# Copyright Cloudinary require 'digest/sha1' require 'zlib' require 'uri' require 'aws_cf_signer' require 'json' require 'cgi' require 'cloudinary/auth_token' class Cloudinary::Utils # @deprecated Use Cloudinary::SHARED_CDN SHARED_CDN = Cloudinary::SHARED_CDN DEFAULT_RESPONSIVE_WIDTH_TRANSFORMATION = {:width => :auto, :crop => :limit} CONDITIONAL_OPERATORS = { "=" => 'eq', "!=" => 'ne', "<" => 'lt', ">" => 'gt', "<=" => 'lte', ">=" => 'gte', "&&" => 'and', "||" => 'or', "*" => 'mul', "/" => 'div', "+" => 'add', "-" => 'sub' } PREDEFINED_VARS = { "aspect_ratio" => "ar", "current_page" => "cp", "face_count" => "fc", "height" => "h", "initial_aspect_ratio" => "iar", "initial_height" => "ih", "initial_width" => "iw", "page_count" => "pc", "page_x" => "px", "page_y" => "py", "tags" => "tags", "width" => "w" } # Warning: options are being destructively updated! def self.generate_transformation_string(options={}, allow_implicit_crop_mode = false) # allow_implicit_crop_mode was added to support height and width parameters without specifying a crop mode. # This only apply to this (cloudinary_gem) SDK if options.is_a?(Array) return options.map{|base_transformation| generate_transformation_string(base_transformation.clone, allow_implicit_crop_mode)}.join("/") end symbolize_keys!(options) responsive_width = config_option_consume(options, :responsive_width) size = options.delete(:size) options[:width], options[:height] = size.split("x") if size width = options[:width] width = width.to_s if width.is_a?(Symbol) height = options[:height] has_layer = options[:overlay].present? || options[:underlay].present? crop = options.delete(:crop) angle = build_array(options.delete(:angle)).join(".") no_html_sizes = has_layer || angle.present? || crop.to_s == "fit" || crop.to_s == "limit" || crop.to_s == "lfill" options.delete(:width) if width && (width.to_f < 1 || no_html_sizes || width.to_s.start_with?("auto") || responsive_width) options.delete(:height) if height && (height.to_f < 1 || no_html_sizes || responsive_width) width=height=nil if crop.nil? && !has_layer && !width.to_s.start_with?("auto") && !allow_implicit_crop_mode background = options.delete(:background) background = background.sub(/^#/, 'rgb:') if background color = options.delete(:color) color = color.sub(/^#/, 'rgb:') if color base_transformations = build_array(options.delete(:transformation)) if base_transformations.any?{|base_transformation| base_transformation.is_a?(Hash)} base_transformations = base_transformations.map do |base_transformation| base_transformation.is_a?(Hash) ? generate_transformation_string(base_transformation.clone, allow_implicit_crop_mode) : generate_transformation_string({:transformation=>base_transformation}, allow_implicit_crop_mode) end else named_transformation = base_transformations.join(".") base_transformations = [] end effect = options.delete(:effect) effect = Array(effect).flatten.join(":") if effect.is_a?(Array) || effect.is_a?(Hash) border = options.delete(:border) if border.is_a?(Hash) border = "#{border[:width] || 2}px_solid_#{(border[:color] || "black").sub(/^#/, 'rgb:')}" elsif border.to_s =~ /^\d+$/ # fallback to html border attribute options[:border] = border border = nil end flags = build_array(options.delete(:flags)).join(".") dpr = config_option_consume(options, :dpr) if options.include? :offset options[:start_offset], options[:end_offset] = split_range options.delete(:offset) end overlay = process_layer(options.delete(:overlay)) underlay = process_layer(options.delete(:underlay)) ifValue = process_if(options.delete(:if)) params = { :a => normalize_expression(angle), :ar => normalize_expression(options.delete(:aspect_ratio)), :b => background, :bo => border, :c => crop, :co => color, :dpr => normalize_expression(dpr), :e => normalize_expression(effect), :fl => flags, :h => normalize_expression(height), :l => overlay, :o => normalize_expression(options.delete(:opacity)), :q => normalize_expression(options.delete(:quality)), :r => normalize_expression(options.delete(:radius)), :t => named_transformation, :u => underlay, :w => normalize_expression(width), :x => normalize_expression(options.delete(:x)), :y => normalize_expression(options.delete(:y)), :z => normalize_expression(options.delete(:zoom)) } { :ac => :audio_codec, :af => :audio_frequency, :br => :bit_rate, :cs => :color_space, :d => :default_image, :dl => :delay, :dn => :density, :du => :duration, :eo => :end_offset, :f => :fetch_format, :g => :gravity, :ki => :keyframe_interval, :p => :prefix, :pg => :page, :so => :start_offset, :sp => :streaming_profile, :vc => :video_codec, :vs => :video_sampling }.each do |param, option| params[param] = options.delete(option) end params[:vc] = process_video_params params[:vc] if params[:vc].present? [:so, :eo, :du].each do |range_value| params[range_value] = norm_range_value params[range_value] if params[range_value].present? end variables = options.delete(:variables) var_params = [] options.each_pair do |key, value| if key =~ /^\$/ var_params.push "#{key}_#{normalize_expression(value.to_s)}" end end var_params.sort! unless variables.nil? || variables.empty? for name, value in variables var_params.push "#{name}_#{normalize_expression(value.to_s)}" end end variables = var_params.join(',') raw_transformation = options.delete(:raw_transformation) transformation = params.reject{|_k,v| v.blank?}.map{|k,v| "#{k}_#{v}"}.sort transformation = transformation.join(",") transformation = [ifValue, variables, transformation, raw_transformation].reject(&:blank?).join(",") transformations = base_transformations << transformation if responsive_width responsive_width_transformation = Cloudinary.config.responsive_width_transformation || DEFAULT_RESPONSIVE_WIDTH_TRANSFORMATION transformations << generate_transformation_string(responsive_width_transformation.clone, allow_implicit_crop_mode) end if width.to_s.start_with?( "auto") || responsive_width options[:responsive] = true end if dpr.to_s == "auto" options[:hidpi] = true end transformations.reject(&:blank?).join("/") end # Parse "if" parameter # Translates the condition if provided. # @return [string] "if_" + ifValue # @private def self.process_if(ifValue) if ifValue ifValue = normalize_expression(ifValue) ifValue = "if_" + ifValue end end EXP_REGEXP = Regexp.new(PREDEFINED_VARS.keys.join("|")+'|('+CONDITIONAL_OPERATORS.keys.reverse.map { |k| Regexp.escape(k) }.join('|')+')(?=[ _])') EXP_REPLACEMENT = PREDEFINED_VARS.merge(CONDITIONAL_OPERATORS) def self.normalize_expression(expression) if expression =~ /^!.+!$/ # quoted string expression else expression.to_s.gsub(EXP_REGEXP,EXP_REPLACEMENT).gsub(/[ _]+/, "_") end end # Parse layer options # @return [string] layer transformation string # @private def self.process_layer(layer) if layer.is_a? Hash layer = symbolize_keys layer public_id = layer[:public_id] format = layer[:format] resource_type = layer[:resource_type] || "image" type = layer[:type] || "upload" text = layer[:text] text_style = nil components = [] unless public_id.blank? public_id = public_id.gsub("/", ":") public_id = "#{public_id}.#{format}" unless format.nil? end if text.blank? && resource_type != "text" if public_id.blank? raise(CloudinaryException, "Must supply public_id for resource_type layer_parameter") end if resource_type == "subtitles" text_style = text_style(layer) end else resource_type = "text" type = nil # // type is ignored for text layers text_style = text_style(layer) unless text.blank? unless public_id.blank? ^ text_style.blank? raise(CloudinaryException, "Must supply either style parameters or a public_id when providing text parameter in a text overlay/underlay") end result = "" # Don't encode interpolation expressions e.g. $(variable) while(/\$\([a-zA-Z]\w+\)/.match text) do match = Regexp.last_match result += smart_escape smart_escape(match.pre_match, %r"([,/])") # append encoded pre-match result += match.to_s # append match text = match.post_match end text = result + smart_escape( smart_escape(text, %r"([,/])")) end end components.push(resource_type) if resource_type != "image" components.push(type) if type != "upload" components.push(text_style) components.push(public_id) components.push(text) layer = components.reject(&:blank?).join(":") end layer end private_class_method :process_layer LAYER_KEYWORD_PARAMS =[ [:font_weight ,"normal"], [:font_style ,"normal"], [:text_decoration ,"none"], [:text_align ,nil], [:stroke ,"none"], ] def self.text_style(layer) font_family = layer[:font_family] font_size = layer[:font_size] keywords = [] LAYER_KEYWORD_PARAMS.each do |attr, default_value| attr_value = layer[attr] || default_value keywords.push(attr_value) unless attr_value == default_value end letter_spacing = layer[:letter_spacing] keywords.push("letter_spacing_#{letter_spacing}") unless letter_spacing.blank? line_spacing = layer[:line_spacing] keywords.push("line_spacing_#{line_spacing}") unless line_spacing.blank? if !font_size.blank? || !font_family.blank? || !keywords.empty? raise(CloudinaryException, "Must supply font_family for text in overlay/underlay") if font_family.blank? raise(CloudinaryException, "Must supply font_size for text in overlay/underlay") if font_size.blank? keywords.unshift(font_size) keywords.unshift(font_family) keywords.reject(&:blank?).join("_") end end def self.api_string_to_sign(params_to_sign) params_to_sign.map{|k,v| [k.to_s, v.is_a?(Array) ? v.join(",") : v]}.reject{|k,v| v.nil? || v == ""}.sort_by(&:first).map{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join("&") end def self.api_sign_request(params_to_sign, api_secret) to_sign = api_string_to_sign(params_to_sign) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{to_sign}#{api_secret}") end def self.generate_responsive_breakpoints_string(breakpoints) return nil if breakpoints.nil? breakpoints = build_array(breakpoints) breakpoints.map do |breakpoint_settings| unless breakpoint_settings.nil? breakpoint_settings = breakpoint_settings.clone transformation = breakpoint_settings.delete(:transformation) || breakpoint_settings.delete("transformation") format = breakpoint_settings.delete(:format) || breakpoint_settings.delete("format") if transformation transformation = Cloudinary::Utils.generate_transformation_string(transformation.clone, true) end breakpoint_settings[:transformation] = [transformation, format].compact.join("/") end breakpoint_settings end.to_json end # Warning: options are being destructively updated! def self.unsigned_download_url(source, options = {}) type = options.delete(:type) options[:fetch_format] ||= options.delete(:format) if type.to_s == "fetch" transformation = self.generate_transformation_string(options) resource_type = options.delete(:resource_type) version = options.delete(:version) format = options.delete(:format) cloud_name = config_option_consume(options, :cloud_name) || raise(CloudinaryException, "Must supply cloud_name in tag or in configuration") secure = options.delete(:secure) ssl_detected = options.delete(:ssl_detected) secure = ssl_detected || Cloudinary.config.secure if secure.nil? private_cdn = config_option_consume(options, :private_cdn) secure_distribution = config_option_consume(options, :secure_distribution) cname = config_option_consume(options, :cname) shorten = config_option_consume(options, :shorten) force_remote = options.delete(:force_remote) cdn_subdomain = config_option_consume(options, :cdn_subdomain) secure_cdn_subdomain = config_option_consume(options, :secure_cdn_subdomain) sign_url = config_option_consume(options, :sign_url) secret = config_option_consume(options, :api_secret) sign_version = config_option_consume(options, :sign_version) # Deprecated behavior url_suffix = options.delete(:url_suffix) use_root_path = config_option_consume(options, :use_root_path) auth_token = config_option_consume(options, :auth_token) unless auth_token == false auth_token = Cloudinary::AuthToken.merge_auth_token(Cloudinary.config.auth_token, auth_token) end original_source = source return original_source if source.blank? if defined?(CarrierWave::Uploader::Base) && source.is_a?