require 'rsolr' module RailsConnector # This class provides a basic implementation for accessing a Solr search server. # It can be activated by making it the superclass of SearchRequest # (instead of DefaultSearchRequest). # It should be customized by subclassing. class LuceneSearchRequest attr_reader :query_string # Sanitizes the given +query_string+ and takes +options+ for accessing Solr. # # +options+ is a hash and may include: # # :limit:: The maximum number of hits # :offset:: The search offset # :solr_url:: A non-default Solr server URL # :filter_query:: See #filter_query_conditions # :solr_parameters:: A hash of additional query parameters (e. g. +timeAllowed+, +sort+) # :lazy_load:: when set to false (the default), the hits will load their associated Objs immediatley. Otherwise they will be loaded lazyly (when accessed through Hit#obj). Note that loading lazyly may expose hits that do not have an Obj, i.e. they return nil when Hit#obj is invoked. When loading immediately, those hits are filtered. def initialize(query_string, options = nil) @query_string = self.class.sanitize(query_string) @options = Configuration.search_options.merge(options || {}) end # Accesses Solr and fetches search hits. # # Uses the #filter_query and +options+ given in #new. def fetch_hits solr = RSolr.connect(:url => @options[:solr_url]) solr_result = solr.get("select", :params => solr_query_parameters) solr_response = solr_result['response'] build_search_result(solr_response['numFound'], solr_response['docs'], solr_response['maxScore']) end # Removes unwanted characters from +text+. def self.sanitize(text) text.gsub(/[^\w\*]/, ' ').gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip end def solr_query_for_query_string @query_string.downcase.split(/\s+/).map do |word| word unless %w(and or not).include?(word) end.compact.join(" AND ") end # Combines filter query conditions (see #filter_query_conditions). # # A filter query is used to reduce the number of documents before executing the actual query. # By default, all filter query conditions must be met, each is passed on as a separate filter query. def filter_query filter_query_conditions.values.compact end # A hash of conditions, combined to a filter query by #filter_query. # Note that all values of the hash must be valid Solr syntax. # The keys have no meaning and exist only so single conditions can be replaced # in a subclass: # # class SearchRequest < LuceneSearchRequest # def filter_query_conditions # super.merge(:subset => 'path:/de/*') # end # end def filter_query_conditions conditions = {} conditions[:object_type] = 'NOT object_type:image' conditions[:suppress_export] = 'NOT suppress_export:1' now = conditions[:valid_from] = "NOT valid_from:[#{(now + 1.second).to_iso} TO *]" conditions[:valid_until] = "NOT valid_until:[* TO #{now.to_iso}]" conditions.merge(@options[:filter_query] || {}) end private def solr_query_parameters { :q => solr_query_for_query_string, :fq => filter_query, :fl => 'id,score', :start => @options[:offset], :rows => @options[:limit] }.merge(@options[:solr_parameters] || {}) end def build_search_result(total_hits, docs, max_score) result = docs.each do |doc| begin id = doc['id'] score = doc['score'] / max_score hit =, score, doc) if @options[:lazy_load].blank? && hit.obj.blank? Rails.logger.warn("OBJ with ID ##{doc['id']} not found: This search result will not be shown") else result << hit end end end result end end end