Sha256: b7d2fbf06b5897e409d2291283a9c1e8239ab5bc00a0fe46ad8b64f455c168c3
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Versions: 3
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# ronin-netcat 1 "2023-02-01" Ronin "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-netcat - A netcat clone command ## SYNOPSIS `ronin netcat` [*options*] [`--tcp` \| `--udp` \| `--ssl` \| `--tls`] {*HOST* *PORT* \| `-l` [*HOST*] *PORT* \| `--unix` *PATH*} ## DESCRIPTION Connects to or listens on a TCP/UDP/SSL/TLS/UNIX socket. ## ARGUMENTS *HOST* : The remote hostname or IP address to connect to or the local hostname or IP address to listen on. *PORT* : The remote port to connect to or the local port to listen on. *PATH* : The path to the UNIX socket to connect to or listen on. ## OPTIONS `-v`, `--verbose` : Enables verbose output. `--tcp` : Uses the TCP protocol. `--udp` : Uses the UDP protocol. `-U`, `--unix` *PATH* : Uses the UNIX socket protocol and connects to or listens on the given *PATH*. `-l`, `--listen` : Listens for incoming connections. `-s`, `--source` *HOST* : Source address to bind to. `-p`, `--source-port` *PORT* : Source port to bind to. `-b`, `--buffer-size` *INT* : Buffer size to use. Defaults to 4096 if not given. `-x`, `--hexdump` : Hexdumps each message that is received. `--ssl` : Enables SSL mode. `--tls` : Enables TLS mode. `--ssl-version` `1`\|`1.1`\|`1.2` : Specifies the required SSL version. `--ssl-cert` *FILE* : Specifies the SSL certificate file. `--ssl-key` *FILE* : Specifies the SSL key file. `--ssl-verify` `none`\|`peer`\|`fail-if-no-peer-cert`\|`client-once`\|`true`\|`false` : SSL verification mode. `--ssl-ca-bundle` *PATH* : Path to the file or directory of CA certificates. `-h`, `--help` : Print help information. ## AUTHOR Postmodern <> ## SEE ALSO [ronin-hexdump]( [ronin-http](
Version data entries
3 entries across 3 versions & 1 rubygems
Version | Path |
ronin-2.1.1 | man/ |
ronin-2.1.0 | man/ |
ronin-2.1.0.rc1 | man/ |