module ActiveadminSelleoCms class Page < ActiveRecord::Base serialize :settings, Hash include ContentTranslation translates :title, :slug, :browser_title, :meta_keywords, :meta_description, fallbacks_for_empty_translations: true acts_as_nested_set attr_protected :id has_many :sections, as: :sectionable, dependent: :destroy has_many :searches, as: :searchable has_many :related_items, as: :related accepts_nested_attributes_for :translations, :sections, :children validates_format_of :link_url, with: /^http/i, allow_blank: false, if: ->(page) { page.is_link_url } validates_presence_of :layout_name scope :show_in_menu, where(show_in_menu: true) scope :published, where(is_published: true) scope :not_published, where(is_published: false) scope :latest, ->(n) { published.reorder("published_at DESC").limit(n) } scope :most_read, ->(n) { published.reorder("views DESC").limit(n) } scope :with_layout, ->(layout_name) { where(layout_name: layout_name) } scope :with_setting_value, ->(key, value) { where("activeadmin_selleo_cms_pages.settings ~ '#{key}:\\s?\\W?#{value}\\W?\\s*$'") } scope :with_setting, ->(key) { where("activeadmin_selleo_cms_pages.settings ~ '#{key}:\\s?'") } before_validation do self.slug = self.title.parameterize if title and slug.blank? translations.each{ |translations| set_nest(translation)} end before_save do if is_published_changed? and is_published and published_at.blank? self.published_at = end end after_initialize do self.layout_name = Layout.all.first if new_record? and layout_name.blank? end after_initialize do _settings = read_attribute(:settings) || {} _settings.keys.each do |key| eval " def #{key} (self.settings || {})[:#{key}] end def #{key}=(val) self.settings ||= {} val = true if val == '1' val = false if val == '0' self.settings[:#{key}] = val end " end end def set_nest(translation) translation.activeadmin_selleo_cms_page ||= self end def initialize_missing_sections section_names.each do |section_name| section_name) unless sections.detect{|section| == section_name} end end def to_s title end def to_label "#{'- ' * depth} #{title}" end def section_names @section_names ||= layout.section_names end def layout @layout ||= Layout.find(layout_name) end def to_param parent ? "#{parent.to_param}/#{slug}" : slug end def roots Page.published.roots end def breadcrumb' » ').html_safe end def url(options={locale: true}) _url = if is_link_url link_url elsif redirect_to_first_sub_page and children.published.any? "/:locale/#{children.published.first.to_param}" else "/:locale/#{to_param}" end _url = _url.gsub(':locale', I18n.locale.to_s) if _url.match(/:locale/) and options[:locale] _url end def self.update_positions(page_ids) begin ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do page_ids.each_cons(2) do |pair| Page.find(pair.last).move_to_right_of(Page.find(pair.first)) end end return true rescue return false end end #def method_missing(sym, *args) # sections.with_name(sym).first #end class Translation attr_protected :id belongs_to :activeadmin_selleo_cms_page, class_name: 'ActiveadminSelleoCms::Page' validates :title, presence: true, if: ->(translation){ translation.locale.eql? I18n.locale } validates :slug, presence: true, format: { with: /^[a-z0-9\-_]+$/i }, if: ->(translation) { translation.locale.eql? I18n.locale } validate do |translation| if slug.present? and translation.class.joins(:activeadmin_selleo_cms_page). where(locale: locale, slug: slug, activeadmin_selleo_cms_pages: { parent_id: activeadmin_selleo_cms_page.parent_id }).all.reject{|p| p == self}.any? errors.add(:slug, :taken) end end end end end