(CarrierWave::Uploader::Base) resource_type ||= source.resource_type type ||= source.storage_type source = format.blank? ? source.filename : source.full_public_id end type = type.to_s unless type.nil? resource_type ||= "image" source = source.to_s if !force_remote static_support = Cloudinary.config.static_file_support || Cloudinary.config.static_image_support return original_source if !static_support && type == "asset" return original_source if (type.nil? || type == "asset") && source.match(%r(^https?:/)i) return original_source if source.match(%r(^/(?!images/).*)) # starts with / but not /images/ source = source.sub(%r(^/images/), '') # remove /images/ prefix - backwards compatibility if type == "asset" source, resource_type = Cloudinary::Static.public_id_and_resource_type_from_path(source) return original_source unless source # asset not found in Static source += File.extname(original_source) unless format end end resource_type, type = finalize_resource_type(resource_type, type, url_suffix, use_root_path, shorten) source, source_to_sign = finalize_source(source, format, url_suffix) version ||= 1 if source_to_sign.include?("/") and !source_to_sign.match(/^v[0-9]+/) and !source_to_sign.match(/^https?:\//) version &&= "v#{version}" transformation = transformation.gsub(%r(([^:])//), '\1/') if sign_url && ( !auth_token || auth_token.empty?) to_sign = [transformation, sign_version && version, source_to_sign].reject(&:blank?).join("/") i = 0 while to_sign != CGI.unescape(to_sign) && i <10 to_sign = CGI.unescape(to_sign) i = i + 1 end signature = 's--' + Base64.urlsafe_encode64(Digest::SHA1.digest(to_sign + secret))[0,8] + '--' end prefix = unsigned_download_url_prefix(source, cloud_name, private_cdn, cdn_subdomain, secure_cdn_subdomain, cname, secure, secure_distribution) source = [prefix, resource_type, type, signature, transformation, version, source].reject(&:blank?).join("/") if sign_url && auth_token && !auth_token.empty? auth_token[:url] = URI.parse(source).path token = Cloudinary::AuthToken.generate auth_token source += "?#{token}" end source end def self.finalize_source(source, format, url_suffix) source = source.gsub(%r(([^:])//), '\1/') if source.match(%r(^https?:/)i) source = smart_escape(source) source_to_sign = source else source = smart_escape(URI.decode(source)) source_to_sign = source unless url_suffix.blank? raise(CloudinaryException, "url_suffix should not include . or /") if url_suffix.match(%r([\./])) source = "#{source}/#{url_suffix}" end if !format.blank? source = "#{source}.#{format}" source_to_sign = "#{source_to_sign}.#{format}" end end [source, source_to_sign] end def self.finalize_resource_type(resource_type, type, url_suffix, use_root_path, shorten) type ||= :upload if !url_suffix.blank? case when resource_type.to_s == "image" && type.to_s == "upload" resource_type = "images" type = nil when resource_type.to_s == "image" && type.to_s == "private" resource_type = "private_images" type = nil when resource_type.to_s == "image" && type.to_s == "authenticated" resource_type = "authenticated_images" type = nil when resource_type.to_s == "raw" && type.to_s == "upload" resource_type = "files" type = nil when resource_type.to_s == "video" && type.to_s == "upload" resource_type = "videos" type = nil else raise(CloudinaryException, "URL Suffix only supported for image/upload, image/private, image/authenticated, video/upload and raw/upload") end end if use_root_path if (resource_type.to_s == "image" && type.to_s == "upload") || (resource_type.to_s == "images" && type.blank?) resource_type = nil type = nil else raise(CloudinaryException, "Root path only supported for image/upload") end end if shorten && resource_type.to_s == "image" && type.to_s == "upload" resource_type = "iu" type = nil end [resource_type, type] end # Creates the URL prefix for the cloudinary resource URL # # cdn_subdomain and secure_cdn_subdomain # 1. Customers in shared distribution (e.g. res.cloudinary.com) # # if cdn_domain is true uses res-[1-5 ].cloudinary.com for both http and https. Setting