module( ..., package.seeall ) --====================================================================-- -- DIRECTOR CLASS --====================================================================-- --[[ - Version: 1.4 - Made by Ricardo Rauber Pereira @ 2010 - Blog: - Mail: - Twitter: @rauberlabs ****************** - INFORMATION ****************** - This class is free to use, feel free to change but please send new versions or new features like new effects to me and help us to make it better! - Please take a look on the template.lua file and don't forget to always insert your display objects into the localGroup. - If you like Director Class, please help us donating at my blog, so I could keep doing it for free. ****************** - HISTORY ****************** - 06-OCT-2010 - Ricardo Rauber - Created; - 07-OCT-2010 - Ricardo Rauber - Functions loadScene and fxEnded were taken off from the changeScene function; Added function cleanGroups for best memory clean up; Added directorView and effectView groups for better and easier control; Please see INFORMATION to know how to use it; - 14-NOV-2010 - Ricardo Rauber - Bux fixes and new getScene function to get the name of the active scene(lua file); - 14-FEB-2011 - Ricardo Rauber - General Bug Fixes; - 26-APR-2011 - Ricardo Rauber - cleanGroups() changed; Added Pop Up; - 21-JUN-2011 - Ricardo Rauber - Added error control; cleanGroups() removed; Added touch protection; loadScene() changed; Effects improved; Send Parameters; Bug fixes; - 28-JUN-2011 - Ricardo Rauber - Added Books; - 05-JUL-2011 - Ricardo Rauber - Added rebuildGroup(), initVars() and Toggle Degug; - 21-JUL-2011 - Ricardo Rauber - Search for missed objects to insert into the right group and prevent keeping on the screen; - 25-AUG-2011 - Ricardo Rauber - Bug fixes; -- ]] print( "-----------------------------------------------" ) --====================================================================-- -- TOGGLE DEBUG --====================================================================-- showDebug = true --showDebug = false --====================================================================-- -- CONTENT INFO --====================================================================-- local _W = display.contentWidth local _H = display.contentHeight --====================================================================-- -- DISPLAY GROUPS --====================================================================-- directorView = display.newGroup() -- local currView = display.newGroup() local prevView = display.newGroup() local nextView = display.newGroup() local protectionView = display.newGroup() local popupView = display.newGroup() local effectView = display.newGroup() -- local initViews = function() directorView:insert( currView ) directorView:insert( prevView ) directorView:insert( nextView ) directorView:insert( protectionView ) directorView:insert( popupView ) directorView:insert( effectView ) end --====================================================================-- -- VARIABLES --====================================================================-- local prevScreen, currScreen, nextScreen, popupScreen local prevScene, currScene, nextScene, popupScene = "main", "main", "main", "main" local newScene local fxTime = 200 local safeDelay = 50 local isChangingScene = false local popUpOnClose local isBook = false local bookPages = {} local currBookPage = 1 local moveBookPage -- prevView.x = -_W prevView.y = 0 currView.x = 0 currView.y = 0 nextView.x = _W nextView.y = 0 popupView.x = 0 popupView.y = 0 --====================================================================-- -- GET COLOR --====================================================================-- local getColor = function( strValue1, strValue2, strValue3 ) ------------------ -- Variables ------------------ local r, g, b ------------------ -- Test Parameters ------------------ if type( strValue1 ) == "nil" then strValue1 = "black" end ------------------ -- Find Color ------------------ if string.lower( tostring( strValue1 ) ) == "red" then r = 255 g = 0 b = 0 elseif string.lower( tostring( strValue1 ) ) == "green" then r = 0 g = 255 b = 0 elseif string.lower( tostring( strValue1 ) ) == "blue" then r = 0 g = 0 b = 255 elseif string.lower( tostring( strValue1 ) ) == "yellow" then r = 255 g = 255 b = 0 elseif string.lower( tostring( strValue1 ) ) == "pink" then r = 255 g = 0 b = 255 elseif string.lower( tostring( strValue1 ) ) == "white" then r = 255 g = 255 b = 255 elseif type( strValue1 ) == "number" and type( strValue2 ) == "number" and type( strValue3 ) == "number" then r = strValue1 g = strValue2 b = strValue3 else r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 end ------------------ -- Return ------------------ return r, g, b end --====================================================================-- -- SHOW ERRORS --====================================================================-- local showError = function( errorMessage, debugMessage ) local message = "Director ERROR: " .. tostring( errorMessage ) local function onComplete( event ) print() print( "-----------------------" ) print( message ) print( "-----------------------" ) print( debugMessage ) print( "-----------------------" ) error() end -- if showDebug then local alert = native.showAlert( "Director Class - ERROR", message, { "OK" }, onComplete ) else onComplete() end end --====================================================================-- -- GARBAGE COLLECTOR --====================================================================-- local garbageCollect = function( event ) collectgarbage( "collect" ) end --====================================================================-- -- IS DISPLAY OBJECT ? --====================================================================-- local coronaMetaTable = getmetatable( display.getCurrentStage() ) -- local isDisplayObject = function( aDisplayObject ) return( type( aDisplayObject ) == "table" and getmetatable( aDisplayObject ) == coronaMetaTable ) end --====================================================================-- -- PROTECTION --====================================================================-- ------------------ -- Rectangle ------------------ local protection = display.newRect( -_W, -_H, _W * 3, _H * 3 ) protection:setFillColor( 255, 255, 255 ) protection.alpha = 0.01 protection.isVisible = false protectionView:insert( protection ) ------------------ -- Listener ------------------ local fncProtection = function( event ) return true end protection:addEventListener( "touch", fncProtection ) protection:addEventListener( "tap", fncProtection ) --====================================================================-- -- CHANGE CONTROLS --====================================================================-- ------------------ -- Effects Time ------------------ function director:changeFxTime( newFxTime ) if type( newFxTime ) == "number" then fxTime = newFxTime end end ------------------ -- Safe Delay ------------------ function director:changeSafeDelay( newSafeDelay ) if type( newSafeDelay ) == "number" then safeDelay = newSafeDelay end end --====================================================================-- -- GET SCENES --====================================================================-- ------------------ -- Previous ------------------ function director:getPrevScene() return prevScene end ------------------ -- Current ------------------ function director:getCurrScene() return currScene end ------------------ -- Next ------------------ function director:getNextScene() return nextScene end --====================================================================-- -- REBUILD GROUP --====================================================================-- local rebuildGroup = function( target ) ------------------ -- Verify which group ------------------ -- Prev if target == "prev" then ------------------ -- Clean Group ------------------ prevView:removeSelf() ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.clean() function ------------------ if prevScreen then if prevScreen.clean then ------------------ -- Clean Object ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( prevScreen.clean ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to clean object '" .. prevScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.clean() function.", message ) return false end end end ------------------ -- Create Group ------------------ prevView = display.newGroup() -- Curr elseif target == "curr" then ------------------ -- Clean Group ------------------ currView:removeSelf() ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.clean() function ------------------ if currScreen then if currScreen.clean then ------------------ -- Clean Object ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( currScreen.clean ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to clean object '" .. currScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.clean() function.", message ) return false end end end ------------------ -- Create Group ------------------ currView = display.newGroup() -- Next elseif target == "next" then ------------------ -- Clean Group ------------------ nextView:removeSelf() ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.clean() function ------------------ if nextScreen then if nextScreen.clean then ------------------ -- Clean Object ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( nextScreen.clean ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to clean object '" .. nextScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.clean() function.", message ) return false end end end ------------------ -- Create Group ------------------ nextView = display.newGroup() -- Popup elseif target == "popup" then ------------------ -- Clean Group ------------------ popupView:removeSelf() ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.clean() function ------------------ if popupScreen then if popupScreen.clean then ------------------ -- Clean Object ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( popupScreen.clean ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to clean object '" .. popupScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.clean() function.", message ) return false end end end ------------------ -- Create Group ------------------ popupView = display.newGroup() end ------------------ -- Init ------------------ initViews() end --====================================================================-- -- INITIATE VARIABLES --====================================================================-- local initVars = function( target ) ------------------ -- Verify which group ------------------ -- Prev if target == "prev" then ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.initVars() function ------------------ if prevScreen