resque-aps =============== Resque-Aps is an extension to [Resque]( that adds shortcuts to send notifications to Apple's Push System. Installation and integration with callbacks -------------------------------------- To install: gem install resque-aps You'll need to add this to your Rails rakefile to see the queue lengths: require 'resque_aps/tasks' task "resque:setup" => :environment $ rake resque:aps:queue_lengths I use this to monitor the system in nagios. To extend the system create an initializer: require 'resque_aps' Resque.aps_gateway_host = AppConfig.apn_gateway_host Resque.aps_gateway_port = AppConfig.apn_gateway_port Resque.aps_feedback_host = AppConfig.apn_feedback_host Resque.aps_feedback_port = AppConfig.apn_feedback_port module ResqueAps class Application def after_aps_write(notification)"Sent Notification [#{notification.application_name}] [#{notification.device_token}] [#{notification.payload}]") if logger end # It probably failed because there is something wrong with the device token # do not requeue. def failed_aps_write(notification, exception) logger.error "failed_aps_write: #{notification.inspect} - #{exception}" logger.error exception.backtrace.join("\n") end # Something is probably wrong with the certificate def notify_aps_admin(exception) # Notify once a minute unless"push_certificate:notify_admin:#{name}") logger.error("notification: #{exception.message}") # Email error to someone Rails.cache.write("push_certificate:notify_admin:#{name}", "true", :expires_in => 60) end rescue logger.error("#{$!} (#{name}): #{$!.backtrace.join("\n")}") end def aps_nil_notification_retry?(sent_count, start_time) # Live forever sleep 1 true # Or not #false end def after_aps_read(feedback) # Remove the device token from the system for this application so we don't send to it anymore # feedback.application_name, feedback.device_token end end end Plagurism alert --------------- This was intended to be an extension to resque and was based heavily on resque-scheduler, which resulted in a lot of the code looking very similar. One massive departure is the use of logging which resque and resque-scheduler do not use but I do. Contributing ------------ For bugs or suggestions, please just open an issue in github.