require_relative '../spec_helper' require 'json' describe Syncano::Connection do context 'api_key' do specify { expect( 'fafarafa')).to be_authenticated } specify { expect( be_authenticated } end describe '#authenticate' do subject { email: email, password: password } let(:authenticate_uri) { endpoint_uri('account/auth/') } let(:email) { '' } let(:password) { 'kiszonka' } let(:success_status) { 200 } let(:unauthorized_status) { 401 } context 'successful' do before do expect(subject).to receive(:request). with(:post, described_class::AUTH_PATH, email: email, password: password). and_return('account_key' => 'kEy') end specify do expect { subject.authenticate }.to change { subject.authenticated? } end end context 'failed' do before do expect(subject).to receive(:request).and_raise('auth failed') end specify do expect { subject.authenticate }.to raise_error('auth failed') end end end describe '#request' do let(:headers) { { 'X-Api-Key'=>'87a7da987da98sd7a98', 'User-Agent' => "Syncano Ruby Gem #{Syncano::VERSION}" } } let(:api_key) { '87a7da987da98sd7a98' } let(:connection_params) { { api_key: api_key, user_key: 'Us3rK3y' } } let(:raw_response) { { body: 'koza' } } let(:handled_response) { double :handled_response } subject { } context 'with supported method' do before do stub_request(:get, endpoint_uri('user/method/')). with(headers: headers).to_return(raw_response) expect(Syncano::Response). to receive(:handle) { |raw_response| expect(raw_response.body).to eq('koza') }. and_return(handled_response) end specify do expect(subject.request(:get, 'user/method/')).to eq(handled_response) end end context 'with unsupported method' do specify do expect { subject.request :koza, 'fafarafa' }. to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'Unsupported method "koza"') end end end end