/* jTable jQuery Plugin v0.1.1 (c) 2011 Taylor Yelverton - http://www.jtable.net License: MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) Compiled with CoffeeScript version 1.0.0 coffee -b -c jtable.coffee */var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; (function($) { $.jTable = { defaults: { settings: { columns: [], identifierAttribute: 'id', singleColumnSearch: false, perPage: 25, perPageOptions: [25, 50, 100], fullPagination: true, ajaxInterval: 250, rowClass: '', width: '', indexUrl: '', viewLink: true, viewUrl: '?id=:id:', inlineView: true, editLink: true, editUrl: 'edit?id=:id:', destroyLink: true, destroyUrl: '?id=:id:', onDestroy: function() {}, otherActions: [], language: { viewLinkText: "View", editLinkText: "Edit", destroyLinkText: "Destroy", noItemsMsg: "No Records were found.", destroyConfirmMsg: "Are you sure?" } }, column: { searchable: true, sortable: true, dataType: 'string', trueValue: 'True', falseValue: 'False', columnClass: '' } } }; return $.fn.jTable = function(options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } return this.each(function() { var buildAll, buildBottomToolbar, buildPerPageSelect, buildSearch, buildTable, buildTableFoot, buildTableHead, buildTopToolbar, changePage, column, fetchItems, generateBaseQuery, i, insertInfoRowForItem, insertItemAttributesIntoString, updateItems, updatePageInfo, updatePagination, updateProcessingOverlay, updateTableRows, _len, _ref; buildAll = __bind(function() { buildTopToolbar(); buildTable(); buildBottomToolbar(); return fetchItems(); }, this); generateBaseQuery = __bind(function() { var column, searchable_columns, _i, _len, _ref; searchable_columns = []; _ref = this.settings.columns; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { column = _ref[_i]; if (column.searchable) { searchable_columns.push(column.attribute); } } this.query.searchable_columns = searchable_columns; this.query.search = ""; this.query.limit = this.settings.perPage; this.query.offset = 0; return this.query.column_search = {}; }, this); fetchItems = __bind(function() { var ajax, current_query; if (this.query !== this.previous_query || this.query.search === "") { current_query = $.extend(true, {}, this.query); this.stale_paging = false; updateProcessingOverlay(); this.processing_overlay.show(); ajax = $.ajax({ url: this.settings.indexUrl, data: { jTableQuery: current_query }, cache: false, success: __bind(function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { updateItems(data); this.initial_load = false; return this.processing_overlay.hide(); }, this) }); return this.previous_query = $.extend(true, {}, current_query); } }, this); updateItems = __bind(function(data) { var item, items, _i, _len; this.items_count = data.total_items; items = data.items; this.items = []; for (_i = 0, _len = items.length; _i < _len; _i++) { item = items[_i]; this.items.push(item); } this.container.data('jTable').items = this.items; updateTableRows(); return changePage(this.page); }, this); updateProcessingOverlay = __bind(function() { var box, box_css, container_css; container_css = { left: this.container.position().left, top: this.container.position().top, width: this.container.width(), height: this.container.height() }; this.processing_overlay.css(container_css); box = $('div', this.processing_overlay); box_css = { left: (parseInt(container_css.width, 10) / 2) - 75, top: parseInt(container_css.height, 10) / 2 }; return box.css(box_css); }, this); buildTopToolbar = __bind(function() { var toolbar; toolbar = $('
'); this.container.append(toolbar); buildSearch(); return buildPerPageSelect(); }, this); buildTable = __bind(function() { this.container.append('
'); this.table = $('table', this.container); buildTableHead(); if (this.settings.singleColumnSearch) { return buildTableFoot(); } }, this); buildTableHead = __bind(function() { var column, table_head, th, _i, _len, _ref; table_head = $('thead', this.table); _ref = this.settings.columns; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { column = _ref[_i]; th = $(''); th.attr('data-jTable-column-attribute', column.attribute); if (column.heading === void 0) { th.html("
