module Light module Services module Parameters def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval do class << self attr_accessor :parameters attr_accessor :outputs end end end def parameters @parameters_storage.to_hash end def outputs @outputs_storage.to_hash end private def initialize_params @parameters_storage = (self.class.parameters || []).each do |options| # Skip or raise exception if parameter not exist unless args.key?(options[:name]) next unless options[:required] next if options[:allow_nil] raise Light::Services::ParamRequired, "Parameter \"#{options[:name]}\" is required" end # Load parameter value value = args[options[:name]] # Check type of parameter wrong_type = options[:type] && !options[:type].include?(value.class) not_allow_nil = !options[:allow_nil] || (options[:allow_nil] && !value.nil?) if wrong_type && not_allow_nil raise Light::Services::ParamType, "Type of \"#{options[:name]}\" must be \"#{options[:type]}\"" end # Create instance variable and getter @parameters_storage.add(options[:name], value) define_singleton_method options[:name] do @parameters_storage.get(options[:name]) end define_singleton_method "#{options[:name]}=" do |val| @parameters_storage.add(options[:name], val) end end @parameters_storage end def initialize_outputs @outputs_storage = (self.class.outputs || []).each do |options| @outputs_storage.add(options[:name], options[:value]) define_singleton_method options[:name] do @outputs_storage.get(options[:name]) end define_singleton_method "#{options[:name]}=" do |value| @outputs_storage.add(options[:name], value) end end @outputs_storage end module ClassMethods def param(name, options = {}) self.parameters ||= [] self.parameters << { name: name, required: options.fetch(:required, true), public: options.fetch(:private, false), type: [*options[:type]].compact, allow_nil: options.fetch(:allow_nil, false) } end def output(name, value = nil, options = {}) self.outputs ||= [] self.outputs << { name: name, value: value, public: options.fetch(:private, false) } end end end end end