require "spec_helper" feature "Standard Rails render on errors" do let(:existing_example) { ErrorDuplicator.create(subject: 'anything', body: 'test body', published: true) } scenario "ensure secure environment for accurate test" do # Check that environment tested is actually secure (without selenium) visit new_error_duplicator_path expect(page.response_headers["Cache-Control"]).to include("no-cache, no-store") end scenario "triggering browser cache error in secure environment with browser history disabled", js: true do ErrorDuplicator.count.should eq(0) # Create new with an error visit new_error_duplicator_path fill_in "Subject", :with => existing_example.subject click_button "Create Error duplicator" expect(page).to have_text("Subject has already been taken") # Should have set the error on the object expect(page).to have_field('Subject', with: existing_example.subject) # Should *not* have redirected back expect(page.current_path).to eq(error_duplicators_path) # Should create successfully following an error fill_in "Subject", :with => "testing NEW input" click_button "Create Error duplicator" expect(page).to have_text("Error duplicator was successfully created.") ErrorDuplicator.count.should eq(2) # On click of back button page.execute_script("window.history.back();") # Cache miss error displayed for specific browser case $selenium_display.browser.to_sym when :firefox expect(page.find("h1#errorTitleText")).to have_text("Document Expired") expect(page.find("p#errorShortDescText")).to have_text("This document is no longer available.") expect(page.find("div#errorLongDesc")).to have_text("The requested document is not available in Firefox's cache") expect(page.current_path).to eq(error_duplicators_path) when :chrome within "div#main-frame-error" do expect(page.find("h1")).to have_text("Confirm Form Resubmission") click_button "More" #triggers chrome to load error code expect(page.find("div.error-code")).to have_text("Error code: ERR_CACHE_MISS") end else raise "Error - Unhandled browser" end end scenario "ensure non-secure environment for accurate test" do # Check that environment tested is not secure (without selenium) visit edit_error_duplicator_path(existing_example) expect(page.response_headers["Cache-Control"]).not_to include("no-cache, no-store") end scenario "working normally in non-secure environment with browser history", js: true do # Edit page has no secure headers set visit edit_error_duplicator_path(existing_example) fill_in "Subject", :with => "" click_button "Update Error duplicator" expect(page).to have_text("Subject can't be blank") expect(page).to have_field('Subject', with: "") expect(page.current_path).to eq(error_duplicator_path(existing_example)) # Edit successfully fill_in "Subject", :with => "updated test input" click_button "Update Error duplicator" expect(page).to have_text("Error duplicator was successfully updated.") # Should *not* have redirected back expect(page.current_path).to eq(error_duplicator_path(existing_example)) # On click of back button page.execute_script("window.history.back();") # Browser specific way of handling 'back' with errors in non-secure environment case $selenium_display.browser.to_sym when :firefox # Backs all the way back to edit page without errors (pre-post) expect(page.current_path).to eq(edit_error_duplicator_path(existing_example)) page.should have_content("Editing error_duplicator") expect(page).to_not have_text("Subject can't be blank") expect(page).to have_field('Subject', with: "") #Posted value when :chrome # Backs all the way back to show page with errors (post -> rendered error) expect(page.current_path).to eq(error_duplicator_path(existing_example)) page.should have_content("Editing error_duplicator") expect(page).to have_text("Subject can't be blank") expect(page).to have_field('Subject', with: "updated test input") #updated value else raise "Error - Unhandled browser" end end end