` symbol from the `on_body` block, example: ```ruby request.on_body do |chunk| buffer << chunk :abort if buffer.size > 1024 * 1024 end ``` This will properly stop the stream internally and avoid any memory leak which may happen if you interrupt with something like a `return`, `throw` or `raise`. ### Making Parallel Requests Generally, you should be running requests through hydra. Here is how that looks: ```ruby hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.hydra first_request = Typhoeus::Request.new("http://example.com/posts/1") first_request.on_complete do |response| third_url = response.body third_request = Typhoeus::Request.new(third_url) hydra.queue third_request end second_request = Typhoeus::Request.new("http://example.com/posts/2") hydra.queue first_request hydra.queue second_request hydra.run # this is a blocking call that returns once all requests are complete ``` The execution of that code goes something like this. The first and second requests are built and queued. When hydra is run the first and second requests run in parallel. When the first request completes, the third request is then built and queued, in this example based on the result of the first request. The moment it is queued Hydra starts executing it. Meanwhile the second request would continue to run (or it could have completed before the first). Once the third request is done, `hydra.run` returns. How to get an array of response bodies back after executing a queue: ```ruby hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.new requests = 10.times.map { request = Typhoeus::Request.new("www.example.com", followlocation: true) hydra.queue(request) request } hydra.run responses = requests.map { |request| request.response.body } ``` `hydra.run` is a blocking request. You can also use the `on_complete` callback to handle each request as it completes: ```ruby hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.new 10.times do request = Typhoeus::Request.new("www.example.com", followlocation: true) request.on_complete do |response| #do_something_with response end hydra.queue(request) end hydra.run ``` ### Making Parallel Requests with Faraday + Typhoeus ```ruby require 'faraday' conn = Faraday.new(:url => 'http://httppage.com') do |builder| builder.request :url_encoded builder.response :logger builder.adapter :typhoeus end conn.in_parallel do response1 = conn.get('/first') response2 = conn.get('/second') # these will return nil here since the # requests have not been completed response1.body response2.body end # after it has been completed the response information is fully available # response1.status, etc response1.body response2.body ``` ### Specifying Max Concurrency Hydra will also handle how many requests you can make in parallel. Things will get flakey if you try to make too many requests at the same time. The built in limit is 200. When more requests than that are queued up, hydra will save them for later and start the requests as others are finished. You can raise or lower the concurrency limit through the Hydra constructor. ```ruby Typhoeus::Hydra.new(max_concurrency: 20) ``` ### Memoization Hydra memoizes requests within a single run call. You have to enable memoization. This will result in a single request being issued. However, the on_complete handlers of both will be called. ```ruby Typhoeus::Config.memoize = true hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.new(max_concurrency: 1) 2.times do hydra.queue Typhoeus::Request.new("www.example.com") end hydra.run ``` This will result in two requests. ```ruby Typhoeus::Config.memoize = false hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.new(max_concurrency: 1) 2.times do hydra.queue Typhoeus::Request.new("www.example.com") end hydra.run ``` ### Caching Typhoeus includes built in support for caching. In the following example, if there is a cache hit, the cached object is passed to the on_complete handler of the request object. ```ruby class Cache def initialize @memory = {} end def get(request) @memory[request] end def set(request, response) @memory[request] = response end end Typhoeus::Config.cache = Cache.new Typhoeus.get("www.example.com").cached? #=> false Typhoeus.get("www.example.com").cached? #=> true ``` For use with [Dalli](https://github.com/mperham/dalli): ```ruby require "typhoeus/cache/dalli" dalli = Dalli::Client.new(...) Typhoeus::Config.cache = Typhoeus::Cache::Dalli.new(dalli) ``` For use with Rails: ```ruby require "typhoeus/cache/rails" Typhoeus::Config.cache = Typhoeus::Cache::Rails.new ``` For use with [Redis](https://github.com/redis/redis-rb): ```ruby require "typhoeus/cache/redis" redis = Redis.new(...) Typhoeus::Config.cache = Typhoeus::Cache::Redis.new(redis) ``` All three of these adapters take an optional keyword argument `default_ttl`, which sets a default TTL on cached responses (in seconds), for requests which do not have a cache TTL set. You may also selectively choose not to cache by setting `cache` to `false` on a request or to use a different adapter. ```ruby cache = Cache.new Typhoeus.get("www.example.com", cache: cache) ``` ### Direct Stubbing Hydra allows you to stub out specific urls and patterns to avoid hitting remote servers while testing. ```ruby response = Typhoeus::Response.new(code: 200, body: "{'name' : 'paul'}") Typhoeus.stub('www.example.com').and_return(response) Typhoeus.get("www.example.com") == response #=> true ``` The queued request will hit the stub. You can also specify a regex to match