module ICU
class Tournament
=begin rdoc
== Krause
This is the {format}[]
used to submit tournament results to FIDE[] for rating.
Suppose, for example, that the following data is the file
012 Fantasy Tournament
032 IRL
042 2009.09.09
001 1 w Mouse,Minerva 1900 USA 1234567 1928.05.15 1.0 2 2 b 0 3 w 1
001 2 m m Duck,Daffy 2200 IRL 7654321 1937.04.17 2.0 1 1 w 1 3 b 1
001 3 m g Mouse,Mickey 2600 USA 1726354 1928.05.15 0.0 3 1 b 0 2 w 0
This file can be parsed as follows.
data = open('') { |f| }
parser =
tournament = parser.parse(data)
If the file is correctly specified, the return value from the parse method is an instance of
ICU::Tournament (rather than nil, which indicates an error). In this example the file is valid, so: # => "Fantasy Tournament"
tournament.start # => "2009-09-09"
tournament.rounds # => 3
tournament.fed # => "IRL"
tournament.players.size # => 9
A player can be retrieved from the tournament via the _players_ array or by sending a valid player number to the _player_ method.
minnie = tournament.player(1) # => "Mouse, Minerva"
minnie.points # => 1.0
minnie.results.size # => 2
daffy = tournament.player(2)
daffy.title # => "IM"
daffy.rating # => 2200
daffy.fed # => "IRL" # => 7654321
daffy.dob # => "1937-04-17"
Comments in the input file (lines that do not start with a valid data identification number) are available from the parser
instance via its _comments_ method. Note that these comments are reset evry time the instance is used to parse another file.
parser.comments # => "0123456789..."
A tournament can be serialized back to Krause format (the reverse of parsing) with the _serialize_ method.
krause = parser.serialize(tournament)
The following lists Krause data identification numbers, their description and, where available, their corresponding attributes in an ICU::Tournament instance.
[001 Player record] Use _players_ to get all players or _player_ with a player number to get a single instance.
[012 Name] Get or set with _name_. Free text. A tounament name is mandatory.
[013 Teams] Not implemented yet.
[022 City] Get or set with _city_. Free text.
[032 Federation] Get or set with _fed_. Getter returns either _nil_ or a three letter code. Setter can take various formats (see ICU::Federation).
[042 Start date] Get or set with _start_. Getter returns _yyyy-mm-dd_ format, but setter can use any reasonable date format. Start date is mandadory.
[052 End date] Get or set with _finish_. Returns either _yyyy-mm-dd_ format or _nil_ if not set. Like _start_, can be set with various date formats.
[062 Number of players] Not used. Treated as comment in parsed files. Can be determined from the size of the _players_ array.
[072 Number of rated players] Not used. Treated as comment in parsed files. Can be determined by analysing the array returned by _players_.
[082 Number of teams] Not used. Treated as comment in parsed files.
[092 Type of tournament] Get or set with _type_. Free text.
[102 Arbiter(s)] Get or set with -arbiter_. Free text.
[112 Deputy(ies)] Get or set with _deputy_. Free text.
[122 Time control] Get or set with _time_control_. Free text.
[132 Round dates] Not implemented yet.
class Krause
attr_reader :error, :comments
# Parse Krause data returning a Tournament on success or a nil on failure.
# In the case of failure, an error message can be retrived via the error method.
def parse(krs)
rescue => ex
@error = ex.message
# Parse Krause data returning a Tournament on success or raising an exception on error.
def parse!(krs)
@lineno = 0
@tournament ='Dummy', '2000-01-01')
@name_set, @start_set = false, false
@comments = ''
@results =
# Process all lines.
krs.each_line do |line|
@lineno += 1 # increment line number
line.strip! # remove leading and trailing white space
next if line == '' # skip blank lines
@line = line # remember this line for later
# Does it havea DIN or is it just a comment?
if @line.match(/^(\d{3}) (.*)$/)
din = $1 # data identification number (DIN)
@data = $2 # the data after the DIN
# Process the line given the DIN.
case din
when '001' then add_player # player and results record
when '012' then set_name # name (mandatory)
when '013' then add_comment # team name and members (not implemented yet)
when '022' then = @data # city
when '032' then @tournament.fed = @data # federation
when '042' then set_start # start date (mandatory)
when '052' then @tournament.finish = @data # end date
when '062' then add_comment # number of players (calculated from 001 records)
when '072' then add_comment # number of rated players (calculated from 001 records)
when '082' then add_comment # number of teams (calculated from 013 records)
when '092' then @tournament.type = @data # type of tournament
when '102' then @tournament.arbiter = @data # arbiter(s)
when '112' then @tournament.deputy = @data # deputy(ies)
when '122' then @tournament.time_control = @data # time control
when '132' then add_comment # round dates (not implemented yet)
else raise "invalid DIN #{din}"