then if prevScreen.initVars then ------------------ -- Init Vars ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( prevScreen.initVars ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to initiate variables of object '" .. prevScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.initVars() function.", message ) return false end end end -- Curr elseif target == "curr" then ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.initVars() function ------------------ if currScreen then if currScreen.initVars then ------------------ -- Init Vars ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( currScreen.initVars ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to initiate variables of object '" .. currScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.initVars() function.", message ) return false end end end -- Next elseif target == "next" then ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.initVars() function ------------------ if nextScreen then if nextScreen.initVars then ------------------ -- Init Vars ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( nextScreen.initVars ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to initiate variables of object '" .. nextScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.initVars() function.", message ) return false end end end -- Popup elseif target == "popup" then ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.initVars() function ------------------ if popupScreen then if popupScreen.initVars then ------------------ -- Init Vars ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( popupScreen.initVars ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to initiate variables of object '" .. popupScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.initVars() function.", message ) return false end end end end end --====================================================================-- -- UNLOAD SCENE --====================================================================-- local unloadScene = function( moduleName ) ------------------ -- Test parameters ------------------ if moduleName ~= "main" then ------------------ -- Verify if it was loaded ------------------ if type( package.loaded[ moduleName ] ) ~= "nil" then ------------------ -- Search for the clean() function ------------------ if package.loaded[ moduleName ].clean then ------------------ -- Execute ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( package.loaded[ moduleName ].clean ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to clean module '" .. moduleName .. "' - Please verify the clean() function.", message ) return false end end ------------------ -- Try to free memory ------------------ package.loaded[ moduleName ] = nil -- local function garbage( event ) garbageCollect() end -- timer.performWithDelay( fxTime, garbage ) end end end --====================================================================-- -- LOAD SCENE --====================================================================-- local loadScene = function( moduleName, target, params ) ------------------ -- Test parameters ------------------ if type( moduleName ) ~= "string" then showError( "Module name must be a string. moduleName = " .. tostring( moduleName ) ) return false end ------------------ -- Load Module ------------------ if not package.loaded[ moduleName ] then local handler, message = pcall( require, moduleName ) if not handler then showError( "Failed to load module '" .. moduleName .. "' - Please check if the file exists and it is correct.", message ) return false end end ------------------ -- Serach new() Function ------------------ if not package.loaded[ moduleName ].new then showError( "Module '" .. tostring( moduleName ) .. "' must have a new() function." ) return false end -- local functionName = package.loaded[ moduleName ].new ------------------ -- Variables ------------------ local handler ------------------ -- Load choosed scene ------------------ -- Prev if string.lower( target ) == "prev" then ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "prev" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if prevScene ~= currScene and prevScene ~= nextScene then unloadScene( moduleName ) end ------------------ -- Start Scene ------------------ handler, prevScreen = pcall( functionName, params ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to execute new( params ) function on '" .. tostring( moduleName ) .. "'.", prevScreen ) return false end ------------------ -- Check if it returned an object ------------------ if not isDisplayObject( currScreen ) then showError( "Module " .. moduleName .. " must return a display.newGroup()." ) return false end ------------------ -- Books Touch Area ------------------ local bookBackground = display.newRect( 0, 0, _W, _H ) bookBackground.alpha = 0.01 bookBackground:addEventListener( "touch", moveBookPage ) prevView:insert( bookBackground ) ------------------ -- Finish ------------------ prevView:insert( prevScreen ) prevScene = moduleName ------------------ -- Initiate Variables ------------------ initVars( "prev" ) -- Curr elseif string.lower( target ) == "curr" then ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "curr" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if prevScene ~= currScene and currScene ~= nextScene then unloadScene( moduleName ) end ------------------ -- Start Scene ------------------ handler, currScreen = pcall( functionName, params ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to execute new( params ) function on '" .. tostring( moduleName ) .. "'.", currScreen ) return false end ------------------ -- Check if it returned an object ------------------ if not isDisplayObject( currScreen ) then showError( "Module " .. moduleName .. " must return a display.newGroup()." ) return false end ------------------ -- Books Touch Area ------------------ local bookBackground = display.newRect( 0, 0, _W, _H ) bookBackground.alpha = 0.01 bookBackground:addEventListener( "touch", moveBookPage ) currView:insert( bookBackground ) ------------------ -- Finish ------------------ currView:insert( currScreen ) currScene = moduleName ------------------ -- Initiate Variables ------------------ initVars( "curr" ) -- Next else ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "next" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if prevScene ~= nextScene and currScene ~= nextScene then unloadScene( moduleName ) end ------------------ -- Start Scene ------------------ handler, nextScreen = pcall( functionName, params ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to execute new( params ) function on '" .. tostring( moduleName ) .. "'.", nextScreen ) return false end ------------------ -- Check if it returned an object ------------------ if not isDisplayObject( nextScreen ) then showError( "Module " .. moduleName .. " must return a display.newGroup()." ) return false end ------------------ -- Books Touch Area ------------------ local bookBackground = display.newRect( 0, 0, _W, _H ) bookBackground.alpha = 0.01 bookBackground:addEventListener( "touch", moveBookPage ) nextView:insert( bookBackground ) ------------------ -- Finish ------------------ nextView:insert( nextScreen ) nextScene = moduleName ------------------ -- Initiate Variables ------------------ initVars( "next" ) end ------------------ -- Return ------------------ return true end ------------------ -- Load prev screen ------------------ local loadPrevScene = function( moduleName, params ) loadScene( moduleName, "prev", params ) prevView.x = -_W end ------------------ -- Load curr screen ------------------ local loadCurrScene = function( moduleName, params ) loadScene( moduleName, "curr", params ) currView.x = 0 end ------------------ -- Load next screen ------------------ local loadNextScene = function( moduleName, params ) loadScene( moduleName, "next", params ) nextView.x = _W end --====================================================================-- -- EFFECT ENDED --====================================================================-- local fxEnded = function( event ) ------------------ -- Reset current view ------------------ currView.x = 0 currView.y = 0 currView.xScale = 1 currView.yScale = 1 ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "curr" ) ------------------ -- Unload scene ------------------ if currScene ~= nextScene then unloadScene( currScene ) end ------------------ -- Next -> Current ------------------ currScreen = nextScreen currScene = newScene currView:insert( currScreen ) ------------------ -- Reset next view ------------------ nextView.x = _W nextView.y = 0 nextView.xScale = 1 nextView.yScale = 1 nextScene = "main" nextScreen = nil ------------------ -- Finish ------------------ isChangingScene = false protection.isVisible = false ------------------ -- Return ------------------ return true end --====================================================================-- -- CHANGE SCENE --====================================================================-- function director:changeScene( params, nextLoadScene, effect, arg1, arg2, arg3 ) ------------------ -- If is changing scene, return without do anything ------------------ if isChangingScene then return true else isChangingScene = true end ------------------ -- If is book, return without do anything ------------------ if isBook then return true end ------------------ -- Test parameters ------------------ if type( params ) ~= "table" then arg3 = arg2 arg2 = arg1 arg1 = effect effect = nextLoadScene nextLoadScene = params params = nil end -- if type( nextLoadScene ) ~= "string" then showError( "The scene name must be a string. scene = " .. tostring( nextLoadScene ) ) return false end ------------------ -- If is popup, don't change ------------------ if popupScene ~= "main" then showError( "Could not change scene inside a popup." ) return false end ------------------ -- Verify objects on current stage ------------------ local currentStage = display.getCurrentStage() -- for i = currentStage.numChildren, 1, -1 do ------------------ -- Verify directorId ------------------ if type( currentStage[i].directorId ) == "nil" then currentStage[i].directorId = currScene end ------------------ -- Insert into the CURR group if it's needed ------------------ if currentStage[i].directorId == currScene and currentStage[i].directorId ~= "main" then currScreen:insert( currentStage[i] ) end end ------------------ -- Prevent change to main ------------------ if nextLoadScene == "main" then return true end ------------------ -- Protection ------------------ protection.isVisible = true ------------------ -- Variables ------------------ newScene = nextLoadScene local showFx ------------------ -- Load Scene ------------------ loadNextScene( newScene, params ) ------------------ -- Verify objects on current