secure_cdn_subdomain to false disables this for https. # 2. Customers with private cdn # # if cdn_domain is true uses cloudname-res-[1-5 ].cloudinary.com for http # # if secure_cdn_domain is true uses cloudname-res-[1-5 ].cloudinary.com for https (please contact support if you require this) # 3. Customers with cname # # if cdn_domain is true uses a\[1-5\]\.cname for http. For https, uses the same naming scheme as 1 for shared distribution and as 2 for private distribution. # @private def self.unsigned_download_url_prefix(source, cloud_name, private_cdn, cdn_subdomain, secure_cdn_subdomain, cname, secure, secure_distribution) return "/res#{cloud_name}" if cloud_name.start_with?("/") # For development shared_domain = !private_cdn if secure if secure_distribution.nil? || secure_distribution == Cloudinary::OLD_AKAMAI_SHARED_CDN secure_distribution = private_cdn ? "#{cloud_name}-res.cloudinary.com" : Cloudinary::SHARED_CDN end shared_domain ||= secure_distribution == Cloudinary::SHARED_CDN secure_cdn_subdomain = cdn_subdomain if secure_cdn_subdomain.nil? && shared_domain if secure_cdn_subdomain secure_distribution = secure_distribution.gsub('res.cloudinary.com', "res-#{(Zlib::crc32(source) % 5) + 1}.cloudinary.com") end prefix = "https://#{secure_distribution}" elsif cname subdomain = cdn_subdomain ? "a#{(Zlib::crc32(source) % 5) + 1}." : "" prefix = "http://#{subdomain}#{cname}" else host = [private_cdn ? "#{cloud_name}-" : "", "res", cdn_subdomain ? "-#{(Zlib::crc32(source) % 5) + 1}" : "", ".cloudinary.com"].join prefix = "http://#{host}" end prefix += "/#{cloud_name}" if shared_domain prefix end def self.cloudinary_api_url(action = 'upload', options = {}) cloudinary = options[:upload_prefix] || Cloudinary.config.upload_prefix || "https://api.cloudinary.com" cloud_name = options[:cloud_name] || Cloudinary.config.cloud_name || raise(CloudinaryException, "Must supply cloud_name") resource_type = options[:resource_type] || "image" return [cloudinary, "v1_1", cloud_name, resource_type, action].join("/") end def self.sign_request(params, options={}) api_key = options[:api_key] || Cloudinary.config.api_key || raise(CloudinaryException, "Must supply api_key") api_secret = options[:api_secret] || Cloudinary.config.api_secret || raise(CloudinaryException, "Must supply api_secret") params = params.reject{|k, v| self.safe_blank?(v)} params[:signature] = Cloudinary::Utils.api_sign_request(params, api_secret) params[:api_key] = api_key params end def self.private_download_url(public_id, format, options = {}) cloudinary_params = sign_request({ :timestamp=>Time.now.to_i, :public_id=>public_id, :format=>format, :type=>options[:type], :attachment=>options[:attachment], :expires_at=>options[:expires_at] && options[:expires_at].to_i }, options) return Cloudinary::Utils.cloudinary_api_url("download", options) + "?" + hash_query_params(cloudinary_params) end # Utility method that uses the deprecated ZIP download API. # @deprecated Replaced by {download_zip_url} that uses the more advanced and robust archive generation and download API def self.zip_download_url(tag, options = {}) warn "zip_download_url is deprecated. Please use download_zip_url instead." cloudinary_params = sign_request({:timestamp=>Time.now.to_i, :tag=>tag, :transformation=>generate_transformation_string(options)}, options) return Cloudinary::Utils.cloudinary_api_url("download_tag.zip", options) + "?" + hash_query_params(cloudinary_params) end # Returns a URL that when invokes creates an archive and returns it. # @param options [Hash] # @option options [String|Symbol] :resource_type The resource type of files to include in the archive. Must be one of :image | :video | :raw # @option options [String|Symbol] :type (:upload) The specific file type of resources: :upload|:private|:authenticated # @option options [String|Symbol|Array] :tags (nil) list of tags to include in the archive # @option options [String|Array] :public_ids (nil) list of public_ids to include in the archive # @option options [String|Array] :prefixes (nil) Optional list of prefixes of public IDs (e.g., folders). # @option options [String|Array] :transformations Optional list of transformations. # The derived images of the given transformations are included in the archive. Using the string representation of # multiple chained transformations as we use for the 'eager' upload parameter. # @option options [String|Symbol] :mode (:create) return the generated archive file or to store it as a raw resource and # return a JSON with URLs for accessing the archive. Possible values: :download, :create # @option options [String|Symbol] :target_format (:zip) # @option options [String] :target_public_id Optional public ID of the generated raw resource. # Relevant only for the create mode. If not specified, random public ID is generated. # @option options [boolean] :flatten_folders (false) If true, flatten public IDs with folders to be in the root of the archive. # Add numeric counter to the file name in case of a name conflict. # @option options [boolean] :flatten_transformations (false) If true, and multiple transformations are given, # flatten the folder structure of derived images and store the transformation details on the file name instead. # @option options [boolean] :use_original_filename Use the original file name of included images (if available) instead of the public ID. # @option options [boolean] :async (false) If true, return immediately and perform the archive creation in the background. # Relevant only for the create mode. # @option options [String] :notification_url Optional URL to send an HTTP post request (webhook) when the archive creation is completed. # @option options [String|Array "download")), options) return Cloudinary::Utils.cloudinary_api_url("generate_archive", options) + "?" + hash_query_params(cloudinary_params) end # Returns a URL that when invokes creates an zip archive and returns it. # @see download_archive_url def self.download_zip_url(options = {}) download_archive_url(options.merge(:target_format => "zip")) end def self.signed_download_url(public_id, options = {}) aws_private_key_path = options[:aws_private_key_path] || Cloudinary.config.aws_private_key_path if aws_private_key_path aws_key_pair_id = options[:aws_key_pair_id] || Cloudinary.config.aws_key_pair_id || raise(CloudinaryException, "Must supply aws_key_pair_id") authenticated_distribution = options[:authenticated_distribution] || Cloudinary.config.authenticated_distribution || raise(CloudinaryException, "Must supply authenticated_distribution") @signers ||= Hash.new{|h,k| path, id = k; h[k] = AwsCfSigner.new(path, id)} signer = @signers[[aws_private_key_path, aws_key_pair_id]] url = Cloudinary::Utils.unsigned_download_url(public_id, {:type=>:authenticated}.merge(options).merge(:secure=>true, :secure_distribution=>authenticated_distribution, :private_cdn=>true)) expires_at = options[:expires_at] || (Time.now+3600) return signer.sign(url, :ending => expires_at) else return Cloudinary::Utils.unsigned_download_url( public_id, options) end end def self.cloudinary_url(public_id, options = {}) if options[:type].to_s == 'authenticated' && !options[:sign_url] result = signed_download_url(public_id, options) else result = unsigned_download_url(public_id, options) end return result end def self.asset_file_name(path) data = Cloudinary.app_root.join(path).read(:mode=>"rb") ext = path.extname md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data) public_id = "#{path.basename(ext)}-#{md5}" "#{public_id}#{ext}" end # Based on CGI::unescape. In addition does not escape / : def self.smart_escape(string, unsafe = /([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-\/:]+)/) string.gsub(unsafe) do '%' + $1.unpack('H2' * $1.bytesize).join('%').upcase end end def self.random_public_id sr = defined?(ActiveSupport::SecureRandom) ? ActiveSupport::SecureRandom : SecureRandom sr.base64(20).downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/, "").sub(/^[0-9]+/, '')[0,20] end def self.signed_preloaded_image(result) "#{result["resource_type"]}/#{result["type"] || "upload"}/v#{result["version"]}/#{[result["public_id"], result["format"]].reject(&:blank?).join(".")