=begin A Value is used to define a field in either an Entities or a View. It's most simple definition is as following: type :name But there are other options. The full-blown syntax is: type_flag1_flag2_StorageType :name, :arg1 => val1, arg2 => val2 with of course 0..n flags and 0..n arguments, and with or without a StorageType. StorageType of ALL is also possible, which will put the type in every StorageType available to the Enttiy. Used only for the _id_ so far. The to_s method prepares a string to be sent to the Frontend. It's format is: [ @dtype, name, string_on_screen, args ] where string_on_screen is taken of an eventual translation-file =end class Value attr_accessor :dtype, :name, :st, :args, :list, :entity_class def initialize(cmds, arguments, dt = nil) dputs(3) { "Added new: #{cmds.inspect}, #{arguments.inspect}" } if cmds[-1] == 'ALL' @st = cmds.pop else @st = (StorageType.has? cmds[-1]) ? cmds.pop : dt end @name = arguments.shift @dtype = cmds.shift @args = {} @list = '' @eclass_proxy = nil @list_type = nil if arguments[-1].class == Hash dputs(5) { "Merging Hash #{arguments[-1].inspect} into #{@args.inspect}" } @args.merge! arguments.pop end # Do some special cases case @dtype when 'list' case cmds[0] when /(array|choice|drop|single)/ @args.merge! :list_type => (@list_type = cmds.shift) when /entity/ dputs(3) { "Adding an entity with #{cmds.inspect} - #{arguments.inspect}" } @dtype = 'list_entity' cmds.shift @entity_class = cmds.shift.pluralize_simple.gsub(/([A-Z])/, " \\1"). split.collect { |s| s.capitalize }.join @args.merge! :list_type => (@list_type = :single) @show_method, @condition = arguments end if arguments[0] @list = arguments.shift end when 'select' @list = arguments.shift when 'entity' # So that "courseType" gets correctly translated to # "CourseTypes" (mind the capital in the middle) @entity_class = cmds.shift.pluralize_simple.gsub(/([A-Z])/, " \\1"). split.collect { |s| s.capitalize }.join @args.merge! :list_type => (@list_type = arguments.shift) @show_method, @condition = arguments if @list_type && cmds.index('all') && @show_method == nil dputs(0) { "No show_method defined in #{@name} at #{caller[5].inspect}" } raise 'value_entity_uncomplete' end #if !@list_type # dputs(0) { "No list-type for #{@name} at #{caller[5].inspect}" } # raise "value_entity_uncomplete" #end when 'array' dputs(0) { 'Not yet supported!' } exit when 'info' @args.merge! :text => arguments.pop when 'html' @args.merge! :text => arguments.pop else if arguments.size > 0 dputs(0) { "Arguments should be empty by now, but are #{arguments.inspect}!" } exit end end cmds.each { |c| @args.merge! c.to_sym => true } end def to_a(session = nil) fe_type, fe_name, args = @dtype, @name, @args.dup case @dtype.to_s when 'list', 'select' dputs(3) { "List is #{@list}" } @list.size > 0 and args.merge! :list_values => eval(@list).to_a when /entity/ dputs(3) { "Converting -#{@name}- to array" } fe_type = 'list' values = [] if args.has_key?(:all) and ((!args.has_key?(:session)) or session) dputs(3) { "will search_all for #{eclass.name} in #{@name}: " } e_all = eclass.search_all_ values = e_all.select { |e| begin dputs(3) { "Searching whether to show #{@name}/#{e.class.name}:#{e.inspect}" } dputs(3) { "Condition is #{@condition.inspect}" } if args.has_key?(:session) cond = @condition ? @condition.call(e, session) : true else cond = @condition ? @condition.call(e) : true end dputs(3) { "cond #{@condition}: #{cond}" } method = e.respond_to? @show_method dputs(3) { "method #{@show_method}: #{method}" } cond and method rescue Exception => err dputs(0) { "Error: while trying to work #{eclass.name} with #{e.inspect}" } dputs(0) { "Error: and condition #{@condition.inspect}: #{err.inspect}" } dputs(0) { "Callstack: #{caller.inspect}" } false end }.collect { |e| [e.send(eclass.data_field_id), e.send(@show_method)] }.sort { |a, b| a[1].to_s <=> b[1].to_s } if args.has_key? :empty values.unshift([0, '---']) end end args.merge! :list_values => values dputs(3) { "Args for entities is #{args.inspect}" } end dputs(3) { "Going to name #{fe_name} to #{GetText._(fe_name.to_s)}" } [fe_type, fe_name, GetText._(fe_name.to_s), args] end def self.simple(dtype, name, flags = []) return Value.new([dtype] + flags.to_a, [name]) end def eclass dputs(4) { "Asking eclass for #{self.inspect}" } if @dtype =~ /^(list_)*entity$/ and not @eclass_proxy @eclass_proxy = Entities.send(@entity_class) end return @eclass_proxy end def parse(p) case @dtype when /entity/ dputs(3) { "parsing #{@name}: #{p.inspect}" } case @list_type.to_sym when :drop, :single dputs(3) { "Getting entity for #{@list_type}-#{eclass.class.inspect}-" + "#{p.inspect}" } ret = eclass.match_by(eclass.data_field_id, p[0]) dputs(3) { "And found #{ret.inspect}" } if not ret and @args.has_key? :empty dputs(3) { "Converting nil to 0 as we're an entity_empty" } ret = 0 end return ret when :multi dputs(3) { "Getting entities for #{@list_type}-#{eclass.class.inspect}-" + "#{p.inspect}" } ret = p.collect { |el| eclass.match_by(eclass.data_field_id, el) } dputs(3) { "And found #{ret.inspect}" } if not ret and @args.has_key? :empty dputs(3) { "Converting nil to 0 as we're an entity_empty" } ret = 0 end return ret else dputs(0) { "List-type #{@list_type} not supported yet in " + "#{@name}::#{@list_type}!" } return nil end end end # TODO: implement this cloning instead of deep_clone from object def clone_later dputs(0) { 'Cloning Value!' } v = Value.new([@dtype], [@name]) v.st = @st v.args = @args v.list = @list return v end end