module Neo4j module Migrations module Schema class << self def fetch_schema_data(driver) {constraints: fetch_constraint_descriptions(driver).sort, indexes: fetch_index_descriptions(driver).sort} end def synchronize_schema_data(driver, schema_data, remove_missing) queries = [] queries += drop_and_create_queries(fetch_constraint_descriptions(driver), schema_data[:constraints], remove_missing) queries += drop_and_create_queries(fetch_index_descriptions(driver), schema_data[:indexes], remove_missing) driver.queries do queries.each { |query| append query } end end private def fetch_constraint_descriptions(driver) driver.query('CALL db.constraints()').map(&:description) end def fetch_index_descriptions(driver) result = driver.query('CALL db.indexes()') if result.columns.include?(:description) v3_indexes(result) else v4_indexes(result) end end def v3_indexes(result) result.reject do |row| # These indexes are created automagically when the corresponding constraints are created row.type == 'node_unique_property' end def v4_indexes(result) result.reject do |row| # These indexes are created automagically when the corresponding constraints are created row.uniqueness == 'UNIQUE' end def description(row) "INDEX FOR (n:#{row.labelsOrTypes.first}) ON (#{{|prop| "n.#{prop}"}.join(', ')})" end def drop_and_create_queries(existing, specified, remove_missing) [].tap do |queries| if remove_missing (existing - specified).each { |description| queries << "DROP #{description}" } end (specified - existing).each { |description| queries << "CREATE #{description}" } end end end end end end