# English translations for foreman_openscap package.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the foreman_openscap package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: foreman_openscap 0.11.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-02-09 16:41-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: English\n"
"Language: en_GB\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/arf_reports_controller.rb:25
msgid "List ARF reports"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/arf_reports_controller.rb:32
msgid "Show an ARF report"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/arf_reports_controller.rb:38
msgid "Delete an ARF Report"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/arf_reports_controller.rb:45
msgid "Upload an ARF report"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/arf_reports_controller.rb:56
msgid "Download bzipped ARF report"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/arf_reports_controller.rb:66
msgid "Download ARF report in HTML"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/arf_reports_controller.rb:87
msgid "Failed to upload Arf Report, OpenSCAP proxy name or url not found in params when uploading for %s and host is missing openscap_proxy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/arf_reports_controller.rb:99
msgid "No proxy found for %{name} or %{url}"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:25
msgid "List Policies"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:32
msgid "Show a Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:40
msgid "Policy name"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:41
msgid "Policy description"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:42
msgid "Policy SCAP content ID"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:43
msgid "Policy SCAP content profile ID"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:44
msgid "Policy schedule period (weekly, monthly, custom)"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:45
msgid "Policy schedule weekday (only if period == \"weekly\")"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:46
msgid "Policy schedule day of month (only if period == \"monthly\")"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:47
msgid "Policy schedule cron line (only if period == \"custom\")"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:48
msgid "Apply policy to host groups"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:49
msgid "Apply policy to hosts"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:50
msgid "Tailoring file ID"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:51
msgid "Tailoring file profile ID"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:56
msgid "Create a Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:64
msgid "Update a Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:72
msgid "Delete a Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:79
msgid "Show a policy's SCAP content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:89
msgid "Show a policy's Tailoring file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/policies_controller.rb:99
msgid "No Tailoring file assigned for policy with id %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/scap_contents_controller.rb:16
msgid "List SCAP contents"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/scap_contents_controller.rb:23
msgid "Download an SCAP content as XML"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/scap_contents_controller.rb:32
msgid "Show an SCAP content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/scap_contents_controller.rb:39
msgid "SCAP content name"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/scap_contents_controller.rb:40
msgid "XML containing SCAP content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/scap_contents_controller.rb:41 ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/tailoring_files_controller.rb:42
msgid "Original file name of the XML file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/scap_contents_controller.rb:46
msgid "Create SCAP content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/scap_contents_controller.rb:54
msgid "Update an SCAP content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/scap_contents_controller.rb:62
msgid "Deletes an SCAP content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/tailoring_files_controller.rb:17
msgid "List Tailoring files"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/tailoring_files_controller.rb:24
msgid "Download a Tailoring file as XML"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/tailoring_files_controller.rb:33
msgid "Show a Tailoring file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/tailoring_files_controller.rb:40
msgid "Tailoring file name"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/tailoring_files_controller.rb:41
msgid "XML containing tailoring file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/tailoring_files_controller.rb:47
msgid "Create a Tailoring file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/tailoring_files_controller.rb:55
msgid "Update a Tailoring file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/api/v2/compliance/tailoring_files_controller.rb:63
msgid "Deletes a Tailoring file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/arf_reports_controller.rb:37
msgid "Failed to downloaded ARF report as bzip: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/arf_reports_controller.rb:48
msgid "Failed to downloaded ARF report in HTML: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/arf_reports_controller.rb:55
msgid "Successfully deleted ARF report."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/arf_reports_controller.rb:57
msgid "Failed to delete ARF Report for host %{host_name} reported at %{reported_at}"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/arf_reports_controller.rb:67
msgid "Failed to delete %s compliance reports"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/arf_reports_controller.rb:70
msgid "Successfully deleted %s compliance reports"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/arf_reports_controller.rb:85
msgid "No compliance reports were found."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/arf_reports_controller.rb:89
msgid "No compliance reports selected"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/arf_reports_controller.rb:94
msgid "Something went wrong while selecting compliance reports - %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/concerns/foreman_openscap/hosts_controller_extensions.rb:26
msgid "Updated hosts: Assigned with OpenSCAP Proxy: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/concerns/foreman_openscap/hosts_controller_extensions.rb:29
msgid "No OpenSCAP Proxy selected."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/policies_controller.rb:83
msgid "Updated hosts: Assigned with compliance policy: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/policies_controller.rb:87
msgid "No compliance policy selected."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/policies_controller.rb:99
msgid "Updated hosts: Unassigned from compliance policy '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/policies_controller.rb:101
msgid "No valid policy ID provided"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/policies_controller.rb:121
msgid "No hosts were found."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/policies_controller.rb:125
msgid "No hosts selected"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/controllers/policies_controller.rb:130
msgid "Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_report_dashboard_helper.rb:10 ../app/helpers/compliance_dashboard_helper.rb:8 ../app/helpers/compliance_hosts_helper.rb:5 ../app/helpers/compliance_hosts_helper.rb:22 ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:11 ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_hosts.erb:11 ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_reports.html.erb:6
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_report_dashboard_helper.rb:11 ../app/helpers/compliance_dashboard_helper.rb:6 ../app/helpers/compliance_hosts_helper.rb:4 ../app/helpers/compliance_hosts_helper.rb:21 ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:10 ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_hosts.erb:8 ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_reports.html.erb:5
msgid "Passed"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_report_dashboard_helper.rb:12 ../app/helpers/compliance_dashboard_helper.rb:10 ../app/helpers/compliance_hosts_helper.rb:23
msgid "Othered"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_report_dashboard_helper.rb:15 ../app/helpers/compliance_hosts_helper.rb:9
msgid "Compliance reports breakdown"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:10
msgid "Show log messages:"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:11
msgid "All messages"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:11
msgid "Failed and Othered"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:11
msgid "Failed only"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:21 ../app/views/arf_reports/index.html.erb:1 ../app/views/arf_reports/welcome.html.erb:5
msgid "Compliance Reports"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:57
msgid "Delete reports"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:62
msgid "Select Action"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:65
msgid "%s - The following compliance reports are about to be changed"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:70
msgid "No proxy found!"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:75
msgid "Reported at %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:76
msgid " for policy %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:78
msgid " through %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:83
msgid "Hosts failing this rule"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:84
msgid "Hosts passing this rule"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/arf_reports_helper.rb:85
msgid "Hosts othering this rule"
msgstr ""