stage ------------------ for i = currentStage.numChildren, 1, -1 do ------------------ -- Verify directorId ------------------ if type( currentStage[i].directorId ) == "nil" then currentStage[i].directorId = newScene end ------------------ -- Insert into the NEXT group if it's needed ------------------ if currentStage[i].directorId == newScene and currentStage[i].directorId ~= "main" then nextScreen:insert( currentStage[i] ) end end ------------------ -- EFFECT: Move From Right ------------------ if effect == "moveFromRight" then nextView.x = _W nextView.y = 0 -- showFx = nextView, { x = 0, time = fxTime } ) showFx = currView, { x = -_W, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Over From Right ------------------ elseif effect == "overFromRight" then nextView.x = _W nextView.y = 0 -- showFx = nextView, { x = 0, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Move From Left ------------------ elseif effect == "moveFromLeft" then nextView.x = -_W nextView.y = 0 -- showFx = nextView, { x = 0, time = fxTime } ) showFx = currView, { x = _W, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Over From Left ------------------ elseif effect == "overFromLeft" then nextView.x = -_W nextView.y = 0 -- showFx = nextView, { x = 0, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Move From Top ------------------ elseif effect == "moveFromTop" then nextView.x = 0 nextView.y = -_H -- showFx = nextView, { y = 0, time = fxTime } ) showFx = currView, { y = _H, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Over From Top ------------------ elseif effect == "overFromTop" then nextView.x = 0 nextView.y = -_H -- showFx = nextView, { y = 0, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Move From Bottom ------------------ elseif effect == "moveFromBottom" then nextView.x = 0 nextView.y = _H -- showFx = nextView, { y = 0, time = fxTime } ) showFx = currView, { y = -_H, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Over From Bottom ------------------ elseif effect == "overFromBottom" then nextView.x = 0 nextView.y = _H -- showFx = nextView, { y = 0, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Crossfade ------------------ elseif effect == "crossfade" then nextView.x = 0 nextView.y = 0 -- nextView.alpha = 0 -- showFx = currView, { alpha = 0, time = fxTime * 2 } ) showFx = nextView, { alpha = 1, time = fxTime * 2, onComplete = fxEnded } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Fade ------------------ -- ARG1 = color [ string ] ------------------ -- ARG1 = red [ number ] -- ARG2 = green [ number ] -- ARG3 = blue [ number ] ------------------ elseif effect == "fade" then nextView.x = _W nextView.y = 0 -- local fade = display.newRect( -_W, -_H, _W * 3, _H * 3 ) fade.alpha = 0 fade:setFillColor( getColor( arg1, arg2, arg3 ) ) effectView:insert( fade ) -- local function returnFade( event ) currView.x = _W nextView.x = 0 -- local function removeFade( event ) fade:removeSelf() fxEnded() end -- showFx = fade, { alpha = 0, time = fxTime, onComplete = removeFade } ) end -- showFx = fade, { alpha = 1.0, time = fxTime, onComplete = returnFade } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Flip ------------------ elseif effect == "flip" then nextView.xScale = 0.001 -- nextView.x = _W / 2 -- local phase1, phase2 -- showFx = currView, { xScale = 0.001, time = fxTime } ) showFx = currView, { x = _W / 2, time = fxTime } ) -- phase1 = function( e ) showFx = nextView, { xScale = 0.001, x = _W / 2, time = fxTime, onComplete = phase2 } ) end -- phase2 = function( e ) showFx = nextView, { xScale = 1, x = 0, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) end -- showFx = nextView, { time = 0, onComplete = phase1 } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: Down Flip ------------------ elseif effect == "downFlip" then nextView.x = _W / 2 nextView.y = _H * 0.15 -- nextView.xScale = 0.001 nextView.yScale = 0.7 -- local phase1, phase2, phase3, phase4 -- phase1 = function( e ) showFx = currView, { xScale = 0.7, yScale = 0.7, x = _W * 0.15, y = _H * 0.15, time = fxTime, onComplete = phase2 } ) end -- phase2 = function( e ) showFx = currView, { xScale = 0.001, x = _W / 2, time = fxTime, onComplete = phase3 } ) end -- phase3 = function( e ) showFx = nextView, { x = _W * 0.15, xScale = 0.7, time = fxTime, onComplete = phase4 } ) end -- phase4 = function( e ) showFx = nextView, { xScale = 1, yScale = 1, x = 0, y = 0, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) end -- showFx = currView, { time = 0, onComplete = phase1 } ) ------------------ -- EFFECT: None ------------------ else timer.performWithDelay( safeDelay, fxEnded ) end ------------------ -- Return ------------------ return true end --====================================================================-- -- OPEN POPUP --====================================================================-- function director:openPopUp( params, newPopUpScene, onClose ) ------------------ -- Test parameters ------------------ if type( params ) ~= "table" then onClose = newPopUpScene newPopUpScene = params params = nil end -- if type( newPopUpScene ) ~= "string" then showError( "Module name must be a string. moduleName = " .. tostring( newPopUpScene ) ) return false end -- if type( onClose ) == "function" then popUpOnClose = onClose else popUpOnClose = nil end ------------------ -- Test scene name ------------------ if newPopUpScene == currScene or newPopUpScene == nextScene