[0o:RPG::Item:@animation1_idi:@consumableT: @nameI"lightbulb:ET:@icon_nameI"item_start_lightbulb; T:@minus_state_set[:@common_event_idi:@recover_hp_ratei: @mdef_fi:@occasioni: @pricei:@plus_state_set[:@recover_spi: @menu_seo:RPG::AudioFile: @volumeiU;I"; T: @pitchii:@parameter_pointsi: @pdef_fi: @scopei:@element_set[:@recover_sp_ratei:@animation2_idi:@parameter_typei: @hitii:@idi:@descriptionI"%A large lightbulb. It's the sun.; T:@recover_hpi:@varianceio;;i;T;I"television remote; T; I"item_start_remote; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"-It's too hard to read in the dark light.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bottle of alcohol; T; I"item_start_bottle; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"*The smell of the liquid is repugnant.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" stick; T; I"item_start_branch; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"HELLO_big; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i ; I"Dry and brittle.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"wet stick; T; I"item_start_branch_wet; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"HELLO_big; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i ; I"#Covered in alchohol. Flamable.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" torch; T; I"item_start_torch; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"HELLO_big; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i ; I"It's a stick on fire.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"basement key; T; I"item_start_key; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i ; I"This thing looks old.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" camera; T; I"item_blue_camera; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i ; I"2A broken camera with a large screwed-in lens.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"screwdriver; T; I"item_blue_screwdriver; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"Phillips-head.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" lens; T; I"item_blue_lens; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"A large glass lens.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"empty bottle; T; I"item_start_bottle_empty; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I""The smell of alcohol lingers.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"broken battery; T; I"item_blue_battery_broken; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I";Apparently a battery. It has some broken glass in it.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"empty battery; T; I"item_blue_battery_empty; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"5An intact, rechargable battery. Currently empty.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"charged battery; T; I"item_blue_battery_full; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"3A working, rechargable battery. Maximum power.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bottle of smoke; T; I"item_blue_bottle_smoke; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I" It's full of noxious fumes.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bottle of acid; T; I"item_blue_bottle_acid; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"&It's full of a thick liquid acid.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"wet sponge; T; I"item_blue_sponge; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"1Sponge soaked with acidic cleaning solution.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" crowbar; T; I"item_blue_prybar; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"(Makeshift crowbar made from a pipe.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"metal rod; T; I"item_blue_rod; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"#It weighs surprisingly little.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" sponge; T; I"item_blue_sponge; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"(A flat sponge with a rough surface.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"empty syringe; T; I"item_blue_syringe_empty; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"%The needle is particularly long.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"filled syringe; T; I"item_blue_syringe_full; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"3It's full of the strange liquid from the pond.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" amber; T; I"item_blue_coin; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"9A piece of glowing amber with a black clover inside.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"strange journal; T; I"item_blue_journal; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"?Found in the Barrens. It's written in an unknown language.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" feather; T; I"item_green_feather; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"3A long and slender feather with glowing edges.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bottle of dye; T; I"item_green_ink; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"CA small vial filled with dark blue liquid used for dying wool.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"tube of water; T; I"water_normal; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i ; I"#The label says "water sample".; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" seed; T; I"item_green_corn; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i!; I"1It's a seed apparently left behind by Maize.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" wool; T; I"item_green_wool; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i"; I"It's... kind of useless.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"feather pen; T; I"item_green_pen; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i#; I"0A pen made from dipping a feather into ink.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"die; T; I"item_red_die; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i$; I"A die with glowing dots.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"button (?); T; I"item_red_button; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i%; I",A simple button made from a coffee tin.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"magnetized (?) button; T; I"item_red_magnetized_button; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i&; I",A button with magnets loosely attached.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"taped button; T; I"item_red_button_taped; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i'; I"'The magnets are secured with tape.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"you tried; T; I"item_red_youtried; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i(; I""It's the thought that counts.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" magnets; T; I"item_red_magnets; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i); I"'An assortment of colorful magnets.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"metal can; T; I"item_red_tin; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i*; I"-Made of aluminum. Says "COFFEE GROUNDS".; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" scissors; T; I"item_red_scissors; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i+; I"*A pair of scissors found amidst hair.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"weird film; T; I"item_red_film; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i,; I"-A transparent sheet filled with numbers.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"concave lens; T; I"item_red_lens_concave; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i-; I"!A large lens, curved inward.