#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Passed
#: ../app/helpers/compliance_dashboard_helper.rb:6
msgid "Passed|P"
msgstr ""

#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Failed
#: ../app/helpers/compliance_dashboard_helper.rb:8
msgid "Failed|F"
msgstr ""

#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Othered which is an SCAP term
#: ../app/helpers/compliance_dashboard_helper.rb:10
msgid "Othered|O"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/compliance_hosts_helper.rb:6 ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:12 ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_hosts.erb:14 ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_reports.html.erb:7
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/concerns/foreman_openscap/hosts_helper_extensions.rb:4
msgid "Assign Compliance Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/concerns/foreman_openscap/hosts_helper_extensions.rb:5
msgid "Unassign Compliance Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/concerns/foreman_openscap/hosts_helper_extensions.rb:6
msgid "Change OpenSCAP Proxy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/concerns/foreman_openscap/hosts_helper_extensions.rb:10
msgid "Host is deleted"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:20
msgid "Choose existing SCAP Content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:21 ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:26 ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:100 ../app/views/policies/_form.html.erb:9 ../app/views/scap_contents/welcome.html.erb:1 ../app/views/scap_contents/welcome.html.erb:6
msgid "SCAP Content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:36 ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:43
msgid "XCCDF Profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:42
msgid "Default XCCDF profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:51
msgid "Choose Tailoring File"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:52 ../app/views/policies/_list.html.erb:6
msgid "Tailoring File"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:61
msgid "XCCDF Profile in Tailoring File"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:62
msgid "This profile will be used to override the one from scap content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:73 ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:53
msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:78 ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:52
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policies_helper.rb:109 ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:138
msgid "Policies"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policy_dashboard_helper.rb:11
msgid "Compliant hosts"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policy_dashboard_helper.rb:12
msgid "Incompliant hosts"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policy_dashboard_helper.rb:13 ../app/models/foreman_openscap/compliance_status.rb:20
msgid "Inconclusive"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policy_dashboard_helper.rb:14
msgid "Not audited"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/helpers/policy_dashboard_helper.rb:17
msgid "Compliance Status"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/lib/proxy_api/openscap.rb:21
msgid "Request timed out. Please try increasing Settings -> proxy_request_timeout"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/lib/proxy_api/openscap.rb:24
msgid "Could not validate %s. Please make sure you have appropriate proxy version to use this functionality"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/lib/proxy_api/openscap.rb:27
msgid "Could not validate %{file_type}. Error %{error}"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/lib/proxy_api/openscap.rb:40
msgid "Unable to get HTML version of requested report from Smart Proxy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/lib/proxy_api/openscap.rb:49
msgid "Unable to get XML version of requested report from Smart Proxy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/mailers/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer.rb:17
msgid "SCAP policies summary"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/concerns/foreman_openscap/log_extensions.rb:17
msgid "is not included in SCAP_RESULT"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/concerns/foreman_openscap/openscap_proxy_core_extensions.rb:66
msgid "must have Openscap feature"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/concerns/foreman_openscap/openscap_proxy_core_extensions.rb:71
msgid "Puppet class 'foreman_scap_client' not found, make sure it is imported from Puppet master"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/concerns/foreman_openscap/openscap_proxy_extensions.rb:8
msgid "No OpenSCAP proxy found for %{class} with id %{id}"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/compliance_status.rb:8 ../app/views/compliance_hosts/_compliance_status.erb:2 ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:137
msgid "Compliance"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/compliance_status.rb:18 ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_dashboard.erb:13
msgid "Compliant"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/compliance_status.rb:22 ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_dashboard.erb:17
msgid "Incompliant"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/compliance_status.rb:24
msgid "Unknown Compliance status"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:29 ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:304
msgid "is not a valid value"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:51
msgid "Cannot generate HTML guide, scap content is missing."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:57
msgid "Cannot generate HTML guide, no valid OpenSCAP proxy server found."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:100
msgid "Create policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:100 ../app/views/policies/_form.html.erb:10
msgid "Schedule"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:101 ../app/views/policies/_form.html.erb:12 ../app/views/scap_contents/_form.html.erb:11 ../app/views/tailoring_files/_form.html.erb:11
msgid "Locations"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:102 ../app/views/policies/_form.html.erb:15 ../app/views/scap_contents/_form.html.erb:14 ../app/views/tailoring_files/_form.html.erb:14
msgid "Organizations"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:103
msgid "Hostgroups"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:251
msgid "Required Puppet class %{class} is not found, please ensure it imported first."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:277
msgid "Puppet class %{class} does not have %{parameter} class parameter."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:286
msgid "%{parameter} class parameter for class %{class} could not be configured."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:298
msgid "does not consist of 5 parts separated by space"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:310
msgid "must be between 1 and 31"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:315
msgid "must be present when tailoring file profile present"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:316
msgid "must be present when tailoring file present"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:321
msgid "does not come from selected tailoring file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/models/foreman_openscap/policy.rb:327
msgid "does not have the selected SCAP content profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/services/foreman_openscap/arf_report_status_calculator.rb:30
msgid "invalid type %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/services/foreman_openscap/openscap_proxy_version_check.rb:39
msgid "This feature is temporarily disabled. "
msgstr ""

#: ../app/services/foreman_openscap/openscap_proxy_version_check.rb:40
msgid "The following Smart Proxies need to be updated to unlock the feature: %s. "
msgstr ""

