manifest = File.exist?('.manifest') ? IO.readlines('.manifest').map!(&:chomp!) : `git ls-files`.split("\n") do |s| = %q{kcar} s.version = (ENV['VERSION'] || '0.7.0').dup s.homepage = '' s.authors = ["kcar hackers"] s.description ='README').split("\n\n")[1] = %q{} s.extra_rdoc_files = IO.readlines('.document').map!(&:chomp!).keep_if do |f| File.exist?(f) end s.files = manifest s.summary = 'bytestream to Rack response converter' s.test_files = Dir['test/test_*.rb'] s.extensions = %w(ext/kcar/extconf.rb) s.add_development_dependency('test-unit', '~> 3.0') # Note: To avoid ambiguity, we intentionally avoid the SPDX-compatible # 'Ruby' for the Ruby 1.8 license. This is because Ruby 1.9.3 switched # to BSD-2-Clause, but we inherited our license from Mongrel when # Ruby was at 1.8. We cannot automatically switch licenses when Ruby # changes; so we maintain the Ruby 1.8 license (not 1.9.3+) along # with GPL-2.0+ s.licenses = %w(GPL-2.0+ Nonstandard) end