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"convex lens; T; I"item_red_lens_convex; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i.; I"!A large lens, curved outward; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"thin lens; T; I"item_red_lens_thin; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i/; I"A delicately thin lens.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"thick lens; T; I"item_red_lens_thick; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i0; I"A large, thick lens.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"glitter glue; T; I"item_red_gluestick; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i1; I"'A small tube of pink glitter glue.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i2; I"Not a cat!; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"Kip's library card; T; I"item_red_librarycard; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i3; I"*The name says "Kip Silverpoint Ph.D."; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" gas mask; T; I"item_blue_gasmask; T; [; i+; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i4; I"-A mask used to filter air for breathing.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"rubber gloves; T; I"item_blue_glove; T; [; i*; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i5; I"0Gloves designed to prevent chemical damage.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" boots; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i6; I"7These boots will make it possible to move quickly.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"novelty T-shirt; T; I"item_green_ramshirt; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i7; I":"I herded rams and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I""Kip" 's library card; T; I"item_red_librarycard_niko; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i8; I"9Library card from Kip. Niko's own photo is glued on.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"Library card (sticky); T; I"item_red_librarycard_glue; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i9; I"3There's glitter glue all over her photo now...; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko (sticky); T; I"item_red_photo_glue; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i:; I"6The back of the photo is covered in glitter glue.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"DEBUG SAVE; T; I"item_debug_save; T; [; i.; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i;; I"USE THIS TO SAVE; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" dirt; T; I"item_red_dirt; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i<; I"&A bag of dirt, for growing plants; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"water pill; T; I"water_pill; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i=; I"Goes in water, supposedly.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"medicated water; T; I"water_medicated; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i>; I"'The water pill is dissolved in it.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" clover; T; I" clover; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i?; I"A black clover.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"empty tube; T; I"water_empty; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i@; I"(An empty tube. Used to hold water.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bottle of pond water; T; I"item_blue_bottle_liquid; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iA; I"$It has the consistency of glue.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iB; I"Not a cat!; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iC; I"A backup!; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iD; I"3rd time's the charm?; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iE; I"This is kind of fun.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iF; I"Lookin' Good.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo_blink; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iG; I"Niko blinked in this one.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iH; I" Nice.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iI; I"Very photogenic.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iJ; I")Can't have too much of a good thing!; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"photo of Niko; T; I"item_red_photo; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iK; I"The ultimate photo.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" Key 1; T; I" key1; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iL; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" Key 2; T; I" key2; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iM; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" Key 3; T; I" key3; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iN; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"glowing journal; T; I"item_blue_journal_glow; T; [; iG; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iO; I"It's glowing now...?; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"memory disk; T; I"item_floppy; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iP; I"A floppy disk.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"memory disk (backup); T; I"item_floppy2; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iQ; I"'A floppy disk containing a backup.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"charged battery; T; I"item_green_battery; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iR; I"$A working, rechargable battery.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"music box; T; I"item_music_box; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iS; I"A wind-up music box.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" offset; T; I"fixed_shovel; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iT; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"data stick; T; I"item_blue_data_stick; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iU; I"/A matte black stick with metal on the end.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"jar; T; I" crystal; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iV; I".It's a glowing jar, filled with blue goo.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"battery case; T; I"item_blue_battery_empty; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iW; I"It feels lightweight.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" noclip 1; T; I" clover; T; [; i ; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I" cat_1; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iX; I"sv_cheats 1; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"permadeath toggle; T; I"item_floppy2; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iY; I"3weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" wrench; T; I"item_wrench; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iZ; I"It's quite hefty.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i[; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i\; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"shovel head; T; I"shovel_head; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i]; I"Large and heavy.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i^; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i_; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i`; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" glue; T; I"item_red_gluestick; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;ia; I"-It's a bottle of wood glue. Very sticky.