#: ../app/services/foreman_openscap/openscap_proxy_version_check.rb:41
msgid "The following proxies could not be reached: %s. Please make sure they are available so Foreman can check their versions."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/validators/foreman_openscap/data_stream_validator.rb:9
msgid "No proxy with OpenSCAP feature was found."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/validators/foreman_openscap/data_stream_validator.rb:14
msgid "No proxy with OpenSCAP feature is running."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/validators/foreman_openscap/data_stream_validator.rb:26
msgid "No available proxy to validate. Returned with error: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/validators/foreman_openscap/data_stream_validator.rb:33
msgid "Changed file does not include existing SCAP content profiles"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_detailed_message.html.erb:3
msgid "More details"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_detailed_message.html.erb:6
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_detailed_message.html.erb:7
msgid "Rationale"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_detailed_message.html.erb:8
msgid "References"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:5
msgid "Select all items in this page"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:5
msgid "items selected. Uncheck to Clear"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:7 ../app/views/arf_reports/delete_multiple.html.erb:10
msgid "Reported At"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:8
msgid "Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:9
msgid "Openscap Proxy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:13 ../app/views/arf_reports/_output.html.erb:8 ../app/views/policies/_list.html.erb:8 ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_reports.html.erb:8 ../app/views/scap_contents/_list.html.erb:6 ../app/views/tailoring_files/_list.html.erb:6
msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:28
msgid "Deleted policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:35
msgid "Delete compliance report for %s?"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:36
msgid "Full Report"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_list.html.erb:47
msgid "Please Confirm"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_metrics.html.erb:4
msgid "Report Metrics"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_metrics.html.erb:12
msgid "Report Status"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_metrics.html.erb:13
msgid "Number of Events"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_metrics.html.erb:32
msgid "Total"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_output.html.erb:4
msgid "Severity"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_output.html.erb:5
msgid "Message"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_output.html.erb:6
msgid "Resource"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_output.html.erb:7
msgid "Result"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/_output.html.erb:25
msgid "Nothing to show"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/delete_multiple.html.erb:7 ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_reports.html.erb:3
msgid "Host"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/delete_multiple.html.erb:27 action_names.rb:18
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/delete_multiple.html.erb:28
msgid "these Compliance reports"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/show.html.erb:15
msgid "Back"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/show.html.erb:17
msgid "Host details"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/show.html.erb:18
msgid "View full report"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/show.html.erb:19
msgid "Download XML in bzip"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/show.html.erb:20
msgid "Download HTML"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/show_html.html.erb:9
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/welcome.html.erb:7
msgid "You don't seem to have any ARF report. ARF report is a summary of a single scan occurrence on a particular host for a given Compliance Policy."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/arf_reports/welcome.html.erb:10
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/compliance_hosts/_compliance_status.erb:4
msgid "Host compliance details"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/compliance_hosts/show.html.erb:8
msgid "Compliance Hosts"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/compliance_hosts/show.html.erb:10
msgid "%s compliance reports by policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/compliance_hosts/show.html.erb:14
msgid "%s compliance report by policy"
msgid_plural "%s compliance reports by policy"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