urls. ```ruby response = Typhoeus::Response.new(code: 200, body: "{'name' : 'paul'}") Typhoeus.stub(/example/).and_return(response) Typhoeus.get("www.example.com") == response #=> true ``` You may also specify an array for the stub to return sequentially. ```ruby Typhoeus.stub('www.example.com').and_return([response1, response2]) Typhoeus.get('www.example.com') == response1 #=> true Typhoeus.get('www.example.com') == response2 #=> true ``` When testing make sure to clear your expectations or the stubs will persist between tests. The following can be included in your spec_helper.rb file to do this automatically. ```ruby RSpec.configure do |config| config.before :each do Typhoeus::Expectation.clear end end ``` ### Timeouts No exceptions are raised on HTTP timeouts. You can check whether a request timed out with the following method: ```ruby Typhoeus.get("www.example.com", timeout: 1).timed_out? ``` Timed out responses also have their success? method return false. There are two different timeouts available: [`timeout`](http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTTIMEOUT) and [`connecttimeout`](http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTCONNECTTIMEOUT). `timeout` is the time limit for the entire request in seconds. `connecttimeout` is the time limit for just the connection phase, again in seconds. There are two additional more fine grained options `timeout_ms` and `connecttimeout_ms`. These options offer millisecond precision but are not always available (for instance on linux if `nosignal` is not set to true). When you pass a floating point `timeout` (or `connecttimeout`) Typhoeus will set `timeout_ms` for you if it has not been defined. The actual timeout values passed to curl will always be rounded up. DNS timeouts of less than one second are not supported unless curl is compiled with an asynchronous resolver. The default `timeout` is 0 (zero) which means curl never times out during transfer. The default `connecttimeout` is 300 seconds. A `connecttimeout` of 0 will also result in the default `connecttimeout` of 300 seconds. ### Following Redirections Use `followlocation: true`, eg: ```ruby Typhoeus.get("www.example.com", followlocation: true) ``` ### Basic Authentication ```ruby Typhoeus::Request.get("www.example.com", userpwd: "user:password") ``` ### Compression ```ruby Typhoeus.get("www.example.com", accept_encoding: "gzip") ``` The above has a different behavior than setting the header directly in the header hash, eg: ```ruby Typhoeus.get("www.example.com", headers: {"Accept-Encoding" => "gzip"}) ``` Setting the header hash directly will not include the `--compressed` flag in the libcurl command and therefore libcurl will not decompress the response. If you want the `--compressed` flag to be added automatically, set `:accept_encoding` Typhoeus option. ### Cookies ```ruby Typhoeus::Request.get("www.example.com", cookiefile: "/path/to/file", cookiejar: "/path/to/file") ``` Here, `cookiefile` is a file to read cookies from, and `cookiejar` is a file to write received cookies to. If you just want cookies enabled, you need to pass the same filename for both options. ### Other CURL options Are available and documented [here](http://rubydoc.info/github/typhoeus/ethon/Ethon/Easy/Options) ### SSL SSL comes built in to libcurl so it’s in Typhoeus as well. If you pass in a url with "https" it should just work assuming that you have your [cert bundle](http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html) in order and the server is verifiable. You must also have libcurl built with SSL support enabled. You can check that by doing this: ``` curl --version ``` Now, even if you have libcurl built with OpenSSL you may still have a messed up cert bundle or if you’re hitting a non-verifiable SSL server then you’ll have to disable peer verification to make SSL work. Like this: ```ruby Typhoeus.get("https://www.example.com", ssl_verifypeer: false) ``` If you are getting "SSL: certificate subject name does not match target host name" from curl (ex:- you are trying to access to b.c.host.com when the certificate subject is \*.host.com). You can disable host verification. Like this: ```ruby # host checking enabled Typhoeus.get("https://www.example.com", ssl_verifyhost: 2) # host checking disabled Typhoeus.get("https://www.example.com", ssl_verifyhost: 0) ``` ### Verbose debug output It’s sometimes useful to see verbose output from curl. You can enable it on a per-request basis: ```ruby Typhoeus.get("http://example.com", verbose: true) ``` or globally: ```ruby Typhoeus::Config.verbose = true ``` Just remember that libcurl prints it’s debug output to the console (to STDERR), so you’ll need to run your scripts from the console to see it. ### Default User Agent Header In many cases, all HTTP requests made by an application require the same User-Agent header set. Instead of supplying it on a per-request basis by supplying a custom header, it is possible to override it for all requests using: ```ruby Typhoeus::Config.user_agent = "custom user agent" ``` ### Running the specs Running the specs should be as easy as: ``` bundle install bundle exec rake ``` ## Semantic Versioning This project conforms to [semver](http://semver.org/). ## LICENSE (The MIT License) Copyright © 2009-2010 [Paul Dix](http://www.pauldix.net/) Copyright © 2011-2012 [David Balatero](https://github.com/dbalatero/) Copyright © 2012-2016 [Hans Hasselberg](http://github.com/i0rek/) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.