#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Demonstration of the Vcard helper class # # * Retrieves your own vCard # * Modify fields given on the command line # * Dumps the vCard # * Send your vCard to the server $:.unshift('../../../../../lib') require 'xmpp4r' require 'xmpp4r/vcard/helper/vcard' include Jabber # settings if ARGV.length < 2 puts "Usage:\t./send_vcard.rb <jid> <password> [<field1>=<value1> [... <fieldN>=<valueN>] ]" puts "Example:\t./send_vcard.rb user@server/resource password NICKNAME=User \"FN=A user\"" exit 1 end # Do the client stuff... myJID = JID.new(ARGV.shift) myPassword = ARGV.shift cl = Client.new(myJID) cl.connect cl.auth(myPassword) # The Vcard helper vcard_helper = Vcard::Helper.new(cl) begin puts "Retrieving vCard information for #{cl.jid.strip}" vcard = vcard_helper.get # Inspect the command line for vCard fields to be changed ARGV.each { |arg| arg.scan(/^(.+?)=(.*)$/) { |field,text| puts "field #{field}: #{vcard[field].inspect} => #{text.inspect}" vcard[field] = text } } # Dump the vCard vcard.fields.each { |field| if field.split(/\//).pop == 'BINVAL' puts "#{field}:\tBINVAL" else puts "#{field}:\t#{vcard[field].inspect}" end } begin puts "Sending vCard information for #{cl.jid.strip}" vcard_helper.set(vcard) rescue Exception => e puts "Sorry, we stumbled upon the following when sending the vCard of #{cl.jid.strip}: #{e.to_s.inspect}" end rescue Exception => e puts "Sorry, we stumbled upon the following when requesting the vCard of #{cl.jid.strip}: #{e.to_s.inspect}" end cl.close