" + column.attribute + "
"); } else { th.html("
" + column.heading + "
"); } if (column.sortable) { $('div', th).append(''); th.click(__bind(function(event) { var attribute, sort_icon; $('.jTable-column-heading span', this.container).removeClass('jTable-sort-asc jTable-sort-desc'); attribute = $(event.currentTarget).attr('data-jTable-column-attribute'); sort_icon = $('span', $(event.currentTarget)); if (this.query.sort_column === attribute) { if (this.query.sort_direction === '') { this.query.sort_direction = 'ASC'; sort.addClass('jTable-sort-asc'); } else if (this.query.sort_direction === 'ASC') { this.query.sort_direction = 'DESC'; sort_icon.addClass('jTable-sort-desc'); } else { this.query.sort_column = ''; this.query.sort_direction = ''; sort_icon.addClass('jTable-sort-none'); } } else { this.query.sort_column = attribute; this.query.sort_direction = 'ASC'; sort_icon.addClass('jTable-sort-asc'); } return fetchItems(); }, this)); } table_head.append($(th)); } if (this.show_links) { return table_head.append($(' ')); } }, this); buildTableFoot = __bind(function() { var column, search_field, table_foot, th, _i, _len, _ref; if (this.settings.singleColumnSearch) { table_foot = $('tfoot', this.table); _ref = this.settings.columns; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { column = _ref[_i]; if (column.searchable) { th = $(''); search_field = $(""); search_field.keyup(__bind(function(event) { var attribute, current_search, field; field = $(event.currentTarget); attribute = field.attr('jTable-column-attribute'); this.query.column_search[attribute] = field.val(); current_search = String(this.query.column_search[attribute]); return setTimeout(__bind(function() { if (current_search === field.val()) { this.page = 1; this.query.offset = 0; return fetchItems(); } }, this), this.settings.ajaxInterval); }, this)); th.append(search_field); } else { th = $(' '); } table_foot.append(th); } if (this.show_links) { return table_foot.append($(' ')); } } }, this); updateTableRows = __bind(function() { var action, action_link, actions_cell, blank_row, column, column_count, destroy_link, edit_link, i, item, name, new_cell, new_row, table_body, value, view_link, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _len3, _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _results; table_body = $('tbody', this.table); table_body.html(''); if (this.items_count === 0) { column_count = this.settings.columns.length; if (this.show_links) { column_count += 1; } blank_row = $("" + this.settings.language.noItemsMsg + ""); return table_body.append(blank_row); } else { _ref = this.items; _results = []; for (i = 0, _len = _ref.length; i < _len; i++) { item = _ref[i]; new_row = $(""); if (i % 2 === 0) { new_row.addClass("jTable-row-even"); } else { new_row.addClass("jTable-row-odd"); } new_row.addClass(this.settings.rowClass); new_row.attr('data-jTable-item-identifier', item[this.settings.identifierAttribute]); _ref2 = this.settings.columns; for (_i = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _i < _len2; _i++) { column = _ref2[_i]; new_cell = $(''); new_cell.addClass(column.columnClass); new_cell.attr({ 'data-jTable-cell-attribute': column.attribute, 'data-jTable-cell-value': item[column.attribute] }); if (column.dataType === 'boolean') { if (item[column.attribute]) { new_cell.html(column.trueValue); } else { new_cell.html(column.falseValue); } } else { new_cell.html(item[column.attribute]); } new_row.append(new_cell); } if (this.show_links) { actions_cell = $(''); _ref3 = this.settings.otherActions; for (_j = 0, _len3 = _ref3.length; _j < _len3; _j++) { action = _ref3[_j]; action_link = $("" + action.title + ""); for (name in action) { value = action[name]; if (name !