require 'contacts'
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w{.. .. vendor windowslivelogin})
require 'hpricot'
require 'uri'
module Contacts
# = How I can fetch Windows Live Contacts?
# To gain access to a Windows Live user's data in the Live Contacts service,
# a third-party developer first must ask the owner for permission. You must
# do that through Windows Live Delegated Authentication.
# This library give you access to Windows Live Delegated Authentication System
# and Windows Live Contacts API. Just follow the steps below and be happy!
# === Registering your app
# First of all, follow the steps in this
# page[] to register your
# app.
# === Configuring your Windows Live YAML
# After registering your app, you will have an *appid*, a secret key and
# a return URL. Use their values to fill in the config/contacts.yml file.
# The policy URL field inside the YAML config file must contain the URL
# of the privacy policy of your Web site for Delegated Authentication.
# === Authenticating your user and fetching his contacts
# wl =
# auth_url = wl.get_authentication_url
# Use that *auth_url* to redirect your user to Windows Live. He will authenticate
# there and Windows Live will POST to your return URL. You have to get the
# body of that POST, let's call it post_body. (if you're using Rails, you can
# get the POST body through request.raw_post, in the context of an action inside
# ActionController)
# Now, to fetch his contacts, just do this:
# contacts = wl.contacts(post_body)
# #-> [ ['Fitzgerald', '', ''],
# ['William Paginate', ''], ...
# ]
# This class has two responsibilities:
# 1. Access the Windows Live Contacts API through Delegated Authentication
# 2. Import contacts from Windows Live and deliver it inside an Array
class WindowsLive
attr_accessor :wll
# Initialize a new WindowsLive object.
# ==== Paramaters
# * config_file :: The contacts YAML config file name
# You can check an example of a config file inside config/ directory
def initialize(config_file)
confs = YAML.load_file(config_file)['windows_live']
@wll =['appid'], confs['secret'], confs['security_algorithm'],
nil, confs['policy_url'], confs['return_url'])
# Windows Live Contacts API need to authenticate the user that is giving you
# access to his contacts. To do that, you must give him a URL. That method
# generates that URL. The user must access that URL, and after he has done
# authentication, hi will be redirected to your application.
def get_authentication_url(context=nil)
@wll.getConsentUrl("Contacts.View", context)
# After the user has been authenticaded, Windows Live Delegated Authencation
# Service redirects to your application, through a POST HTTP method. Along
# with the POST, Windows Live send to you a Consent that you must process
# to access the user's contacts. This method process the Consent
# to you.
# ==== Paramaters
# * consent :: A string containing the Consent given to you inside
# the redirection POST from Windows Live
def process_consent(consent)
consent = URI.unescape(consent)
@consent_token = @wll.processConsent(consent)
def process_consent_token(consent_token)
@wll.processConsentToken consent_token
# This method return the user's contacts inside an Array in the following
# format:
# [
# ['Brad Fitzgerald', ''],
# [nil, ''],
# ['William Paginate', ''] ...
# ]
# ==== Paramaters
# * consent :: A string containing the Consent given to you inside
# the redirection POST from Windows Live
def contacts(consent)
if consent.is_a? WindowsLiveLogin::ConsentToken
@consent_token = consent
contacts_xml = access_live_contacts_api()
contacts_list = WindowsLive.parse_xml(contacts_xml)
# This method access the Windows Live Contacts API Web Service to get
# the XML contacts document
def access_live_contacts_api
http = http ='', 443)
http.use_ssl = true
response = nil
http.start do |http|
request ="/users/@L@#{@consent_token.locationid}/rest/LiveContacts", {"Authorization" => "DelegatedToken dt=\"#{@consent_token.delegationtoken}\""})
response = http.request(request)
# This method parses the XML Contacts document and returns the contacts
# inside an Array
# ==== Paramaters
# * xml :: A string containing the XML contacts document
def self.parse_xml(xml)
doc = Hpricot::XML(xml)
contacts = []'/LiveContacts/Contacts/Contact') do |contact|
contact_id = text_value contact, "ID"
first_name = text_value contact, "Profiles/Personal/FirstName"
last_name = text_value contact, "Profiles/Personal/LastName"
name = "#{first_name} #{last_name}".strip
emails ='Emails/Email').collect {|e| text_value e, "Address"}
phones ='Phones/Phone').collect do |e|
type=convert_type(text_value(e, "PhoneType"))
{ "type" => type, "value" => (text_value e, "Number") }
addresses ='Locations/Location').collect do |e|
street = text_value(e, "StreetLine")
postal_code = text_value(e, "PostalCode")
sub_division = text_value(e, "Subdivision")
city = text_value(e, "PrimaryCity")
country_code = text_value(e, "CountryRegion")
formatted = [street, city, sub_division, postal_code, country_code].compact.join(", ")
type = convert_type(text_value(e, "LocationType"))
{ "formatted" => formatted, "type" => type, "streetAddress" => street, "locality" => city, "region" => sub_division, "postalCode" => postal_code, "country" => country_code}
new_contact =, name, nil, first_name, last_name)
new_contact.emails = emails
new_contact.phones = phones
new_contact.addresses = addresses
new_contact.service_id = contact_id
contacts << new_contact
return contacts
def self.text_value(elem,path) rescue nil
def self.convert_type(t)
{"personal" => "home", "business" => "work"}[t.downcase] || "other"