# # Code coverage for ruby 1.9. Please check out README for a full introduction. # # Coverage may be inaccurate under JRUBY. if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && defined?(JRuby) # @see https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/1196 # @see https://github.com/metricfu/metric_fu/pull/226 # @see https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov/issues/420 # @see https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov/issues/86 # @see https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-6106 unless org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.FULL_TRACE_ENABLED warn 'Coverage may be inaccurate; set the "--debug" command line option,' \ ' or do JRUBY_OPTS="--debug"' \ ' or set the "debug.fullTrace=true" option in your .jrubyrc' end end module SimpleCov class << self attr_accessor :running attr_accessor :pid # # Sets up SimpleCov to run against your project. # You can optionally specify a profile to use as well as configuration with a block: # SimpleCov.start # OR # SimpleCov.start 'rails' # using rails profile # OR # SimpleCov.start do # add_filter 'test' # end # OR # SimpleCov.start 'rails' do # add_filter 'test' # end # # Please check out the RDoc for SimpleCov::Configuration to find about available config options # def start(profile = nil, &block) if SimpleCov.usable? load_profile(profile) if profile configure(&block) if block_given? @result = nil self.running = true self.pid = Process.pid Coverage.start else warn "WARNING: SimpleCov is activated, but you're not running Ruby 1.9+ - no coverage analysis will happen" warn "Starting with SimpleCov 1.0.0, even no-op compatibility with Ruby <= 1.8 will be entirely dropped." false end end # # Finds files that were to be tracked but were not loaded and initializes # the line-by-line coverage to zero (if relevant) or nil (comments / whitespace etc). # def add_not_loaded_files(result) if tracked_files result = result.dup Dir[tracked_files].each do |file| absolute = File.expand_path(file) result[absolute] ||= LinesClassifier.new.classify(File.foreach(absolute)) end end result end # # Returns the result for the current coverage run, merging it across test suites # from cache using SimpleCov::ResultMerger if use_merging is activated (default) # def result return @result if result? # Collect our coverage result if running @result = SimpleCov::Result.new add_not_loaded_files(Coverage.result) end # If we're using merging of results, store the current result # first (if there is one), then merge the results and return those if use_merging SimpleCov::ResultMerger.store_result(@result) if result? @result = SimpleCov::ResultMerger.merged_result end @result ensure self.running = false end # # Returns nil if the result has not been computed # Otherwise, returns the result # def result? defined?(@result) && @result end # # Applies the configured filters to the given array of SimpleCov::SourceFile items # def filtered(files) result = files.clone filters.each do |filter| result = result.reject { |source_file| filter.matches?(source_file) } end SimpleCov::FileList.new result end # # Applies the configured groups to the given array of SimpleCov::SourceFile items # def grouped(files) grouped = {} grouped_files = [] groups.each do |name, filter| grouped[name] = SimpleCov::FileList.new(files.select { |source_file| filter.matches?(source_file) }) grouped_files += grouped[name] end if !groups.empty? && !(other_files = files.reject { |source_file| grouped_files.include?(source_file) }).empty? grouped["Ungrouped"] = SimpleCov::FileList.new(other_files) end grouped end # # Applies the profile of given name on SimpleCov configuration # def load_profile(name) profiles.load(name) end def load_adapter(name) warn "#{Kernel.caller.first}: [DEPRECATION] #load_adapter is deprecated. Use #load_profile instead." load_profile(name) end # # Checks whether we're on a proper version of Ruby (likely 1.9+) which # provides coverage support # def usable? return @usable if defined?(@usable) && !@usable.nil? @usable = begin require "coverage" require "simplecov/jruby_fix" true rescue LoadError false end end # # Clear out the previously cached .result. Primarily useful in testing # def clear_result @result = nil end end end $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))) require "simplecov/configuration" SimpleCov.send :extend, SimpleCov::Configuration require "simplecov/exit_codes" require "simplecov/profiles" require "simplecov/source_file" require "simplecov/file_list" require "simplecov/result" require "simplecov/filter" require "simplecov/formatter" require "simplecov/last_run" require "simplecov/lines_classifier" require "simplecov/raw_coverage" require "simplecov/result_merger" require "simplecov/command_guesser" require "simplecov/version" # Load default config require "simplecov/defaults" unless ENV["SIMPLECOV_NO_DEFAULTS"] # Load Rails integration (only for Rails 3, see #113) require "simplecov/railtie" if defined? Rails::Railtie