Usage: calabash-ios [parameters] Commands: version Print the version of the Calabash iOS gem. gen Creates a skeleton features dir. This is usually used once when setting up calabash to ensure that the features folder contains the right step definitions and environment to run with cucumber. console Starts an interactive console to interact with your app via Calabash. If there is a .irbrc in your local directory, the IRB will load that file. To share an .irbrc across projects, use the CALABASH_IRBRC environment variable. download Copies current compatible version of calabash.framework to your project. It should be run from a directory containing an Xcode project, check { path/to/ | path/to/My.ipa } Check whether an app or ipa is linked with calabash.framework sim locale [lang code] [locale code] Changes the regional settings. For usage information, run: $ calabash-ios sim locale sim reset Reset the Content & Settings of all iOS Simulators setup [path]? (EXPERIMENTAL)