# onkcop ## v0.49.1.0 (2017-05-31) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.49.0.0...v0.49.1.0) * Update `rubocop` v0.49.1. * Change `Style/TrailingCommaInArguments` to `comma` style. ## v0.49.0.0 (2017-05-25) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.48.1.1...v0.49.0.0) * Update `rubocop` v0.49.0 and `rubocop-rspec` v1.15.1 * Enable `Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation` cop except `spec/**/*` * Change some cops to `Layout` department * Disable new `Style/YodaCondition` cop ## v0.48.1.1 (2017-04-18) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.48.1.0...v0.48.1.1) * Disable `Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation` cop. ## v0.48.1.0 (2017-04-17) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.48.0.0...v0.48.1.0) * Update `rubocop` v0.48.1. * Enable `Rails/Blank` cop. * Enable `Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation` cop. * Remove Exclude option from `Style/MixinGrouping` cop. * Change `Style/NumericLiterals` cop to `Strict`. ## v0.48.0.0 (2017-03-29) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.47.1.2...v0.48.0.0) * Update `rubocop` v0.48.0. * Disable new `Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation` cop. * Disable new `Rails/Blank` cop. * Disable `Style/SymbolArray`, `StyleWordArray` cop. * Change `Style/MultilineMethodCallIndentation` to `indented_relative_to_receiver` style. * Exclude RSpec directory from new `Style/MixinGrouping` cop. * Ignore `node_modules` dir. * Add `TargetRailsVersion` to README and template ## v0.47.1.2 (2017-03-01) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.47.1.1...v0.47.1.2) * Change `Style/StringLiteralsInInterpolation` to `double_quotes` style. ## v0.47.1.1 (2017-03-01) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.47.1.0...v0.47.1.1) * Update `rubocop-rspec` v1.12.0. * Enable `Style/StringMethods` cop. * Enable `Style/StringLiteralsInInterpolation` cop. * Change `RSpec/DescribedClass` to `explicit` style. * Exclude `*.gemspec` from `Metrics/BlockLength` cop. * Disable `Lint/EmptyWhen` cop. ## v0.47.1.0 (2017-01-20) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.46.0.1...v0.47.1.0) * Update to `rubocop` v0.47.1 and `rubocop-rspec` v1.10.0. * Remove `Style/SingleLineBlockParams` cop config because disabled by default. * Disable new `Security/YAMLLoad` cop. ## v0.46.0.1 (2017-01-07) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.46.0.0...v0.46.0.1) * Update to `rubocop-rspec` v1.9.1. * Disable `RSpec/MessageExpectation` cop that is replaced with a new cop: `RSpec/MessageSpies`. * Add CLI for setup `.rubocop.yml`. ## v0.46.0.0 (2016-11-30) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.45.0.0...v0.46.0.0) * Update to `rubocop` v0.46.0. * Use new `Style/EmptyMethod` cop with `expanded` style. * Use `Style/TernaryParentheses` cop `require_parentheses_when_complex` style. ## v0.45.0.0 (2016-11-02) [full changelog](https://github.com/onk/onkcop/compare/v0.44.1.1...v0.45.0.0) * Update to `rubocop` v0.45.0 and `rubocop-rspec` v1.8.0. * Disable new `RSpec/ImplicitExpect` cop. * Explicitly enable `Rspec/MessageExpectation` cop that is now disabled by default. * Exclude Gemfile, Guardfile on `Metrics/BlockLength`. * Disable `Style/TernaryParentheses` cop. * Enable `Rails/HttpPositionalArguments` cop that fixes bug.