or newPopUpScene == "main" then return false end ------------------ -- If is inside a popup, don't load ------------------ if popupScene ~= "main" then showError( "Could not load more then 1 popup." ) return false end ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "popup" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ unloadScene( newPopUpScene ) popupScene = "main" popupScreen = nil ------------------ -- Load scene ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( require, newPopUpScene ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to load module '" .. newPopUpScene .. "' - Please check if the file exists and it is correct.", message ) return false end ------------------ -- Serach for new() function ------------------ if not package.loaded[ newPopUpScene ].new then showError( "Module '" .. tostring( newPopUpScene ) .. "' must have a new() function." ) return false end ------------------ -- Execute new() function ------------------ local functionName = package.loaded[ newPopUpScene ].new -- handler, popupScreen = pcall( functionName, params ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to execute news( params ) function on '" .. tostring( moduleName ) .. "'.", popupScreen ) return false end ------------------ -- Test if a group was returned ------------------ if not isDisplayObject( currScreen ) then showError( "Module " .. moduleName .. " must return a display.newGroup()." ) return false end -- popupView:insert( popupScreen ) popupScene = newPopUpScene ------------------ -- Initiate Variables ------------------ initVars( "popup" ) ------------------ -- Protection ------------------ protection.isVisible = true ------------------ -- Return ------------------ return true end --====================================================================-- -- CLOSE POPUP --====================================================================-- function director:closePopUp() ------------------ -- If no popup is loaded, don't do anything ------------------ if popupScene == "main" then return true end ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "popup" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ unloadScene( newPopUpScene ) popupScene = "main" popupScreen = nil ------------------ -- Protection ------------------ protection.isVisible = false ------------------ -- Call function ------------------ if type( popUpOnClose ) == "function" then popUpOnClose() end ------------------ -- Return ------------------ return true end --====================================================================-- -- VERIFY IF IS BOOK --====================================================================-- function director:isBook() return isBook end --====================================================================-- -- GET CURRENT PAGE NAME --====================================================================-- getCurrBookPage = function() if bookPages[ currBookPage ] then return bookPages[ currBookPage ] end end --====================================================================-- -- GET CURRENT PAGE NUMBER --====================================================================-- getCurrBookPageNum = function() return currBookPage end --====================================================================-- -- GET PAGE COUNT --====================================================================-- getBookPageCount = function() return table.maxn( bookPages ) end --====================================================================-- -- INSERT PAGES --====================================================================-- function director:newBookPages( pageList, fade ) ------------------ -- If is not book, return without do anything ------------------ if not isBook then return true end ------------------ -- Test parameters ------------------ if type( pageList ) ~= "table" then return true end ------------------ -- Clean it ------------------ while getBookPageCount() > 0 do table.remove( bookPages ) end ------------------ -- Mount ------------------ local i = 1 while pageList[ i ] do if type( pageList[ i ] ) == "table" then bookPages[ i ] = pageList[ i ] i = i + 1 end end ------------------ -- Fade ------------------ local fadeFx = display.newRect( 0, 0, _W, _H ) fadeFx:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 ) fadeFx.alpha = 0 fadeFx.isVisible = false effectView:insert( fadeFx ) -- local fxEnded = function( e ) ------------------ -- Remove Fade ------------------ fadeFx:removeSelf() fadeFx = nil end ------------------ -- Go to page ------------------ local change = function( e ) ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "prev" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if prevScene ~= bookPages[ 1 ] and prevScene ~= bookPages[ 2 ] then unloadScene( prevScene ) end -- prevScene = "main" ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "next" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if nextScene ~= bookPages[ 1 ] and nextScene ~= bookPages[ 2 ] then unloadScene( nextScene ) end -- nextScene = "main" ------------------ -- Load pages 1 and 2 ------------------ if bookPages[ 1 ] then loadCurrScene( bookPages[ 1 ].page, bookPages[ 1 ].params ) currBookPage = 1 end -- if bookPages[ 2 ] then loadNextScene( bookPages[ 2 ].page, bookPages[ 2 ].params ) end ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.start() function ------------------ if currScreen then if