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Act with reasonable care and skill'], ['Heading', '9. Ensure your charity is accountable'], ['Heading', '10. Reduce the risk of liability'], ['Heading', '11. Your charity’s legal structure and what it means'], ['Heading', '12. Charity officers - the chair and treasurer'], ['Heading', '13. Technical terms used in this guidance'] ], '/guidance/universal-credit-how-it-helps-you-into-work': [ ['Heading', 'Support from your work coach'], ['Heading', 'Help available for parents'], ['Heading', 'When you can claim Universal Credit'], ['Heading', 'More detailed advice'] ], '/government/publications/spring-budget-2017-documents/spring-budget-2017': [ ['Heading', '1. Executive summary'], ['Heading', '2. Economic context and public finances'], ['Heading', '3. Policy decisions'], ['Heading', '4. Tax'], ['Heading', '5. Productivity'], ['Heading', '6. Public services and markets'], ['Heading', '7. Annex A: Financing'], ['Heading', '8. Annex B: Office for Budget Responsibility\'s Economic and fiscal outlook'] ], '/settled-status-eu-citizens-families': [ ['Heading', 'When you can apply'] ], '/guidance/returning-to-the-uk': [ ['Heading', 'Ending your time living abroad'] ], '/council-housing': [ ['Heading', 'Choice-based lettings'] ], '/guidance/foreign-travel-insurance': [ ['Heading', 'What your travel insurance policy should cover'] ], '/guidance/social-security-contributions-for-uk-and-eu-workers-if-the-uk-leaves-the-eu-with-no-deal': [ ['Heading', 'UK employers'], ['Heading', 'UK employees and self-employed'] ], '/guidance/student-finance-arrangements-in-a-no-deal-scenario': [ ['Heading', 'Other overseas study placements'] ], '/guidance/living-in-france': [ ['Heading', 'Passports and travel'] ], '/family-permit': [ ['Heading', 'EEA family permit'] ], '/guidance/healthcare-for-eu-and-efta-citizens-visiting-the-uk': [ ['Heading', 'Travel insurance'] ], '/guidance/driving-in-the-eu-after-brexit': [ ['Heading', 'GB stickers and number plates'] ], '/guidance/driving-in-the-eu-after-brexit#insurance-for-your-vehicle-caravan-or-trailer': [ ['Heading', 'Trailer registration'] ], '/driving-abroad': [ ['Heading', 'Check your insurance if you’re taking your own vehicle'] ], '/get-a-passport-urgently': [ ['Heading', 'Ways to apply'] ], '/driving-abroad/international-driving-permit': [ ['Heading', 'Check which IDP you need'] ], '/guidance/driving-in-the-eu-after-brexit#gb-stickers-and-number-plates': [ ['Heading', 'GB stickers and number plates'] ], '/guidance/guidance-for-suppliers-of-cattle-sheep-and-goat-ear-tags': [ ['Heading', 'Tagging information for livestock keepers'] ], '/guidance/wine-trade-regulations': [ ['Heading', 'Rules for transporting wine into the UK'] ], '/guidance/the-chemicals-sector-and-preparing-for-eu-exit': [ ['Heading', 'Energy and climate'] ], '/guidance/how-to-move-goods-between-or-through-common-transit-countries-including-the-eu': [ ['Heading', 'Start moving your goods'] ], '/guidance/ecmt-international-road-haulage-permits': [ ['Heading', 'Apply for permits'] ], '/guidance/prepare-to-drive-in-the-eu-after-brexit-lorry-and-goods-vehicle-drivers': [ ['Heading', 'Driver CPC for lorry drivers'] ], '/guidance/run-international-bus-or-coach-services-after-brexit': [ ['Heading', 'Run regular international services'] ], '/guidance/vehicle-type-approval-if-theres-no-brexit-deal': [ ['Heading', 'Existing vehicle and component type-approvals'] ], '/guidance/the-retail-sector-and-preparing-for-eu-exit': [ ['Heading', 'Importing and exporting'] ], '/guidance/the-consumer-goods-sector-and-preparing-for-eu-exit': [ ['Heading', 'Importing and exporting'] ], '/government/publications/banking-insurance-and-other-financial-services-if-theres-no-brexit-deal/banking-insurance-and-other-financial-services-if-theres-no-brexit-deal-information-for-financial-services-institutions': [ ['Heading', '3. Action taken by the UK'] ], '/government/publications/further-guidance-note-on-the-regulation-of-medicines-medical-devices-and-clinical-trials-if-theres-no-brexit-deal/further-guidance-note-on-the-regulation-of-medicines-medical-devices-and-clinical-trials-if-theres-no-brexit-deal': [ ['Heading', '1.4 Orphan medicines'] ], '/guidance/check-temporary-rates-of-customs-duty-on-imports-after-eu-exit': [ ['Heading', 'Tariff-rate quotas (TRQ)'] ], '/guidance/construction-products-regulation-if-there-is-no-brexit-deal': [ ['Heading', 'UK manufacturers exporting to the EU'] ], '/guidance/european-and-domestic-funding-after-brexit': [ ['Heading', 'What you need to do'] ], '/guidance/guidance-on-substantial-amendments-to-a-clinical-trial-if-the-uk-leaves-the-eu-with-no-deal': [ ['Heading', 'Investigational medicinal product (IMP) certification and importation'] ], '/taking-goods-out-uk-temporarily/get-an-ata-carnet': [ ['Heading', 'Using an ATA Carnet'] ], '/wood-packaging-import-export': [ ['Heading', 'Export solid wood packaging'] ], '/guidance/answers-to-the-most-common-topics-asked-about-by-the-public-for-the-coronavirus-press-conference': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ], '/coronavirus': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ], '/coronavirus/education-and-childcare': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ], '/coronavirus/worker-support': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ], '/coronavirus/business-support': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ], '/get-coronavirus-test': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ], '/next-steps-for-your-business/results': [ ['Heading', 'Things you need to do next'], ['Heading', 'Rules to follow'], ['Heading', 'Good to know'], ['Heading', 'Change your answers'] ], '/guidance/brexit-guidance-for-businesses': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ], '/guidance/brexit-guidance-for-businesses.cy': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ], '/guidance/brexit-guidance-for-individuals-and-families': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ], '/guidance/brexit-guidance-for-individuals-and-families.cy': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ], '/guidance/import-and-export-goods-using-preference-agreements': [ ['Percent', 20], ['Percent', 40], ['Percent', 60], ['Percent', 80], ['Percent', 100] ] } function ScrollTracker (sitewideConfig) { this.config = this.getConfigForCurrentPath(sitewideConfig) this.SCROLL_TIMEOUT_DELAY = 10 if (!this.config) { this.enabled = false return } this.enabled = true this.trackedNodes = this.buildNodes(this.config) $(window).scroll($.proxy(this.onScroll, this)) this.trackVisibleNodes() }; 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