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"shovel shaft; T; I"rod_unglue; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;ib; I"7Metallic and slender. Very heavy. Feels like wood.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"fixed shovel; T; I"fixed_shovel; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;ic; I"It's a large shovel.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"glued shaft; T; I" rod_glue; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;id; I"=It's the shovel shaft with glue on the end. Very sticky.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;ie; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;if; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;ig; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;ih; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" tongs; T; I"item_blue_tongs; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;ii; I"=A v shaped piece of metal. Meant for picking up objects.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;ij; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"Map mover; T; I"item_red_die; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;ik; I":ths will no longer crash if you select an invalid map; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" paper; T; I" paper; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;il; I"It's bound with some wax.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"dusty bottle; T; I"bottle_dust; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;im; I"It's a bottle. With dust.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" scissors; T; I"item_red_scissors; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;in; I"A pair of scissors.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;io; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;ip; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iq; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;ir; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;is; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;it; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iu; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" knife; T; I" knife; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iv; I"You call this a knife?; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" spoon; T; I" spoon; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;iw; I"This is a knife.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"fish sandwich; T; I"bread_fish; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;ix; I"$It's bread with fish. It reeks.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" bread; T; I" bread; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iy; I" It's a small loaf of bread.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"dried fish; T; I" fish; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;iz; I"#It gives off a repungent odor.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"mortar and pestle; T; I" mortar; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i{; I"8It's a stone mortar and pestle used to grind grain.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" wheat; T; I" wheat; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i|; I"Fresh. It smells sweet.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" flour; T; I" sugar; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i}; I"1It's a white powder made from crushed wheat.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bowl of bread dough; T; I"bowl_dough; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i~; I"/It's a metal bowl filled with bread dough.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"empty bowl; T; I" bowl; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I")It's a metal bowl. Quite reflective.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bowl of water; T; I"bowl_water; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i{; I")It's a metal bowl filled with water.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"empty pan; T; I"bread_pan; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i|; I",It's a small metal pan used in baking. ; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"wax paper pan; T; I" wax_pan; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i}; I"+It's a metal pan with wax paper on it.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bread dough pan; T; I"bread_dough_pan; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i~; I".It's a metal pan with bread dough on top.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" yeast; T; I" yeast; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"'Used in baking as a raising agent.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bowl of flour water; T; I"bowl_flour_water; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I":It's a metal bowl filled with flour mixed with water.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" sugar; T; I" sugar; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"Sticky and sweet.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bowl of bread mixture; T; I"bowl_bread_mixture; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"4It's a metal bowl with yeast, flour, and water.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" lettuce; T; I" lettuce; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"Green and earthy. ; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" book; T; I"item_blue_journal_copy; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"7An unusual book with unreadable text on the cover.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" goggles; T; I"item_blue_goggles; T; [; i*; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I")A pair of googles, with a blue band.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" keycard; T; I"item_blue_keycard; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"8A plastic rectangle with a black bar and some text.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"transponder; T; I"transponder; T; [; i{; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"#A large and heavy metal brick.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"bottle of gas; T; I"item_blue_bottle_smoke; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"It's full of toxic gas.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"empty bottle; T; I"item_start_bottle_empty; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"A small, glass bottle.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" photo; T; I"photo_menderbot; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"0It's a photo of Menderbot and someone else.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"box; T; I"puzzle_box; T; [; ix; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"+It's a blue box with some dials on it.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"cd player; T; I"cd_player_item; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"It's ugly.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"niko plush; T; I"niko_plush; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"It's... me?; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" umbrella; T; I"item_red_uwubrella; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"It's adorable.; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;ii;i; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I"; T; I"; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"; T;!i;"io;;i;T;I" car jack; T; I"item_blue_carjack; T; [; i; i;i;i;i;[;i;o;;iU;I"; T;ii;i;i;i;[;i;i;i;ii;i; I"(It's a car jack, used to lift cars?; T;!i;"i