module OpenConferenceWare # = CacheLookupsMixin # # A mixin that provides simple caching for ActiveRecord models. It's best used # for models that have relatively few records (less than a thousand) and are # updated infrequently (less than once per second). # # == Example of usage # # Setup lookups for Thing: # # class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base # cache_lookups_for :id, order: :created_at # ... # end # # Return array of things in the order they were created: # things = Thing.lookup # # Return a particular Thing matching ID 66: # thing = Thing.lookup(66) module CacheLookupsMixin def self.included(mixee) mixee.send(:extend, ClassMethods) mixee.class_eval do # ActiveRecord model's attribute to use when asked to lookup a specific # item. Defaults to :id. cattr_accessor :lookup_key self.lookup_key = :id # Hash of options passed to ActiveRecord::Base.find when populating the # cache. This makes it possible to add :order and filter by :condition. cattr_accessor :lookup_opts self.lookup_opts = {} end end module ClassMethods # Should lookups be cached? If the "perform_caching" Rails environment # configuration setting is enabled, default to using cache. # # You can force caching on or off using the CACHELOOKUPS environmental # variable, e.g. activate with: # # CACHELOOKUPS=1 ./script/server def cache_lookups? if Rails.configuration.action_controller.perform_caching return ENV['CACHELOOKUPS'] != '0' else return ENV['CACHELOOKUPS'] == '1' end end # Setup the lookup caching system. # # Arguments: # * key: The attribute you'll use as a key for doing lookups. # * opts: Options to pass to ActiveRecord::Base.find. def cache_lookups_for(key, opts={}) self.lookup_key = key self.lookup_opts = opts end # Return silo that this class's values will be stored in. def lookup_silo_name return "#{'::', '__')}_dict" end def query_one(key) return self.where(self.lookup_key => key).first end def query_all scope = self scope = scope.order(self.lookup_opts[:order]) if self.lookup_opts[:order] scope = scope.includes(*self.lookup_opts[:include]) if self.lookup_opts[:include] return scope end # Return instance from cache matching +key+. If +key+ is undefined, returns # array of all instances. def lookup(key=nil) unless self.cache_lookups? return key ? self.query_one(key) : self.query_all end silo = self.lookup_silo_name key_number = key.try(:[], '#'+to_s) if key.present? ActiveRecord::Base.benchmark("Lookup: #{silo}#{key_number}") do dict = self.fetch_object(silo){ # FIXME Exceptions within this block are silently swallowed by something. This is bad. dict = for record in self.query_all dict[record.send(self.lookup_key)] = record end dict } return key ? dict[key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key] : dict.values end end def expire_cache"Lookup, expiring: #{}") CacheWatcher.expire(/#{lookup_silo_name}_.+/) end def fetch_object(silo, &block) self.revive_associations_for(self) return Rails.cache.fetch(silo, &block) end def revive_associations_for(object) if object.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Base) || object.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) object.reflect_on_all_associations.each do |association| name = association.class_name unless object.constants.include?(name) name.constantize # This line forces Rails to load this class end end end end end end end