#: ../app/views/compliance_hosts/show.html.erb:16
msgid "Policy %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/compliance_hosts/show.html.erb:22
msgid "%s latest report"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/compliance_hosts/show.html.erb:32
msgid "%s reports over time"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/compliance_hosts/show.html.erb:38
msgid "No report for this policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/dashboard/_compliance_host_reports_widget.html.erb:1 ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:153
msgid "Latest Compliance Reports"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/dashboard/_compliance_host_reports_widget.html.erb:4
msgid "No reports available"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/dashboard/_compliance_host_reports_widget.html.erb:12
msgid "Host does not exist anymore"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/dashboard/_compliance_host_reports_widget.html.erb:13
msgid "Policy is missing"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/dashboard/_compliance_reports_breakdown_widget.html.erb:1 ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:155
msgid "Compliance Reports Breakdown"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_dashboard.erb:9
msgid "Changed"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_hosts.erb:5
msgid "Hostname"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_hosts.erb:17
msgid "Changed?"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_hosts.erb:36
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_hosts.erb:36
msgid "No"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_hosts.erb:40
msgid "No ARF reports for this policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_list.erb:8
msgid "None!"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/_policy.erb:7
msgid "Total of one host"
msgid_plural "Total of %{hosts} hosts"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/policy_summary.erb:6
msgid "Summary report for OpenScap from Foreman"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/policy_summary.erb:9
msgid "<b>Foreman</b> OpenSCAP summary"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/policy_summary.erb:10
msgid "Summary from %{time} ago to now"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/policy_summary.erb:11
msgid "Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/foreman_openscap/policy_mailer/policy_summary.erb:16
msgid "Policies with hosts:"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/hosts/select_multiple_openscap_proxy.html.erb:5
msgid "Select OpenSCAP Proxy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_form.html.erb:8
msgid "General"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_form.html.erb:17
msgid "Host Groups"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_form.html.erb:41 ../app/views/policies/steps/_schedule_form.html.erb:6
msgid "Choose period"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_form.html.erb:43 ../app/views/policies/steps/_schedule_form.html.erb:8
msgid "Choose weekday"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_form.html.erb:44 ../app/views/policies/steps/_schedule_form.html.erb:9
msgid "Number of a day in month, note that not all months have same count of days"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_form.html.erb:45 ../app/views/policies/steps/_schedule_form.html.erb:10
msgid "You can specify custom cron line, e.g. \"0  3  *  *  *\", separate each of 5 values by space"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_list.html.erb:3 ../app/views/tailoring_files/_list.html.erb:3
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_list.html.erb:4
msgid "Content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_list.html.erb:5
msgid "Profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_list.html.erb:7
msgid "Effective Profile"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_list.html.erb:28
msgid "None"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_list.html.erb:36
msgid "Show Guide"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_list.html.erb:37 ../app/views/scap_contents/_list.html.erb:17 ../app/views/tailoring_files/_list.html.erb:21
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/_list.html.erb:39
msgid "Delete compliance policy %s with all of its reports?"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/create.html.erb:1 ../app/views/policies/index.html.erb:5 ../app/views/policies/new.html.erb:1
msgid "New Compliance Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/disassociate_multiple_hosts.html.erb:4 ../app/views/policies/select_multiple_hosts.html.erb:5
msgid "Select Compliance Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/edit.html.erb:1
msgid "Edit Compliance Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/index.html.erb:2 ../app/views/policies/welcome.html.erb:1 ../app/views/policies/welcome.html.erb:6
msgid "Compliance Policies"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/index.html.erb:6 ../app/views/scap_contents/index.html.erb:4
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/steps/_schedule_form.html.erb:9
msgid "Choose day in month"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/steps/_step_form.html.erb:11
msgid "Next"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/welcome.html.erb:7
msgid "In Foreman, a compliance policy checklist is defined via %s."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/welcome.html.erb:7