}##{result["signature"]}" end @@json_decode = false def self.json_decode(str) if !@@json_decode @@json_decode = true begin require 'json' rescue LoadError begin require 'active_support/json' rescue LoadError raise LoadError, "Please add the json gem or active_support to your Gemfile" end end end defined?(JSON) ? JSON.parse(str) : ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(str) end def self.build_array(array) case array when Array then array when nil then [] else [array] end end # encodes a hash into pipe-delimited key-value pairs string # @hash [Hash] key-value hash to be encoded # @return [String] a joined string of all keys and values separated by a pipe character # @private def self.encode_hash(hash) case hash when Hash then hash.map{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join("|") when nil then "" else hash end end # Same like encode_hash, with additional escaping of | and = characters # @hash [Hash] key-value hash to be encoded # @return [String] a joined string of all keys and values properly escaped and separated by a pipe character # @private def self.encode_context(hash) case hash when Hash then hash.map{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v.gsub(/([=|])/, '\\\\\1')}"}.join("|") when nil then "" else hash end end def self.encode_double_array(array) array = build_array(array) if array.length > 0 && array[0].is_a?(Array) return array.map{|a| build_array(a).join(",")}.join("|") else return array.join(",") end end IMAGE_FORMATS = %w(ai bmp bpg djvu eps eps3 flif gif hdp hpx ico j2k jp2 jpc jpe jpg miff pdf png psd svg tif tiff wdp webp zip ) AUDIO_FORMATS = %w(aac aifc aiff flac m4a mp3 ogg wav) VIDEO_FORMATS = %w(3g2 3gp asf avi flv h264 m2t m2v m3u8 mka mov mp4 mpeg ogv ts webm wmv ) def self.supported_image_format?(format) supported_format? format, IMAGE_FORMATS end def self.supported_format?( format, formats) format = format.to_s.downcase extension = format =~ /\./ ? format.split('.').last : format formats.include?(extension) end def self.resource_type_for_format(format) case when self.supported_format?(format, IMAGE_FORMATS) 'image' when self.supported_format?(format, VIDEO_FORMATS) 'video' when self.supported_format?(format, AUDIO_FORMATS) 'audio' else 'raw' end end def self.config_option_consume(options, option_name, default_value = nil) return options.delete(option_name) if options.include?(option_name) return Cloudinary.config.send(option_name) || default_value end def self.as_bool(value) case value when nil then nil when String then value.downcase == "true" || value == "1" when TrueClass then true when FalseClass then false when Fixnum then value != 0 when Symbol then value == :true else raise "Invalid boolean value #{value} of type #{value.class}" end end def self.as_safe_bool(value) case as_bool(value) when nil then nil when TrueClass then 1 when FalseClass then 0 end end def self.safe_blank?(value) value.nil? || value == "" || value == [] end def self.symbolize_keys(h) new_h = Hash.new if (h.respond_to? :keys) h.keys.each do |key| new_h[(key.to_sym rescue key)] = h[key] end end new_h end def self.symbolize_keys!(h) if (h.respond_to? :keys) && (h.respond_to? :delete) h.keys.each do |key| value = h.delete(key) h[(key.to_sym rescue key)] = value end end h end def self.deep_symbolize_keys(object) case object when Hash result = {} object.each do |key, value| key = key.to_sym rescue key result[key] = deep_symbolize_keys(value) end result when Array object.map{|e| deep_symbolize_keys(e)} else object end end # Returns a Hash of parameters used to create an archive # @param [Hash] options # @private def self.archive_params(options = {}) options = Cloudinary::Utils.symbolize_keys options { :timestamp=>(options[:timestamp] || Time.now.to_i), :type=>options[:type], :mode => options[:mode], :target_format => options[:target_format], :target_public_id=> options[:target_public_id], :flatten_folders=>Cloudinary::Utils.as_safe_bool(options[:flatten_folders]), :flatten_transformations=>Cloudinary::Utils.as_safe_bool(options[:flatten_transformations]), :use_original_filename=>Cloudinary::Utils.as_safe_bool(options[:use_original_filename]), :async=>Cloudinary::Utils.as_safe_bool(options[:async]), :notification_url=>options[:notification_url], :target_tags=>options[:target_tags] && Cloudinary::Utils.build_array(options[:target_tags]), :keep_derived=>Cloudinary::Utils.as_safe_bool(options[:keep_derived]), :tags=>options[:tags] && Cloudinary::Utils.build_array(options[:tags]), :public_ids=>options[:public_ids] && Cloudinary::Utils.build_array(options[:public_ids]), :prefixes=>options[:prefixes] && Cloudinary::Utils.build_array(options[:prefixes]), :expires_at=>options[:expires_at], :transformations => build_eager(options[:transformations]), :skip_transformation_name=>Cloudinary::Utils.as_safe_bool(options[:skip_transformation_name]), :allow_missing=>Cloudinary::Utils.as_safe_bool(options[:allow_missing]) } end # # @private # @param [String|Hash|Array] eager an transformation as a string or hash, with or without a format. The parameter also accepts an array of eager transformations. def self.build_eager(eager) return nil if eager.nil? Cloudinary::Utils.build_array(eager).map do |transformation, format| unless transformation.is_a? String transformation = transformation.clone if transformation.respond_to?(:delete) format = transformation.delete(:format) || format end transformation = Cloudinary::Utils.generate_transformation_string(transformation, true) end [transformation, format].compact.join("/") end.join("|") end def self.generate_auth_token(options) options = Cloudinary::AuthToken.merge_auth_token Cloudinary.config.auth_token, options Cloudinary::AuthToken.generate options end private def self.hash_query_params(hash) if hash.respond_to?("to_query") hash.to_query else flat_hash_to_query_params(hash) end end def self.flat_hash_to_query_params(hash) hash.collect do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Array) value.map{|v| "#{CGI.escape(key.to_s)}[]=#{CGI.escape(v.to_s)}"}.join("&") else "#{CGI.escape(key.to_s)}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" end end.compact.sort!.join('&') end def self.number_pattern "([0-9]*)\\.([0-9]+)|([0-9]+)" end private_class_method :number_pattern def self.offset_any_pattern "(#{number_pattern})([%pP])?" end private_class_method :offset_any_pattern def self.offset_any_pattern_re /((([0-9]*)\.([0-9]+)|([0-9]+))([%pP])?)\.\.((([0-9]*)\.([0-9]+)|([0-9]+))([%pP])?)/ end private_class_method :offset_any_pattern_re # Split a range into the start and end values def self.split_range(range) # :nodoc: case range when Range [range.first, range.last] when String range.split ".." if offset_any_pattern_re =~ range when Array [range.first, range.last] else nil end end private_class_method :split_range # Normalize an offset value # @param [String] value a decimal value which may have a 'p' or '%' postfix. E.g. '35%', '0.4p' # @return [Object|String] a normalized String of the input value if possible otherwise the value itself # @private def self.norm_range_value(value) # :nodoc: offset = /^#{offset_any_pattern}$/.match( value.to_s) if offset modifier = offset[5].present? ? 'p' : '' value = "#{offset[1]}#{modifier}" end value end private_class_method :norm_range_value # A video codec parameter can be either a String or a Hash. # # @param [Object] param vc_[ : : []] # or { codec: 'h264', profile: 'basic', level: '3.1' } # @return [String] : : []] if a Hash was provided # or the param if a String was provided. # Returns NIL if param is not a Hash or String # @private def self.process_video_params(param) case param when Hash video = "" if param.has_key? :codec video = param[:codec] if param.has_key? :profile video.concat ":" + param[:profile] if param.has_key? :level video.concat ":" + param[:level] end end end video when String param else nil end end private_class_method :process_video_params end