rescue => err
raise err.class, "line #{@lineno}: #{err.message}", err.backtrace
# Now that all players are present, add the results to the tournament.
@results.each do |r|
lineno, player, data, result = r
rescue => err
raise "line #{lineno}, player #{player}, result '#{data}': #{err.message}"
# Validate the data now that we have everything.
# Serialise a tournament back into Krause format.
def serialize(t)
return nil unless t.class == ICU::Tournament;
krause = ''
krause << "012 #{}\n"
krause << "022 #{}\n" if
krause << "032 #{t.fed}\n" if t.fed
krause << "042 #{t.start}\n"
krause << "052 #{t.finish}\n" if t.finish
krause << "092 #{t.type}\n" if t.type
krause << "102 #{t.arbiter}\n" if t.arbiter
krause << "112 #{t.deputy}\n" if t.deputy
krause << "122 #{t.time_control}\n" if t.time_control
t.players.each{ |p| krause << p.to_krause(@tournament.rounds) }
def set_name = @data
@name_set = true
def set_start
@tournament.start = @data
@start_set = true
def add_player
raise "player record less than minimum length" if @line.length < 99
# Player details.
num = @data[0, 4]
nam =[10, 32])
opt =
:gender => @data[5, 1],
:title => @data[6, 3],
:rating => @data[44, 4],
:fed => @data[49, 3],
:id => @data[53, 11],
:dob => @data[65, 10],
:rank => @data[81, 4],
player =, nam.last, num, opt)
# Results.
points = @data[77, 4].strip
points = points == '' ? nil : points.to_f
index = 87
round = 1
total = 0.0
while @data.length >= index + 8
total+= add_result(round, player.num, @data[index, 8])
index+= 10
round+= 1
raise "declared points total (#{points}) does not agree with total from summed results (#{total})" if points && points != total
def add_result(round, player, data)
return 0.0 if data.strip! == '' # no result for this round
raise "invalid result '#{data}'" unless data.match(/^(0{1,4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}) (w|b|-) (1|0|=|\+|-)$/)
opponent = $1.to_i
colour = $2
score = $3
options =
options[:opponent] = opponent unless opponent == 0
options[:colour] = colour unless colour == '-'
options[:rateable] = false unless score.match(/^(1|0|=)$/)
result =, player, score, options)
@results << [@lineno, player, data, result]
def add_comment
@comments << @line
@comments << "\n"
def validate
# Certain attributes are mandatory.
raise "tournament name missing" unless @name_set
raise "tournament start date missing" unless @start_set
# There must be at least two players.
raise "minimum number of players is 2" if @tournament.players.length < 2
# Every player must have at least one result.
@tournament.players.each { |p| raise "player #{p.num} has no results" if p.results.size == 0 }
# Rerank the tournament if there are no ranking values or if there are but they're not consistent.
@tournament.rerank unless @tournament.ranking_consistent?
# Set the number of rounds.
@tournament.rounds = @tournament.players.inject(0) do |pa, p|
pm = p.results.inject(0){ |ra, r| ra < r.round ? r.round : ra }
pa < pm ? pm : pa
class Player
# Format a player's 001 record as it would appear in a Krause formatted file (including the final newline).
def to_krause(rounds)
krause = '001'
krause << sprintf(' %4d', @num)
krause << sprintf(' %1s', case @gender; when 'M': 'm'; when 'F': 'w'; else ''; end)
krause << sprintf(' %2s', case @title; when nil: ''; when 'IM': 'm'; when 'WIM': 'wm'; else @title[0, @title.length-1].downcase; end)
krause << sprintf(' %-33s', "#{@last_name},#{@first_name}")
krause << sprintf(' %4s', @rating)
krause << sprintf(' %3s', @fed)
krause << sprintf(' %11s', @id)
krause << sprintf(' %10s', @dob)
krause << sprintf(' %4.1f', points)
krause << sprintf(' %4s', @rank)
(1..rounds).each do |r|
result = find_result(r)
krause << sprintf(' %8s', result ? result.to_krause : '')
krause << "\n"
class Result
# Format a player's result as it would appear in a Krause formatted file (exactly 8 characters long, including leading whitespace).
def to_krause
return ' ' * 8 if !@opponent && !@colour && @score == 'L'
krause = sprintf('%4s ', @opponent || '0000')
krause << sprintf('%1s ', @colour ? @colour.downcase : '-')
krause << case @score; when 'W': '1'; when 'L': '0'; else '='; end if @rateable
krause << case @score; when 'W': '+'; when 'L': '-'; else '='; end if !@rateable