msgid "SCAP content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/welcome.html.erb:8
msgid "Once SCAP content is present, you can create a policy, assign select host groups and schedule to run."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policies/welcome.html.erb:12
msgid "New Policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_chart_widget.html.erb:2
msgid "Host Breakdown Chart"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_reports.html.erb:4
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_reports.html.erb:19
msgid "View Report"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_status_widget.html.erb:2
msgid "Hosts Breakdown"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_status_widget.html.erb:4
msgid "Compliant with the policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_status_widget.html.erb:5
msgid "Not compliant with the policy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_status_widget.html.erb:6
msgid "Inconclusive results"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_status_widget.html.erb:7
msgid "Never audited"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/_policy_status_widget.html.erb:9
msgid "Total hosts: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/index.html.erb:3
msgid "Compliance policy: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/index.html.erb:7
msgid "Status table"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/index.html.erb:8
msgid "Status chart"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/policy_dashboard/index.html.erb:20
msgid "Latest reports for policy: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/_form.html.erb:9 ../app/views/tailoring_files/_form.html.erb:9
msgid "File Upload"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/_form.html.erb:20
msgid "SCAP DataStream file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/_list.html.erb:18 ../app/views/tailoring_files/_list.html.erb:24
msgid "Download"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/_list.html.erb:20
msgid "Delete compliance policy %s with all the reports?"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/edit.html.erb:1
msgid "Edit SCAP Content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/edit.html.erb:5
msgid "Scap Contents"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/index.html.erb:1
msgid "SCAP Contents"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/index.html.erb:3
msgid "Upload New SCAP Content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/new.html.erb:1
msgid "Upload new SCAP content file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/welcome.html.erb:7
msgid ""
"The Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), combines a number of open standards that are used to enumerate software flaws and\n"
"        configuration issues related to security. "
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/welcome.html.erb:9
msgid ""
"In Foreman, scap_contents represent the SCAP security guides on your hosts, and create SCAP profiles for you to assign to hosts / host groups\n"
"    via %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/scap_contents/welcome.html.erb:14
msgid "New SCAP Content"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/smart_proxies/_openscap_spool.html.erb:4
msgid "%s spool errors detected, inspect the appropriate file directly on proxy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/smart_proxies/_openscap_spool.html.erb:8
msgid "Failed to fetch spool status from proxy"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/smart_proxies/_openscap_spool.html.erb:11
msgid "None found"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/smart_proxies/plugins/_openscap.html.erb:7
msgid "Proxy failed to send a report from spool to Foreman. This indicates a corrupted report format. Report has been moved to directory for storing corrupted files on proxy for later inspection."
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/smart_proxies/plugins/_openscap.html.erb:8
msgid "Spool errors"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/_form.html.erb:20
msgid "DataStream Tailoring file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/_list.html.erb:4
msgid "Filename"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/_list.html.erb:5
msgid "Created"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/_list.html.erb:23
msgid "Delete tailoring file %s?"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/edit.html.erb:1
msgid "Edit Tailoring File"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/edit.html.erb:4 ../app/views/tailoring_files/index.html.erb:1 ../app/views/tailoring_files/welcome.html.erb:1 ../app/views/tailoring_files/welcome.html.erb:6 ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:147
msgid "Tailoring Files"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/index.html.erb:2
msgid "Upload New Tailoring file"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/new.html.erb:1
msgid "Upload new Tailoring File"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/welcome.html.erb:7
msgid "It may sometimes be required to adjust the security policy to your specific needs. "
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/welcome.html.erb:8
msgid ""
"In Foreman, tailoring_files represent the custom modifications to default XCCDF profiles and they can be applied to hosts\n"
"    via %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../app/views/tailoring_files/welcome.html.erb:13
msgid "New Tailoring File"
msgstr ""

