require 'spec_helper' describe Api::OrganizationsController, type: :controller, organization_workspace: :base do def check_status!(status) expect(response.status).to eq status end describe 'unauthenticated request' do before { get :index } it { expect(response.body).to json_eq errors: ['missing authorization header'] } it { check_status! 401 } end describe 'invalid authenticated request' do before { set_token! 'foo' } before { get :index } it { expect(response.body).to json_eq errors: ['No Api Client found for Token'] } it { check_status! 401 } end describe 'authenticated request' do let(:book) { create :book } before { set_api_client! api_client } describe 'GET' do let!(:public_organization) { create :organization, name: 'public' } let!(:dot_organization) { create :organization, name: '' } let!(:private_organization) { create :organization, name: 'private', public: false } let!(:another_private_organization) { create :organization, name: 'another_private', public: false } context 'GET /organizations' do let(:organization_names) { JSON.parse(response.body)['organizations'].map { |it| it['name'] } } context 'with wildcard permissions' do before { get :index } let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :janitor, grant: '*' } it { check_status! 200 } it { expect(organization_names).to contain_exactly 'base', 'public', '', 'private', 'another_private' } end context 'with non-wildcard permissions' do before { get :index } let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :janitor, grant: 'public/*:private/*' } it { check_status! 200 } it { expect(organization_names).to contain_exactly 'public', 'private' } end end context 'GET /organizations/:id' do context 'with a public organization' do before { get :show, params: {id: 'public'} } context 'with a user without janitor permissions' do let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :editor, grant: 'another_organization/*' } it { check_status! 403 } end context 'with a user with janitor' do let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :janitor, grant: 'public/*' } it { check_status! 200 } end end context 'with an organization that has a dot in its name' do before { get :show, params: {id: ''} } let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :janitor, grant: '*' } it { check_status! 200 } end context 'with a private organization' do before { get :show, params: {id: 'private'} } context 'with a user without permissions' do let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :editor, grant: 'another_organization/*' } it { check_status! 403 } end context 'with a user with permissions' do let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :janitor, grant: 'private/*' } it { check_status! 200 } it { expect(response.body).to json_like(private_organization.to_resource_h) } end end context 'with a non-existing organization' do before { get :show, params: {id: 'non-existing'} } let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :editor, grant: 'bleh/*' } it { check_status! 404 } end end end describe 'POST /organizations' do before { post :create, params: {organization: organization_json} } let(:organization_json) do {contact_email: '', name: 'a-name', public: false, book: book.slug, locale: 'es'} end context 'with the admin permissions' do let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :admin, grant: '*' } let(:organization) { Organization.find_by name: 'a-name' } it { check_status! 200 } it { expect(response.body).to json_like(organization.to_resource_h) } it { expect(Organization.count).to eq 2 } it { expect( eq 'a-name' } it { expect(organization.contact_email).to eq '' } it { expect( eq book } it { expect(organization.locale).to eq 'es' } context 'with only mandatory values' do it { expect(organization.public?).to eq false } it { expect(organization.login_methods).to eq %w(user_pass) } it { expect(organization.logo_url).to eq '' } it { expect(organization.theme_stylesheet).to eq '.defaultCssFromBase { css: red }' } it { expect(organization.extension_javascript).to eq 'function jsFromBase() {}' } it { expect(organization.terms_of_service).to eq nil } end context 'with optional values' do let(:organization_json) do {contact_email: '', name: 'a-name', description: 'A description', book: book.slug, locale: 'es', public: false, login_methods: %w(facebook github), logo_url: '', theme_stylesheet: '.theme { color: red }', extension_javascript: 'window.a = function() { }', terms_of_service: 'A TOS'} end it { expect(organization.public?).to eq false } it { expect(organization.description).to eq 'A description' } it { expect(organization.login_methods).to eq %w(facebook github) } it { expect(organization.logo_url).to eq '' } it { expect(organization.theme_stylesheet).to eq ".theme { color: red }" } it { expect(organization.extension_javascript).to eq "window.a = function() { }" } it { expect(organization.terms_of_service).to eq 'A TOS' } end context 'with missing values' do let(:organization_json) do {contact_email: '', locale: 'blabla'} end let(:expected_errors) do { errors: { name: ["can't be blank"], locale: ['is not included in the list'] } } end it { check_status! 400 } it { expect(response.body).to json_eq expected_errors } end end context 'with admin permissions' do let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :admin, grant: '*' } it { check_status! 200 } end context 'with not-janitor permissions' do let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :editor, grant: '*' } it { check_status! 403 } end end describe 'PUT /organizations/:id' do let!(:organization) { create :organization, name: 'existing-organization', contact_email: '', terms_of_service: 'A TOS', public: false, login_methods: ['facebook', 'user_pass'], book: book } let(:updated_organizaton) { organization.reload } let(:update_json) { {contact_email: '', immersive: true, locale: 'en'} } context 'with the admin permissions' do let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :admin, grant: 'existing-organization/*' } before { put :update, params: {id:, organization: update_json} } it { check_status! 200 } it { expect(response.body).to json_like( book: book.slug, name: "existing-organization", profile: { description: "a great org", locale: 'en', contact_email: "", terms_of_service: 'A TOS' }, settings: { login_methods: ["facebook", "user_pass"], public: false, immersive: true }, theme: { extension_javascript: 'function jsFromBase() {}', theme_stylesheet: '.defaultCssFromBase { css: red }' }) } it { expect( eq 'existing-organization' } it { expect(updated_organizaton.contact_email).to eq '' } end context 'with not-janitor permissions' do let(:api_client) { create :api_client, role: :teacher, grant: 'existing-organization/*' } before { put :update, params: {id: 'existing-organization', organization: update_json} } it { check_status! 403 } end end end end