require 'set' require 'virtus' require 'lazily' require 'celluloid' %w(sources targets).each do |dir| Dir.glob(File.expand_path("../#{dir}/**/*.rb", __FILE__), &method(:require)) end require 'multi_sync/mixins/pluralize_helper' module MultiSync class Client include Virtus.model include MultiSync::Mixins::PluralizeHelper attribute :supervisor, Celluloid::SupervisionGroup attribute :incomplete_jobs, Set, default: attribute :running_jobs, Set, default: attribute :complete_jobs, Set, default: attribute :sources, Array, default: [] attribute :sync_attempts, Integer, default: 0 attribute :file_sync_attempts, Integer, default: 0 attribute :started_at, Time, required: false attribute :finished_at, Time, required: false # Initialize a new Client object # # @param options [Hash] def initialize(*args) self.supervisor =! super end def add_target(name, options = {}) fail ArgumentError, "Duplicate target names detected, please rename '#{name}' to be unique" if supervisor_actor_names.include?(name) clazz = MultiSync.const_get("#{options[:type].capitalize}Target") supervisor.pool(clazz, as: name, args: [options], size: MultiSync.target_pool_size) rescue NameError MultiSync.warn "Unknown target type: #{options[:type]}" raise ArgumentError, "Unknown target type: #{options[:type]}" end alias_method :target, :add_target def add_source(name, options = {}) clazz = MultiSync.const_get("#{options[:type].capitalize}Source") sources << rescue NameError MultiSync.warn "Unknown source type: #{options[:type]}" raise ArgumentError, "Unknown source type: #{options[:type]}" end alias_method :source, :add_source def synchronize MultiSync.debug 'Preventing synchronization as there are no sources found.' && return if sync_pointless? MultiSync.debug 'Starting synchronization...' determine_sync if first_run? sync_attempted MultiSync.debug 'Scheduling jobs in the future...' incomplete_jobs.delete_if do | job | running_jobs << { id: job[:id], future: Celluloid::Actor[job[:target_id]].future.send(job[:method], job[:args]), method: job[:method] } end MultiSync.debug 'Fetching jobs from the future...' running_jobs.delete_if do | job | begin completed_job = { id: job[:id], response: job[:future].value, method: job[:method] } rescue => error self.file_sync_attempts = file_sync_attempts + 1 MultiSync.warn error.inspect false else complete_jobs << completed_job true end end finish_sync finalize end alias_method :sync, :synchronize def finalize if finished_at elapsed = finished_at.to_f - started_at.to_f minutes, seconds = elapsed.divmod 60.0 bytes = get_total_file_size_from_complete_jobs MultiSync.debug "Sync completed in #{pluralize(minutes.round, 'minute')} and #{pluralize(seconds.round, 'second')}" MultiSync.debug "#{pluralize(complete_jobs.length, 'file')} were synchronised (#{pluralize(get_complete_deleted_jobs.length, 'deleted file')} and #{pluralize(get_complete_upload_jobs.length, 'uploaded file')}) from #{pluralize(sources.length, 'source')} to #{pluralize(supervisor.actors.length, 'target')}" if bytes > 1024.0 kilobytes = bytes / 1024.0 MultiSync.debug "The upload weight totalled %.#{0}f #{pluralize(kilobytes, 'kilobyte', nil, false)}" % kilobytes else MultiSync.debug "The upload weight totalled %.#{0}f #{pluralize(bytes, 'byte', nil, false)}" % bytes end MultiSync.debug "#{pluralize(file_sync_attempts, 'failed request')} were detected and re-tried" else MultiSync.debug "Sync failed to complete with #{pluralize(incomplete_jobs.length, 'outstanding file')} to be synchronised" MultiSync.debug "#{pluralize(complete_jobs.length, 'file')} were synchronised (#{pluralize(get_complete_deleted_jobs.length, 'deleted file')} and #{pluralize(get_complete_upload_jobs.length, 'uploaded file')}) from #{pluralize(sources.length, 'source')} to #{pluralize(supervisor.actors.length, 'target')}" end supervisor.finalize end alias_method :fin, :finalize def get_complete_deleted_jobs { |job| job[:method] == :delete } end def get_complete_upload_jobs { |job| job[:method] == :upload } end def get_total_file_size_from_complete_jobs total_file_size = 0 get_complete_upload_jobs.each do | job | job_content_length = job[:response].content_length || job[:response].determine_content_length || 0 total_file_size += job_content_length end total_file_size end private def determine_sync sources.lazily.each do |source| source_files = [] starting_synchronizing_msg = "ynchronizing: '#{source.source_dir}'" starting_synchronizing_msg.prepend MultiSync.force ? 