require 'spec_helper' describe Berkshelf::InitGenerator do let(:target) { tmp_path.join("some_cookbook") } let(:resolver) { double('resolver') } let(:kitchen_generator) { double('kitchen-generator', invoke_all: nil) } before do Kitchen::Generator::Init.stub(:new).with(any_args()).and_return(kitchen_generator) FileUtils.mkdir_p(target), 'metadata.rb'), 'w') do |f| f.write("name 'some_cookbook'") end end context 'with default options' do before do capture(:stdout) {[target]).invoke_all } end specify do expect(target).to have_structure { file '.gitignore' file 'Berksfile' file 'Gemfile' do contains "gem 'berkshelf'" end file 'Vagrantfile' do contains 'recipe[some_cookbook::default]' contains ' config.omnibus.chef_version = :latest' contains ' = "chef/ubuntu-14.04"' contains 'config.vm.box_url = ""' end file 'chefignore' } end end context 'with a chefignore' do before(:each) do capture(:stdout) {[target], chefignore: true).invoke_all } end specify do expect(target).to have_structure { file 'Berksfile' file 'chefignore' } end end context 'with no metadata' do before do FileUtils.rm(File.join(target, 'metadata.rb')) expect {[target]).invoke_all }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::NotACookbook) end end context 'with a metadata entry in the Berksfile' do before(:each) do capture(:stdout) {[target], metadata_entry: true).invoke_all } end specify do expect(target).to have_structure { file 'Berksfile' do contains 'metadata' end } end end context 'with the foodcritic option true' do before(:each) do capture(:stdout) {[target], foodcritic: true).invoke_all } end specify do expect(target).to have_structure { file 'Thorfile' do contains "require 'thor/foodcritic'" end file 'Gemfile' do contains "gem 'thor-foodcritic'" end } end end context 'with the scmversion option true' do before(:each) do capture(:stdout) {[target], scmversion: true).invoke_all } end specify do expect(target).to have_structure { file 'Thorfile' do contains "require 'thor/scmversion'" end file 'Gemfile' do contains "gem 'thor-scmversion'" end } end end context 'with the bundler option true' do before(:each) do capture(:stdout) {[target], no_bundler: true).invoke_all } end specify do expect(target).to have_structure { no_file 'Gemfile' } end end context 'given a value for the cookbook_name option' do it 'sets the value of cookbook_name attribute to the specified option' do generator =[target], cookbook_name: 'nautilus') cookbook = generator.send(:cookbook_name) expect(cookbook).to eq('nautilus') end end context 'when no value for cookbook_name option is specified' do it 'infers the name of the cookbook from the directory name' do generator =[target]) cookbook = generator.send(:cookbook_name) expect(cookbook).to eq('some_cookbook') end end context 'when skipping git' do before(:each) do generator =[target], skip_git: true) capture(:stdout) { generator.invoke_all } end it 'does not have a .git directory' do expect(target).to_not have_structure { directory '.git' } end end context 'when skipping vagrant' do before(:each) do capture(:stdout) {[target], skip_vagrant: true).invoke_all } end it 'does not have a Vagrantfile' do expect(target).to have_structure { no_file 'Vagrantfile' } end end context "given the 'vagrant.omnibus.enabled' option set to false" do before do Berkshelf::Config.instance.vagrant.omnibus.enabled = false capture(:stdout) {[target]).invoke_all } end it "generates a Vagrantfile without the 'config.omnibus.chef_version' value set" do expect(target).to have_structure { file 'Vagrantfile' do contains "#config.omnibus.chef_version" end } end end context "given the 'vagrant.omnibus.version' option set" do before do Berkshelf::Config.instance.vagrant.omnibus.enabled = true Berkshelf::Config.instance.vagrant.omnibus.version = "11.4.4" capture(:stdout) {[target]).invoke_all } end it "generates a Vagrantfile with the 'config.omnibus.chef_version' value set" do expect(target).to have_structure { file 'Vagrantfile' do contains " config.omnibus.chef_version = \"11.4.4\"" end } end end context "given the 'vagrant.omnibus.version' option set to 'latest'" do before do Berkshelf::Config.instance.vagrant.omnibus.enabled = true Berkshelf::Config.instance.vagrant.omnibus.version = "latest" capture(:stdout) {[target]).invoke_all } end it "generates a Vagrantfile with the 'config.omnibus.chef_version' value set to :latest" do expect(target).to have_structure { file 'Vagrantfile' do contains " config.omnibus.chef_version = :latest" end } end end context 'with the chef_minitest option true' do before(:each) do Berkshelf::Resolver.stub(:resolve) { resolver } pending 'Runs fine with no mock for the HTTP call on the first pass, subsequent passes throw errors' capture(:stdout) {[target], chef_minitest: true).invoke_all } end specify do expect(target).to have_structure { file 'Berksfile' do contains "cookbook 'minitest-handler'" end file 'Vagrantfile' do contains "'recipe[minitest-handler::default]'" end directory 'files' do directory 'default' do directory 'tests' do directory 'minitest' do file 'default_test.rb' do contains "describe 'some_cookbook::default' do" contains 'include Helpers::Some_cookbook' end directory 'support' do file 'helpers.rb' do contains 'module Some_cookbook' end end end end end end } end end end