module ThinkingSphinx class Collection < ::Array attr_reader :total_entries, :total_pages, :current_page, :per_page attr_accessor :results # Compatibility with older versions of will_paginate alias_method :page_count, :total_pages def initialize(page, per_page, entries, total_entries) @current_page, @per_page, @total_entries = page, per_page, total_entries @total_pages = (entries / @per_page.to_f).ceil end def self.ids_from_results(results, page, limit, options) collection =, limit, results[:total] || 0, results[:total_found] || 0 ) collection.results = results collection.replace results[:matches].collect { |match| match[:attributes]["sphinx_internal_id"] } return collection end def self.create_from_results(results, page, limit, options) collection =, limit, results[:total] || 0, results[:total_found] || 0 ) collection.results = results collection.replace instances_from_matches(results[:matches], options) return collection end def self.instances_from_matches(matches, options = {}) if klass = options[:class] instances_from_class klass, matches, options else instances_from_classes matches, options end end def self.instances_from_class(klass, matches, options = {}) index_options = klass.sphinx_index_options ids = matches.collect { |match| match[:attributes]["sphinx_internal_id"] } instances = ids.length > 0 ? klass.find( :all, :conditions => {klass.primary_key.to_sym => ids}, :include => (options[:include] || index_options[:include]), :select => (options[:select] || index_options[:select]), :order => (options[:sql_order] || index_options[:sql_order]) ) : [] include_attributes(instances, matches, options) if options[:with_attributes] # Raise an exception if we find records in Sphinx but not in the DB, so # the search method can retry without them. See # ThinkingSphinx::Search.retry_search_on_stale_index. if options[:raise_on_stale] && instances.length < ids.length stale_ids = ids - {|i| } raise StaleIdsException, stale_ids end # if the user has specified an SQL order, return the collection # without rearranging it into the Sphinx order return instances if options[:sql_order] ids.collect { |obj_id| instances.detect { |obj| == obj_id } } end # Group results by class and call #find(:all) once for each group to reduce # the number of #find's in multi-model searches. # def self.instances_from_classes(matches, options = {}) groups = matches.group_by { |match| match[:attributes]["class_crc"] } groups.each do |crc, group| group.replace( instances_from_class(class_from_crc(crc), group, options) ) end matches.collect do |match| groups.detect { |crc, group| crc == match[:attributes]["class_crc"] }[1].detect { |obj| == match[:attributes]["sphinx_internal_id"] } end end def self.include_attributes(instances, results, options) results.each do |result| atts = result[:attributes] options[:with_attributes].each do |att| meth = att.to_s+'=' model = instances.find atts["id"].to_i if atts.include?(att.to_s) && model.respond_to?(meth) model.send(meth, atts[att.to_s]) end end end end def self.class_from_crc(crc) @@models_by_crc ||= ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models.inject({}) do |hash, model| hash[model.constantize.to_crc32] = model model.constantize.subclasses.each { |subclass| hash[subclass.to_crc32] = } hash end @@models_by_crc[crc].constantize end def previous_page current_page > 1 ? (current_page - 1) : nil end def next_page current_page < total_pages ? (current_page + 1): nil end def offset (current_page - 1) * @per_page end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) super unless method.to_s[/^each_with_.*/] each_with_attribute method.to_s.gsub(/^each_with_/, ''), &block end def each_with_groupby_and_count(&block) results[:matches].each_with_index do |match, index| yield self[index], match[:attributes]["@groupby"], match[:attributes]["@count"] end end def each_with_attribute(attribute, &block) results[:matches].each_with_index do |match, index| yield self[index], (match[:attributes][attribute] || match[:attributes]["@#{attribute}"]) end end def each_with_weighting(&block) results[:matches].each_with_index do |match, index| yield self[index], match[:weight] end end def inject_with_groupby_and_count(initial = nil, &block) index = -1 results[:matches].inject(initial) do |memo, match| index += 1 yield memo, self[index], match[:attributes]["@groupby"], match[:attributes]["@count"] end end end end