#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Wmap main executable - intelligent enough to handle most command argument inputs from the user. # The discovery result is automatically compared and saved into the the tracking data repository. # # Usage: wmap -t -d require "wmap" require "optparse" # program helper def print_usage abort "Program to perform website asset discovery and tracking. \nUsage: wmap -t -d " end # program command line options options = {:data_dir => nil, :target => nil} parser = OptionParser.new do|opts| opts.banner = Wmap.banner opts.on('-d', '--data_dir data_dir', 'Web Mapper local cache data directory') do |data_dir| options[:data_dir] = data_dir; end opts.on('-t', '--target target', 'Web Mapper target') do |target| options[:target] = target; end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Displays Help') do print Wmap.banner,"\n" print_usage exit 0 end end parser.parse! # print program banner puts Wmap.banner print_usage unless options[:target] # Preparing - check out the working logs directory if options[:data_dir] # Log to the instance running directory Log_dir = Pathname.new(options[:data_dir]).join('logs') else # Log the command entry Log_dir=Pathname.new(Gem.loaded_specs['wmap'].full_gem_path).join('logs') end Dir.mkdir(Log_dir) unless Dir.exist?(Log_dir) # Start wmap logging Wmap.wlog("Execute the command: wmap -t #{options[:target]}","wmap",Log_dir.join("wmap.log").to_s) urls = Array.new # first step - construct the host list scanner = Wmap::PortScanner.new(:verbose=>false, :socket_timeout=>600) # default time-out of 600 milliseconds hosts=Array.new if File.exist?(options[:target]) puts "Parsing the discovery seed file: \"#{options[:target]}\" " seeds=scanner.file_2_list(options[:target])-[nil,""] domains=Array.new cidrs=Array.new raise "Error: empty seed file or no legal entry found!" if seeds.nil? or seeds.empty? seeds.map do |x| x=x.split(%r{(,|\s+)})[0] urls.push(x) if scanner.is_url?(x) domains.push(x) if scanner.is_domain_root?(x) or Wmap.sub_domain_known?(x) # invoke bruter if the hostname contains a numeric number. domains.push(x) if scanner.is_fqdn?(x) and (x.split('.')[0] =~ /\d+/) hosts.push(x) if scanner.is_fqdn?(x) or scanner.is_ip?(x) cidrs.push(x) if scanner.is_cidr?(x) end puts "Parsing done. " hosts+=Wmap::DnsBruter.new(:verbose=>false).dns_brute_workers(domains.uniq).values.flatten if domains.size > 0 cidrs.map { |x| hosts+= scanner.cidr_2_ips(x) } if cidrs.size > 0 elsif scanner.is_url?(options[:target]) puts "Processing the URL: #{options[:target]}" urls.push(options[:target]) elsif Wmap.domain_known?(options[:target]) or Wmap.sub_domain_known?(options[:target]) puts "Processing the domain: #{options[:target]}" hosts+=Wmap::DnsBruter.new(:verbose=>false).dns_brute_worker(options[:target]).values.flatten elsif scanner.is_fqdn?(options[:target]) puts "Processing the host: #{options[:target]}" hosts.push(options[:target]) my_hosts=Wmap::DnsBruter.new(:verbose=>false).dns_brute_worker(options[:target]).values.flatten if (options[:target].split('.')[0] =~ /\d+/) hosts+=my_hosts unless my_hosts.nil? elsif scanner.is_cidr?(options[:target]) puts "Processing the network block: #{options[:target]}" hosts+=scanner.cidr_2_ips(options[:target]) elsif scanner.is_ip?(options[:target]) hosts.push(options[:target]) else print_usage end # second step - port discovery on the above host list, and to build the URL seeds puts "Build up URL list for the web crawler ..." urls0=scanner.scans(hosts) urls+=urls0 urls.uniq! scanner=nil # third step - crawling on the URL seeds if options[:target] && options[:data_dir] puts "Fire up the crawler with the optional directory setter." crawler = Wmap::UrlCrawler.new(:data_dir => options[:data_dir]) elsif options[:target] puts "Fire up the crawler." crawler = Wmap::UrlCrawler.new(:verbose=>false) else abort "Error firing up UrlCrawler instance!" end Wmap.wlog(urls, "wmap", Log_dir+"url_seeds.log") if urls.size > 0 # save port scan results for debugging crawler.crawls(urls) if urls.size>0 dis_urls=crawler.discovered_urls_by_crawler #c_start=crawler.crawl_start #c_done=crawler.crawl_done dis_sites=Hash.new unless dis_urls.empty? dis_urls.keys.map do |url| site=crawler.url_2_site(url) dis_sites[site]=true unless dis_sites.key?(site) end end puts "Discovered sites: " if dis_sites.empty? puts "No web site is discovered. " else dis_sites.keys.map {|x| puts x} end # fourth step - trace the discovery results into a local log file for debugging and other purposes Wmap.wlog(dis_urls.keys, "wmap", Log_dir+"discovered_urls.log") unless dis_urls.empty? Wmap.wlog(dis_sites.keys, "wmap", Log_dir+"discovered_sites.log") unless dis_sites.empty? #crawler.wlog(c_start.keys,Log_dir+"crawler.log") #crawler.wlog(c_done.keys,Log_dir+"crawler.log") crawler=nil # fifth step - save discovery results into the inventory data repository case dis_sites.keys when nil,[] puts "No new site found. There is no change to the site tracking data repository. " else puts "Automatically save the discovery results into the site tracking data repository: " if options[:target] && options[:data_dir] puts "Start the SiteTracker with the optional directory setter. " inventory=Wmap::SiteTracker.instance inventory.data_dir = options[:data_dir] inventory.sites_file = inventory.data_dir + "/" + "sites" inventory.load_site_stores_from_file(inventory.sites_file) elsif options[:target] puts "Start the SiteTracker. " inventory=Wmap::SiteTracker.instance else abort "Error firing up SiteTracker instance!" end new_sites=inventory.adds(dis_sites.keys-["",nil]) if new_sites.size>0 && options[:data_dir] inventory.save!(inventory.sites_file) elsif new_sites.size>0 inventory.save! end inventory=nil puts "Done! New found sites are successfully saved. " if new_sites.size > 0 end # seventh step - update the hosts repository if options[:target] && options[:data_dir] puts "Invoke the HostTracker with optional directory setter." host_tracker = Wmap::HostTracker.instance host_tracker.verbose=false host_tracker.data_dir = options[:data_dir] host_tracker.hosts_file = host_tracker.data_dir + "/" + "hosts" host_tracker.load_known_hosts_from_file(host_tracker.hosts_file) elsif options[:target] puts puts "Invoke the HostTracker." host_tracker = Wmap::HostTracker.instance host_tracker.verbose=false else abort "Error firing up HostTracker instance!" end new_hosts = dis_sites.keys.map {|x| host_tracker.url_2_host(x)} hosts += new_hosts hosts.uniq! if hosts.size > 0 hostnames=hosts.dup.delete_if { |h| host_tracker.is_ip?(h) } if hostnames.size > 0 puts "Update the local hosts data repository with: #{hostnames}" new_hosts=host_tracker.adds(hostnames-["",nil]) if new_hosts.size>0 && options[:data_dir] host_tracker.save!(host_tracker.hosts_file) elsif new_hosts.size>0 host_tracker.save! end end end host_tracker=nil