'Forcefully s' : 'S' starting_synchronizing_msg source_files = source.files source_files.sort! # sort to make sure the source's indexes match the targets # when no targets are specified, assume all targets source.targets = supervisor_actor_names if source.targets.empty? source.targets.lazily.each do | target_id | missing_files = [] abandoned_files = [] outdated_files = [] MultiSync.debug "#{pluralize(source_files.length, 'file')} found from the source" MultiSync.debug 'Fetching files from the target...' target_files = Celluloid::Actor[target_id].files target_files.sort! # sort to make sure the target's indexs match the sources MultiSync.debug "#{pluralize(target_files.length, 'file')} found from the target" missing_files.concat determine_missing_files(source_files, target_files) missing_files_msg = "#{missing_files.length} of the files are missing" missing_files_msg += ", however we're skipping them as :upload_missing_files is false" unless MultiSync.upload_missing_files MultiSync.debug missing_files_msg abandoned_files.concat determine_abandoned_files(source_files, target_files) abandoned_files_msg = "#{abandoned_files.length} of the files are abandoned" abandoned_files_msg += ", however we're skipping them as :delete_abandoned_files is false" unless MultiSync.delete_abandoned_files MultiSync.debug abandoned_files_msg # remove missing_files from source_files (as we know they are missing so don't need to check them) # remove abandoned_files from target_files (as we know they are abandoned so don't need to check them) outdated_files.concat determine_outdated_files(source_files - missing_files, target_files - abandoned_files) MultiSync.debug "#{outdated_files.length} of the files are outdated" # abandoned files if MultiSync.delete_abandoned_files abandoned_files.lazily.each do | file | incomplete_jobs << { id: Celluloid.uuid, target_id: target_id, method: :delete, args: file } end end # missing files if MultiSync.upload_missing_files missing_files.lazily.each do | file | incomplete_jobs << { id: Celluloid.uuid, target_id: target_id, method: :upload, args: file } end end # outdated files outdated_files.lazily.each do | file | incomplete_jobs << { id: Celluloid.uuid, target_id: target_id, method: :upload, args: file } end end end end def determine_missing_files(source_files, target_files) missing_files = (source_files - target_files) missing_files end def determine_abandoned_files(source_files, target_files) abandoned_files = (target_files - source_files) abandoned_files end def determine_outdated_files(source_files, target_files) outdated_files = [] # TODO: replace with celluloid pool of futures # check each source file against the matching target_file's etag source_files.lazily.each_with_index do |file, i| outdated_files << file unless !MultiSync.force && file.matching_etag?(target_files[i]) end outdated_files end def sync_attempted self.started_at = if first_run? self.sync_attempts = if sync_attempts > MultiSync.max_sync_attempts MultiSync.warn "Sync was attempted more then #{MultiSync.max_sync_attempts} times" fail ArgumentError, "Sync was attempted more then #{MultiSync.max_sync_attempts} times" end end def finish_sync incomplete_jobs.length != 0 ? synchronize : self.finished_at = end def first_run? sync_attempts == 0 end def sync_pointless? sources.empty? end def supervisor_actor_names { |actor| actor.registered_name } end end end