redirect_from: /docs/4-csv-format.html
# Customizing the CSV format
Active Admin provides CSV file downloads on the index screen for each Resource.
By default it will render a CSV file with all the content columns of your
registered model.
Customizing the CSV format is as simple as customizing the index page.
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
csv do
column :title
column(:author) { |post| post.author.full_name }
column('bODY', humanize_name: false) # preserve case
You can also set custom CSV settings for an individual resource:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
csv force_quotes: true, col_sep: ';', column_names: false do
column :title
column(:author) { |post| post.author.full_name }
Or system-wide:
# config/initializers/active_admin.rb
# Set the CSV builder separator
config.csv_options = { col_sep: ';' }
# Force the use of quotes
config.csv_options = { force_quotes: true }
You can customize the filename by overriding `csv_filename` in the controller block.
ActiveAdmin.register User do
controller do
def csv_filename
'User Details.csv'
## Streaming
By default Active Admin streams the CSV response to your browser as it's generated.
This is good because it prevents request timeouts, for example the infamous H12
error on Heroku.
However if an exception occurs while generating the CSV, the request will eventually
time out, with the last line containing the exception message. CSV streaming is
disabled in development to help debug these exceptions. That lets you use tools like
better_errors and web-console to debug the issue. If you want to customize the
environments where CSV streaming is disabled, you can change this setting:
# config/initializers/active_admin.rb
config.disable_streaming_in = ['development', 'staging']