#: ../db/seeds.d/openscap_policy_notification.rb:1
msgid "Compliance policy summary"
msgstr ""

#: ../db/seeds.d/openscap_policy_notification.rb:5
msgid "A summary of reports for OpenSCAP policies"
msgstr ""

#: ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:141
msgid "SCAP contents"
msgstr ""

#: ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:144
msgid "Reports"
msgstr ""

#: ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:169
msgid "OpenSCAP Proxy to use for fetching SCAP content and uploading ARF reports. Leave blank and override appropriate parameters when using proxy load balancer."
msgstr ""

#: ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:173 ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:178
msgid "OpenSCAP Proxy"
msgstr ""

#: ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:175 ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:180
msgid "ID of OpenSCAP Proxy"
msgstr ""

#: ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:184 ../lib/foreman_openscap/engine.rb:192
msgid "Run OpenSCAP scan"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:2
msgid "Action with sub plans"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:3
msgid "Import facts"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:4
msgid "Import Puppet classes"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:5
msgid "Remote action:"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:6
msgid "Create client"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:7
msgid "Delete client"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:8
msgid "Delete host"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:9
msgid "Update host"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:10
msgid "Update node"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:11
msgid "Abstract async task"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:12
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:13
msgid "Delete Activation Key"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:14
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:15
msgid "Configure capsule"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:16
msgid "Create repos"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:17
msgid "Synchronize smart proxy"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:19
msgid "Errata mail"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:20
msgid "Incremental Update of  Content View Version(s) "
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:21
msgid "Promote"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:22
msgid "Promotion to Environment"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:23
msgid "Publish"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:24
msgid "Remove Versions and Associations"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:25
msgid "Remove from Environment"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:26
msgid "Remove Version"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:27
msgid "Export"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:28
msgid "Fetch pxe files"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:29
msgid "Filtered index content"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:30
msgid "Upload into"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:31
msgid "Index content"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:32
msgid "Index errata"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:33
msgid "Index module streams"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:34
msgid "Index package groups"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:35
msgid "Remove Content"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:36
msgid "Synchronize"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:37
msgid "Upload errata into"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:38
msgid "Create Package Group"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:39
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:40
msgid "Enable"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:41
msgid "Run Sync Plan"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:42
msgid "Incremental Update"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:43
msgid "Republish Version Repositories"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:44
msgid "Delete Lifecycle Environment"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:45
msgid "Publish Lifecycle Environment Repositories"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:46
msgid "Attach subscriptions"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:47
msgid "Auto attach subscriptions"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:48
msgid "Destroy Content Host"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:49
msgid "Install Applicable Errata"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:50
msgid "Install erratum"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:51
msgid "Hypervisors"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:52
msgid "Hypervisors update"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:53
msgid "Install package"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:54
msgid "Install package group"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:55
msgid "Remove package"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:56
msgid "Update package"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:57
msgid "Remove package group"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:58
msgid "Remove subscriptions"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:59
msgid "Update for host"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:60
msgid "Update Content Overrides"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:61
msgid "Update release version for host"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:62
msgid "Package Profile Update"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:63
msgid "Auto-attach subscriptions"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:64
msgid "Destroy"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:65
msgid "Product Create"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:66
msgid "Delete Product"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:67
msgid "Reindex subscriptions"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:68
msgid "Delete Package Group"
msgstr ""

#: action_names.rb:69
msgid "Report"
msgstr ""