# # Author:: Bryan W. Berry () # Author:: Seth Vargo () # # Copyright:: 2011-2018, Bryan w. Berry # Copyright:: 2012-2018, Seth Vargo # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require_relative "../resource" class Chef class Resource class Sudo < Chef::Resource resource_name :sudo provides(:sudo) { true } description "Use the sudo resource to add or remove individual sudo entries using sudoers.d files."\ " Sudo version 1.7.2 or newer is required to use the sudo resource, as it relies on the"\ " '#includedir' directive introduced in version 1.7.2. This resource does not enforce"\ " installation of the required sudo version. Chef-supported releases of Ubuntu, SuSE, Debian,"\ " and RHEL (6+) all support this feature." introduced "14.0" # According to the sudo man pages sudo will ignore files in an include dir that have a `.` or `~` # We convert either to `__` property :filename, String, description: "The name of the sudoers.d file if it differs from the name of the resource block", name_property: true, coerce: proc { |x| x.gsub(/[\.~]/, "__") } property :users, [String, Array], description: "User(s) to provide sudo privileges to. This property accepts either an array or a comma separated list.", default: lazy { [] }, coerce: proc { |x| x.is_a?(Array) ? x : x.split(/\s*,\s*/) } property :groups, [String, Array], description: "Group(s) to provide sudo privileges to. This property accepts either an array or a comma separated list. Leading % on group names is optional.", default: lazy { [] }, coerce: proc { |x| coerce_groups(x) } property :commands, Array, description: "An array of commands this sudoer can execute.", default: ["ALL"] property :host, String, description: "The host to set in the sudo configuration.", default: "ALL" property :runas, String, description: "User that the command(s) can be run as.", default: "ALL" property :nopasswd, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Allow sudo to be run without specifying a password.", default: false property :noexec, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Prevent commands from shelling out.", default: false property :template, String, description: "The name of the erb template in your cookbook, if you wish to supply your own template." property :variables, [Hash, nil], description: "The variables to pass to the custom template. This property is ignored if not using a custom template.", default: nil property :defaults, Array, description: "An array of defaults for the user/group.", default: lazy { [] } property :command_aliases, Array, description: "Command aliases that can be used as allowed commands later in the configuration.", default: lazy { [] } property :setenv, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Determines whether or not to permit preservation of the environment with 'sudo -E'.", default: false property :env_keep_add, Array, description: "An array of strings to add to env_keep.", default: lazy { [] } property :env_keep_subtract, Array, description: "An array of strings to remove from env_keep.", default: lazy { [] } property :visudo_path, String, deprecated: true property :visudo_binary, String, description: "The path to visudo for configuration verification.", default: "/usr/sbin/visudo" property :config_prefix, String, description: "The directory that contains the sudoers configuration file.", default: lazy { platform_config_prefix }, default_description: "Prefix values based on the node's platform" # handle legacy cookbook property def after_created raise "The 'visudo_path' property from the sudo cookbook has been replaced with the 'visudo_binary' property. The path is now more intelligently determined and for most users specifying the path should no longer be necessary. If this resource still cannot determine the path to visudo then provide the full path to the binary with the 'visudo_binary' property." if visudo_path end # VERY old legacy properties alias_method :user, :users alias_method :group, :groups # make sure each group starts with a % def coerce_groups(x) # split strings on the commas with optional spaces on either side groups = x.is_a?(Array) ? x : x.split(/\s*,\s*/) # make sure all the groups start with % groups.map { |g| g[0] == "%" ? g : "%#{g}" } end # default config prefix paths based on platform # @return [String] def platform_config_prefix case node["platform_family"] when "smartos" "/opt/local/etc" when "mac_os_x" "/private/etc" when "freebsd" "/usr/local/etc" else "/etc" end end action :create do description "Create a single sudoers config in the sudoers.d directory" validate_properties if docker? # don't even put this into resource collection unless we're in docker declare_resource(:package, "sudo") do action :nothing not_if "which sudo" end.run_action(:install) end target = "#{new_resource.config_prefix}/sudoers.d/" declare_resource(:directory, target) unless ::File.exist?(target) Chef::Log.warn("#{new_resource.filename} will be rendered, but will not take effect because the #{new_resource.config_prefix}/sudoers config lacks the includedir directive that loads configs from #{new_resource.config_prefix}/sudoers.d/!") if ::File.readlines("#{new_resource.config_prefix}/sudoers").grep(/includedir/).empty? file_path = "#{target}#{new_resource.filename}" if new_resource.template logger.trace("Template property provided, all other properties ignored.") declare_resource(:template, file_path) do source new_resource.template mode "0440" variables new_resource.variables verify visudo_content(file_path) if visudo_present? action :create end else declare_resource(:template, file_path) do source ::File.expand_path("support/sudoer.erb", __dir__) local true mode "0440" variables sudoer: (new_resource.groups + new_resource.users).join(","), host: new_resource.host, runas: new_resource.runas, nopasswd: new_resource.nopasswd, noexec: new_resource.noexec, commands: new_resource.commands, command_aliases: new_resource.command_aliases, defaults: new_resource.defaults, setenv: new_resource.setenv, env_keep_add: new_resource.env_keep_add, env_keep_subtract: new_resource.env_keep_subtract verify visudo_content(file_path) if visudo_present? action :create end end end action :install do Chef::Log.warn("The sudo :install action has been renamed :create. Please update your cookbook code for the new action") action_create end action :remove do Chef::Log.warn("The sudo :remove action has been renamed :delete. Please update your cookbook code for the new action") action_delete end # Removes a user from the sudoers group action :delete do description "Remove a sudoers config from the sudoers.d directory" file "#{new_resource.config_prefix}/sudoers.d/#{new_resource.filename}" do action :delete end end action_class do # Ensure that the inputs are valid (we cannot just use the resource for this) def validate_properties # if group, user, env_keep_add, env_keep_subtract and template are nil, throw an exception raise "You must specify users, groups, env_keep_add, env_keep_subtract, or template properties!" if new_resource.users.empty? && new_resource.groups.empty? && new_resource.template.nil? && new_resource.env_keep_add.empty? && new_resource.env_keep_subtract.empty? # if specifying user or group and template at the same time fail raise "You cannot specify users or groups properties and also specify a template. To use your own template pass in all template variables using the variables property." if (!new_resource.users.empty? || !new_resource.groups.empty?) && !new_resource.template.nil? end def visudo_present? return true if ::File.exist?(new_resource.visudo_binary) Chef::Log.warn("The visudo binary cannot be found at '#{new_resource.visudo_binary}'. Skipping sudoer file validation. If visudo is on this system you can specify the path using the 'visudo_binary' property.") end def visudo_content(path) if ::File.exist?(path) "cat #{new_resource.config_prefix}/sudoers | #{new_resource.visudo_binary} -cf - && #{new_resource.visudo_binary} -cf %{path}" else "cat #{new_resource.config_prefix}/sudoers %{path} | #{new_resource.visudo_binary} -cf -" end end end end end end