currScreen.start then ------------------ -- Start Page ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( currScreen.start ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to start page of object '" .. currScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.start() function.", message ) return false end end end ------------------ -- Complete Fade ------------------ local showFx = fadeFx, { alpha = 0, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) end ------------------ -- Execute Fade ------------------ if fade then fadeFx.isVisible = true local showFx = fadeFx, { alpha = 1, time = fxTime, onComplete = change } ) else change() end end --====================================================================-- -- CHANGE BOOK PAGE --====================================================================-- function director:changeBookPage( target ) ------------------ -- If is not book, return without do anything ------------------ if not isBook then return true end ------------------ -- If is changing scene, return without do anything ------------------ if isChangingScene then return true else isChangingScene = true end ------------------ -- Test parameters ------------------ if type( target ) == nil then return true end -- if string.lower( target ) == "next" then if getCurrBookPageNum() + 1 < getBookPageCount() then target = getCurrBookPageNum() + 1 else target = getBookPageCount() end elseif string.lower( target ) == "prev" then if getCurrBookPageNum() - 1 > 1 then target = getCurrBookPageNum() - 1 else target = 1 end end -- if not type( target ) == "number" then return true end -- local showFx ------------------ -- Prevent page -1 ------------------ if target < 1 or target > getBookPageCount() or target == getCurrBookPageNum() then local bookFxEnded = function( event ) isChangingScene = false end -- showFx = prevView, { x = -_W, time = fxTime, transition = easing.outQuad } ) showFx = currView, { x = 0, time = fxTime, transition = easing.outQuad } ) showFx = nextView, { x = _W, time = fxTime, transition = easing.outQuad, onComplete = bookFxEnded } ) else ------------------ -- Animate to the correct side ------------------ -- Moved left if target > getCurrBookPageNum() then local bookFxEnded = function( event ) ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "prev" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if prevScene ~= currScene and prevScene ~= nextScene then unloadScene( prevScene ) end ------------------ -- Curr -> Prev ------------------ prevScreen = currScreen prevScene = currScene prevView:insert( prevScreen ) prevView.x = -_W ------------------ -- Initiate Variables ------------------ initVars( "prev" ) ------------------ -- Next -> Curr ------------------ currScreen = nextScreen currScene = nextScene currView:insert( currScreen ) currView.x = 0 -- nextScreen = nil ------------------ -- Load Scene ------------------ if bookPages[ target + 1 ] then loadNextScene( bookPages[ target + 1 ].page, bookPages[ target + 1 ].params ) end -- nextView.x = _W ------------------ -- Finish ------------------ currBookPage = target isChangingScene = false ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.start() function ------------------ if currScreen then if currScreen.start then ------------------ -- Start Page ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( currScreen.start ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to start page of object '" .. currScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.start() function.", message ) return false end end end end -- showFx = prevView, { x = -_W, time = fxTime, transition = easing.outQuad } ) showFx = currView, { x = -_W, time = fxTime, transition = easing.outQuad } ) showFx = nextView, { x = 0, time = fxTime, transition = easing.outQuad, onComplete = bookFxEnded } ) -- Moved right else local bookFxEnded = function( event ) ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "next" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if prevScene ~= nextScene and currScene ~= nextScene then unloadScene( nextScene ) end ------------------ -- Curr -> Next ------------------ nextScreen = currScreen nextScene = currScene nextView:insert( nextScreen ) nextView.x = _W ------------------ -- Initiate Variables ------------------ initVars( "next" ) ------------------ -- Prev -> Curr ------------------ currScreen = prevScreen currScene = prevScene currView:insert( currScreen ) currView.x = 0 -- prevScreen = nil ------------------ -- Load Scene ------------------ if bookPages[ target - 1 ] then loadPrevScene( bookPages[ target - 1 ].page, bookPages[ target - 1 ].params ) end -- prevView.x = -_W ------------------ -- Finish ------------------ currBookPage = target isChangingScene = false ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.start() function ------------------ if currScreen then if currScreen.start then ------------------ -- Start Page ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( currScreen.start ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to start page of object '" .. currScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.start() function.", message ) return false end end end end -- showFx = prevView, { x = 0, time = fxTime, transition = easing.outQuad } ) showFx = currView, { x = _W, time = fxTime, transition = easing.outQuad } ) showFx = nextView, { x = _W, time = fxTime, transition = easing.outQuad, onComplete = bookFxEnded } ) end end end --====================================================================-- -- MOVE TO CHANGE BOOK PAGE --====================================================================-- moveBookPage = function( event ) ------------------ -- If is not book, return without do anything ------------------ if not isBook then return true end ------------------ -- If is changing scene, return without do anything ------------------ if isChangingScene then return true end ------------------ -- Verify event ------------------ if event.phase == "moved" then ------------------ -- Move pages while touching ------------------ if event.xStart > event.x then prevView.x = -_W - ( event.xStart - event.x ) currView.x = 0 - ( event.xStart - event.x ) nextView.x = _W - ( event.xStart - event.x ) else prevView.x = -_W + ( event.x - event.xStart ) currView.x = 0 + ( event.x - event.xStart ) nextView.x = _W + ( event.x - event.xStart ) end elseif event.phase == "ended" then ------------------ -- If page reach limit then change ------------------ local limit = 0.2 -- if currView.x < -_W * limit then director:changeBookPage( "next" ) elseif currView.x > _W * limit then director:changeBookPage( "prev" ) else director:changeBookPage( getCurrBookPageNum() ) end end end --====================================================================-- -- GO TO BOOK PAGE --====================================================================-- function director:goToPage( params, target, fade ) ------------------ -- Test parameters ------------------ if type( params ) ~= "table" then fade = target target = params params = nil end -- if type( target ) ~= "number" then showError( "The page name must be a number. page = " .. tostring( target ) ) return false end -- if target < 1 then showError( "Cannot change to page lower then 1. page = " .. tostring( target ) ) return false end ------------------ -- Fade ------------------ local fadeFx = display.newRect( -_W, -_H, _W * 3, _H * 3 ) fadeFx:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 ) fadeFx.alpha = 0 fadeFx.isVisible = false effectView:insert( fadeFx ) -- local fxEnded = function( e ) ------------------ -- Remove Fade ------------------ fadeFx:removeSelf() fadeFx = nil end ------------------ -- Go to page ------------------ local change = function( e ) -- First page if target == 1 then ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "prev" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if prevScene ~= currScene and prevScene ~= nextScene then unloadScene( prevScene ) end ------------------ -- Load Scenes ------------------ if bookPages[ 1 ] then loadCurrScene( bookPages[ 1 ].page, params or bookPages[ 1 ].params ) currBookPage = 1 end -- if bookPages[ 2 ] then loadNextScene( bookPages[ 2 ].page, bookPages[ 2 ].params ) end -- Last page elseif target == getBookPageCount() then ------------------ -- Load Scenes ------------------ if bookPages[ target ] then loadCurrScene( bookPages[ target ].page, params or bookPages[ target ].params ) currBookPage = target end -- if bookPages[ target - 1 ] then loadPrevScene( bookPages[ target - 1 ].page, bookPages[ target - 1 ].params ) end ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "next" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if prevScene ~= nextScene and currScene ~= nextScene then unloadScene( nextScene ) end -- Somewhere in the middle else ------------------ -- Load Scenes ------------------ if bookPages[ target-1 ] then loadPrevScene( bookPages[ target - 1 ].page, bookPages[ target - 1 ].params ) end -- if bookPages[ target ] then loadCurrScene( bookPages[ target ].page, params or bookPages[ target ].params ) currBookPage = target end -- if bookPages[ target + 1 ] then loadNextScene( bookPages[ target + 1 ].page, bookPages[ target + 1 ].params ) end end ------------------ -- Search for the localGroup.start() function ------------------ if currScreen then if currScreen.start then ------------------ -- Start Page ------------------ local handler, message = pcall( currScreen.start ) -- if not handler then showError( "Failed to start page of object '" .. currScene .. "' - Please verify the localGroup.start() function.", message ) return false end end end ------------------ -- Complete Fade ------------------ local showFx = fadeFx, { alpha = 0, time = fxTime, onComplete = fxEnded } ) end ------------------ -- Execute Fade ------------------ if fade then fadeFx.isVisible = true local showFx = fadeFx, { alpha = 1, time = fxTime, onComplete = change } ) else change() end end --====================================================================-- -- TURN TO BOOK OR SCENES --====================================================================-- function director:turnToBook() isBook = true end -- function director:turnToScenes() ------------------ -- Toggle Books ------------------ isBook = false ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "prev" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if prevScene ~= currScene and prevScene ~= nextScene then unloadScene( prevScene ) end ------------------ -- Rebuild Group ------------------ rebuildGroup( "next" ) ------------------ -- Unload Scene ------------------ if prevScene ~= nextScene and currScene ~= nextScene then unloadScene( nextScene ) end ------------------ -- Finish ------------------ prevScreen = nil nextScreen = nil prevScene = "main" nextScene = "main" end