install = [ 'facter#2.1.0', 'hiera#1.3.4', 'puppet#3.7.5' ] SourcePath = Beaker::DSL::InstallUtils::SourcePath PACKAGES = { :redhat => [ 'git', 'ruby', 'rubygem-json', # :add_el_extras is required to find this package ], :debian => [ ['git', 'git-core'], 'ruby', ], :debian_ruby18 => [ 'libjson-ruby', ], :solaris_11 => [ ['git', 'developer/versioning/git'], ['ruby', 'runtime/ruby-18'], ], :solaris_10 => [ 'coreutils', 'curl', # update curl to fix "CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value!" issue 'git', 'ruby19', 'ruby19_dev', 'gcc4core', ], :windows => [ 'git', # there isn't a need for json on windows because it is bundled in ruby 1.9 ], :sles => [ 'git-core', ] } PLATFORM_PATTERNS = { :redhat => /fedora|el|centos/, :debian => /debian|ubuntu/, :debian_ruby18 => /debian|ubuntu-lucid|ubuntu-precise/, :solaris_10 => /solaris-10/, :solaris_11 => /solaris-11/, :windows => /windows/, :sles => /sles/, }.freeze # Installs packages on the hosts. # # @param hosts [Array<Host>] Array of hosts to install packages to. # @param package_hash [Hash{Symbol=>Array<String,Array<String,String>>}] # Keys should be a symbol for a platform in PLATFORM_PATTERNS. Values # should be an array of package names to install, or of two element # arrays where a[0] is the command we expect to find on the platform # and a[1] is the package name (when they are different). # @param options [Hash{Symbol=>Boolean}] # @option options [Boolean] :check_if_exists First check to see if # command is present before installing package. (Default false) # @return true def install_packages_on(hosts, package_hash, options = {}) return true if hosts == nil check_if_exists = options[:check_if_exists] hosts = [hosts] unless hosts.kind_of?(Array) hosts.each do |host| package_hash.each do |platform_key,package_list| if pattern = PLATFORM_PATTERNS[platform_key] if pattern.match(host['platform']) package_list.each do |cmd_pkg| if cmd_pkg.kind_of?(Array) command, package = cmd_pkg else command = package = cmd_pkg end if !check_if_exists || !host.check_for_package(command) host.logger.notify("Installing #{package}") additional_switches = '--allow-unauthenticated' if platform_key == :debian host.install_package(package, additional_switches) end end end else raise("Unknown platform '#{platform_key}' in package_hash") end end end return true end install_packages_on(hosts, PACKAGES, :check_if_exists => true) def lookup_in_env(env_variable_name, project_name, default) project_specific_name = "#{project_name.upcase.gsub("-","_")}_#{env_variable_name}" ENV[project_specific_name] || ENV[env_variable_name] || default end def build_giturl(project_name, git_fork = nil, git_server = nil) git_fork ||= lookup_in_env('FORK', project_name, 'puppetlabs') git_server ||= lookup_in_env('GIT_SERVER', project_name, '') repo = (git_server == '') ? "#{git_fork}/#{project_name}.git" : "#{git_fork}-#{project_name}.git" "git://#{git_server}/#{repo}" end hosts.each do |host| case host['platform'] when /windows/ arch = host[:ruby_arch] || 'x86' step "#{host} Selected architecture #{arch}" revision = if arch == 'x64' '2.0.0-x64' else '1.9.3-x86' end step "#{host} Install ruby from git using revision #{revision}" # TODO remove this step once we are installing puppet from msi packages install_from_git(host, "/opt/puppet-git-repos", :name => 'puppet-win32-ruby', :path => build_giturl('puppet-win32-ruby'), :rev => revision) on host, 'cd /opt/puppet-git-repos/puppet-win32-ruby; cp -r ruby/* /' on host, 'cd /lib; icacls ruby /grant "Everyone:(OI)(CI)(RX)"' on host, 'cd /lib; icacls ruby /reset /T' on host, 'cd /; icacls bin /grant "Everyone:(OI)(CI)(RX)"' on host, 'cd /; icacls bin /reset /T' on host, 'ruby --version' on host, 'cmd /c gem list' when /solaris/ on host, 'gem install json' end end tmp_repos = [] install.each do |reponame| tmp_repos << extract_repo_info_from("{reponame}") end repos = order_packages(tmp_repos) hosts.each do |host| repos.each do |repo| install_from_git(host, SourcePath, repo) end end