module Xcodeproj class Project module Object class PBXGroup def isPodGroup @isPodGroup end def setIsPodGroup(isRealPod) @isPodGroup = isRealPod end end end end end module Pod def self.skipped_top_level_folder_names @skipped_top_level_folder_names end def self.set_skipped_top_level_folder_names(names) @skipped_top_level_folder_names = names end end require 'pathname' module Pod class Project # return the absolute path of podfile def pod_file_path File.expand_path("../..", path) end def get_parent_development_pod_group(pod_name, path) basePath = pod_file_path targetPath = path relativePath = targetPath.relative_path_from basePath parentPath = relativePath.dirname.to_s def getGroup(pathArray, rootGroup) if pathArray.empty? return rootGroup end headName = pathArray[0] g = rootGroup.children.objects.find do |group| == headName and !group.isPodGroup end if g == nil g = rootGroup.new_group(headName, nil, :group) g.setIsPodGroup false end return getGroup(pathArray[1..-1], g) end pathArray = parentPath.split("/").select {|component| component.length > 0} if parentPath == "." pathArray = [] end if pathArray.first != nil and Pod.skipped_top_level_folder_names.include? pathArray.first pathArray = pathArray.drop(1) end getGroup(pathArray, development_pods) end # ---- modified methods ---- def add_pod_group(pod_name, path, development = false, absolute = false) # copy from original raise '[BUG]' if pod_group(pod_name) parent_group = development ? development_pods : pods # end of copy from original if development parent_group = get_parent_development_pod_group(pod_name, path) end # copy from original source_tree = absolute ? :absolute : :group group = parent_group.new_group(pod_name, path, source_tree) group.setIsPodGroup true group # end of copy from original end def pod_groups def children(podGroup) realGroups = do |object| object.isPodGroup end folders = do |object| !object.isPodGroup end folders.each do |folder| realGroups.concat(children(folder)) end return realGroups end pods.children.objects + children(development_pods) end end end