== "title") { action_link.attr(name, insertItemAttributesIntoString(item, value)); } } actions_cell.append(action_link); } if (this.settings.viewLink) { if (this.settings.inlineView) { view_link = $("" + this.settings.language.viewLinkText + ""); view_link.attr('data-jTable-view-url', insertItemAttributesIntoString(item, this.settings.viewUrl)); view_link.click(__bind(function(event) { $("tr.jTable-info-row[data-jTable-item-identifier=" + ($(event.target).closest('tr').attr('data-jTable-item-identifier')) + "]").remove(); return $.ajax({ url: $(event.currentTarget).attr('data-jTable-view-url'), type: 'GET', success: __bind(function(data, status, xhr) { return insertInfoRowForItem($(event.currentTarget), data); }, this), error: __bind(function(xhr, status, error) { return this.element.trigger('ajax:error', [xhr, status, error]); }, this) }); }, this)); } else { view_link = $("" + this.settings.language.viewLinkText + ""); view_link.attr('href', insertItemAttributesIntoString(item, this.settings.viewUrl)); } actions_cell.append(view_link); } if (this.settings.editLink) { edit_link = $("" + this.settings.language.editLinkText + ""); edit_link.attr('href', insertItemAttributesIntoString(item, this.settings.editUrl)); actions_cell.append(edit_link); } if (this.settings.destroyLink) { destroy_link = $("" + this.settings.language.destroyLinkText + ""); destroy_link.attr('data-jTable-destroy-url', insertItemAttributesIntoString(item, this.settings.destroyUrl)); destroy_link.click(__bind(function(event) { if (confirm(this.settings.language.destroyConfirmMsg)) { $.ajax({ url: $(event.currentTarget).attr('data-jTable-destroy-url'), type: 'POST', data: { '_method': 'DELETE' }, success: __bind(function(data, status, xhr) { return this.settings.onDestroy(data); }, this), error: __bind(function(xhr, status, error) { return this.element.trigger('ajax:error', [xhr, status, error]); }, this) }); return fetchItems(); } }, this)); actions_cell.append(destroy_link); } new_row.append(actions_cell); } _results.push(table_body.append(new_row)); } return _results; } }, this); buildSearch = __bind(function() { var search_container, search_field; $('.jTable-full-search-container.', this.container).remove(); search_field = $(''); search_field.keyup(__bind(function() { var current_search; this.query.search = search_field.val(); current_search = String(this.query.search); return setTimeout(__bind(function() { if (current_search === search_field.val()) { this.page = 1; this.query.offset = 0; return fetchItems(); } }, this), this.settings.ajaxInterval); }, this)); search_container = $('
'); search_container.html('Search: '); search_container.append(search_field); return $('.jTable-top-toolbar', this.container).prepend(search_container); }, this); buildPerPageSelect = __bind(function() { var opt, option, per_page_container, select_box, _i, _len, _ref; $('.jTable-per-page-container', this.container).remove(); select_box = $(''); _ref = this.settings.perPageOptions; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { option = _ref[_i]; opt = $(""); select_box.append(opt); } select_box.change(__bind(function() { this.query.limit = parseInt(select_box.val(), 10); this.settings.perPage = parseInt(select_box.val(), 10); return fetchItems(); }, this)); per_page_container = $('
Items Per Page:
'); per_page_container.append(select_box); return $('.jTable-top-toolbar', this.container).append(per_page_container); }, this); buildBottomToolbar = __bind(function() { var toolbar; toolbar = $('
'); this.container.append(toolbar); updatePageInfo(); return updatePagination(); }, this); updatePageInfo = __bind(function() { var end_items, page_info, start_items, total_items; page_info = $('.jTable-page-info', this.container); start_items = this.items_count === 0 ? 0 : ((this.page - 1) * this.settings.perPage) + 1; end_items = this.items_count - start_items > this.settings.perPage ? start_items + this.settings.perPage - 1 : this.items_count; total_items = this.items_count; return page_info.html("Displaying " + start_items + " to " + end_items + " of " + total_items + " items."); }, this); updatePagination = __bind(function() { var end_page, generatePaginationButton, i, next_page_link, number_of_pages, page_div, page_link, prev_page_link, start_page; page_div = $('.jTable-pagination-container', this.container); page_div.html(''); generatePaginationButton = __bind(function(page_number) { return $("" + page_number + "").click(__bind(function(event) { this.stale_paging = true; return changePage(parseInt($(event.currentTarget).attr('data-jTable-pagination-page'), 10)); }, this)); }, this); if (!((this.page - 1) * this.settings.perPage <= 0)) { prev_page_link = $("Prev"); prev_page_link.click(__bind(function(event) { this.stale_paging = true; return changePage(this.page - 1); }, this)); page_div.append(prev_page_link); } if (this.settings.fullPagination) { if (Math.ceil(this.items_count / this.settings.perPage) === 0) { page_link = generatePaginationButton(1); page_div.append(page_link); } else { number_of_pages = Math.ceil(this.items_count / this.settings.perPage); start_page = this.page - 2 < 1 ? 1 : this.page - 2; end_page = this.page + 2 > number_of_pages ? number_of_pages : this.page + 2; for (i = start_page; (start_page <= end_page ? i <= end_page : i >= end_page); (start_page <= end_page ? i += 1 : i -= 1)) { page_link = generatePaginationButton(i); page_div.append(page_link); } } } if (!(this.items_count <= this.page * this.settings.perPage)) { next_page_link = $("Next"); next_page_link.click(__bind(function(event) { this.stale_paging = true; return changePage(this.page + 1); }, this)); page_div.append(next_page_link); } return $(".jTable-pagination-button[data-jTable-pagination-page=" + this.page + "]", this.container).addClass('jTable-pagination-current-page'); }, this); changePage = __bind(function(new_page) { if (this.initial_load) { this.page = new_page; updatePageInfo(); return updatePagination(); } else { if (this.stale_paging) { this.query.offset = (new_page - 1) * this.settings.perPage; this.page = new_page; return fetchItems(); } else { this.page = new_page; updatePageInfo(); return updatePagination(); } } }, this); insertItemAttributesIntoString = __bind(function(item, str) { var name, value; str = str.toString(); for (name in item) { value = item[name]; str = str.replace(RegExp("(:" + name + ":)"), encodeURIComponent(value)); } return str; }, this); insertInfoRowForItem = __bind(function(target, data) { var close_btn, info_container, info_row, item_row; item_row = target.closest('tr'); info_row = $(""); info_row.attr('data-jTable-item-identifier', item_row.attr('data-jTable-item-identifier')); info_container = $(''); info_container.attr('colspan', this.show_links ? this.settings.columns.length + 1 : this.settings.columns.length); close_btn = $(""); close_btn.click(__bind(function(event) { return $(event.currentTarget).closest('tr').remove(); }, this)); info_container.append(close_btn); info_container.append(data); info_row.append(info_container); info_row.insertAfter(item_row); return window.scrollTo(item_row.position().left, item_row.position().top); }, this); this.settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.jTable.defaults.settings); this.query = {}; $.extend(true, this.settings, options); _ref = this.settings.columns; for (i = 0, _len = _ref.length; i < _len; i++) { column = _ref[i]; this.settings.columns[i] = $.extend(true, {}, $.jTable.defaults.column, column); if (this.settings.columns[i].dataType === 'boolean') { this.settings.columns[i].searchable = false; } } generateBaseQuery(); this.container = $(this); if (this.settings.width !== '') { this.container.css({ width: this.settings.width }); } this.container.addClass('jTable-container'); this.initial_load = true; this.stale_paging = false; this.items = []; this.show_links = this.settings.viewLink || this.settings.editLink || this.settings.destroyLink || this.settings.otherActions !== []; this.container.data('jTable', {}); this.container.data('jTable').settings = this.settings; this.previous_query = $.extend(true, {}, this.query); this.table = null; this.processing_overlay = $("
"); $(document.body).append(this.processing_overlay); this.page = 1; buildAll(); return changePage(1); }); }; })(jQuery);