#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/ldap/manager' # If the ldap classes aren't available, go ahead and # create some, so our tests will pass. unless defined?(LDAP::Mod) class LDAP LDAP_MOD_ADD = :adding LDAP_MOD_REPLACE = :replacing LDAP_MOD_DELETE = :deleting class ResultError < RuntimeError; end class Mod def initialize(*args) end end end end describe Puppet::Util::Ldap::Manager do before do @manager = Puppet::Util::Ldap::Manager.new end it "should return self when specifying objectclasses" do expect(@manager.manages(:one, :two)).to equal(@manager) end it "should allow specification of what objectclasses are managed" do expect(@manager.manages(:one, :two).objectclasses).to eq([:one, :two]) end it "should return self when specifying the relative base" do expect(@manager.at("yay")).to equal(@manager) end it "should allow specification of the relative base" do expect(@manager.at("yay").location).to eq("yay") end it "should return self when specifying the attribute map" do expect(@manager.maps(:one => :two)).to equal(@manager) end it "should allow specification of the rdn attribute" do expect(@manager.named_by(:uid).rdn).to eq(:uid) end it "should allow specification of the attribute map" do expect(@manager.maps(:one => :two).puppet2ldap).to eq({:one => :two}) end it "should have a no-op 'and' method that just returns self" do expect(@manager.and).to equal(@manager) end it "should allow specification of generated attributes" do expect(@manager.generates(:thing)).to be_instance_of(Puppet::Util::Ldap::Generator) end describe "when generating attributes" do before do @generator = stub 'generator', :source => "one", :name => "myparam" Puppet::Util::Ldap::Generator.stubs(:new).with(:myparam).returns @generator end it "should create a generator to do the parameter generation" do Puppet::Util::Ldap::Generator.expects(:new).with(:myparam).returns @generator @manager.generates(:myparam) end it "should return the generator from the :generates method" do expect(@manager.generates(:myparam)).to equal(@generator) end it "should not replace already present values" do @manager.generates(:myparam) attrs = {"myparam" => "testing"} @generator.expects(:generate).never @manager.generate attrs expect(attrs["myparam"]).to eq("testing") end it "should look for the parameter as a string, not a symbol" do @manager.generates(:myparam) @generator.expects(:generate).with("yay").returns %w{double yay} attrs = {"one" => "yay"} @manager.generate attrs expect(attrs["myparam"]).to eq(%w{double yay}) end it "should fail if a source is specified and no source value is not defined" do @manager.generates(:myparam) expect { @manager.generate "two" => "yay" }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should use the source value to generate the new value if a source attribute is specified" do @manager.generates(:myparam) @generator.expects(:generate).with("yay").returns %w{double yay} @manager.generate "one" => "yay" end it "should not pass in any value if no source attribute is specified" do @generator.stubs(:source).returns nil @manager.generates(:myparam) @generator.expects(:generate).with.returns %w{double yay} @manager.generate "one" => "yay" end it "should convert any results to arrays of strings if necessary" do @generator.expects(:generate).returns :test @manager.generates(:myparam) attrs = {"one" => "two"} @manager.generate(attrs) expect(attrs["myparam"]).to eq(["test"]) end it "should add the result to the passed-in attribute hash" do @generator.expects(:generate).returns %w{test} @manager.generates(:myparam) attrs = {"one" => "two"} @manager.generate(attrs) expect(attrs["myparam"]).to eq(%w{test}) end end it "should be considered invalid if it is missing a location" do @manager.manages :me @manager.maps :me => :you expect(@manager).not_to be_valid end it "should be considered invalid if it is missing an objectclass list" do @manager.maps :me => :you @manager.at "ou=yayness" expect(@manager).not_to be_valid end it "should be considered invalid if it is missing an attribute map" do @manager.manages :me @manager.at "ou=yayness" expect(@manager).not_to be_valid end it "should be considered valid if it has an attribute map, location, and objectclass list" do @manager.maps :me => :you @manager.manages :me @manager.at "ou=yayness" expect(@manager).to be_valid end it "should calculate an instance's dn using the :ldapbase setting and the relative base" do Puppet[:ldapbase] = "dc=testing" @manager.at "ou=mybase" expect(@manager.dn("me")).to eq("cn=me,ou=mybase,dc=testing") end it "should use the specified rdn when calculating an instance's dn" do Puppet[:ldapbase] = "dc=testing" @manager.named_by :uid @manager.at "ou=mybase" expect(@manager.dn("me")).to match(/^uid=me/) end it "should calculate its base using the :ldapbase setting and the relative base" do Puppet[:ldapbase] = "dc=testing" @manager.at "ou=mybase" expect(@manager.base).to eq("ou=mybase,dc=testing") end describe "when generating its search filter" do it "should using a single 'objectclass=' filter if a single objectclass is specified" do @manager.manages("testing") expect(@manager.filter).to eq("objectclass=testing") end it "should create an LDAP AND filter if multiple objectclasses are specified" do @manager.manages "testing", "okay", "done" expect(@manager.filter).to eq("(&(objectclass=testing)(objectclass=okay)(objectclass=done))") end end it "should have a method for converting a Puppet attribute name to an LDAP attribute name as a string" do @manager.maps :puppet_attr => :ldap_attr expect(@manager.ldap_name(:puppet_attr)).to eq("ldap_attr") end it "should have a method for converting an LDAP attribute name to a Puppet attribute name" do @manager.maps :puppet_attr => :ldap_attr expect(@manager.puppet_name(:ldap_attr)).to eq(:puppet_attr) end it "should have a :create method for creating ldap entries" do expect(@manager).to respond_to(:create) end it "should have a :delete method for deleting ldap entries" do expect(@manager).to respond_to(:delete) end it "should have a :modify method for modifying ldap entries" do expect(@manager).to respond_to(:modify) end it "should have a method for finding an entry by name in ldap" do expect(@manager).to respond_to(:find) end describe "when converting ldap entries to hashes for providers" do before do @manager.maps :uno => :one, :dos => :two @result = @manager.entry2provider("dn" => ["cn=one,ou=people,dc=madstop"], "one" => ["two"], "three" => %w{four}, "objectclass" => %w{yay ness}) end it "should set the name to the short portion of the dn" do expect(@result[:name]).to eq("one") end it "should remove the objectclasses" do expect(@result["objectclass"]).to be_nil end it "should remove any attributes that are not mentioned in the map" do expect(@result["three"]).to be_nil end it "should rename convert to symbols all attributes to their puppet names" do expect(@result[:uno]).to eq(%w{two}) end it "should set the value of all unset puppet attributes as :absent" do expect(@result[:dos]).to eq(:absent) end end describe "when using an ldap connection" do before do @ldapconn = mock 'ldapconn' @conn = stub 'connection', :connection => @ldapconn, :start => nil, :close => nil Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.stubs(:new).returns(@conn) end it "should fail unless a block is given" do expect { @manager.connect }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /must pass a block/) end it "should open the connection with its server set to :ldapserver" do Puppet[:ldapserver] = "myserver" Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:new).with { |*args| args[0] == "myserver" }.returns @conn @manager.connect { |c| } end it "should open the connection with its port set to the :ldapport" do Puppet[:ldapport] = "28" Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:new).with { |*args| args[1] == "28" }.returns @conn @manager.connect { |c| } end it "should open the connection with no user if :ldapuser is not set" do Puppet[:ldapuser] = "" Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:new).with { |*args| args[2][:user].nil? }.returns @conn @manager.connect { |c| } end it "should open the connection with its user set to the :ldapuser if it is set" do Puppet[:ldapuser] = "mypass" Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:new).with { |*args| args[2][:user] == "mypass" }.returns @conn @manager.connect { |c| } end it "should open the connection with no password if :ldappassword is not set" do Puppet[:ldappassword] = "" Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:new).with { |*args| args[2][:password].nil? }.returns @conn @manager.connect { |c| } end it "should open the connection with its password set to the :ldappassword if it is set" do Puppet[:ldappassword] = "mypass" Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:new).with { |*args| args[2][:password] == "mypass" }.returns @conn @manager.connect { |c| } end it "should set ssl to :tls if ldaptls is enabled" do Puppet[:ldaptls] = true Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:new).with { |*args| args[2][:ssl] == :tls }.returns @conn @manager.connect { |c| } end it "should set ssl to true if ldapssl is enabled" do Puppet[:ldapssl] = true Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:new).with { |*args| args[2][:ssl] == true }.returns @conn @manager.connect { |c| } end it "should set ssl to false if neither ldaptls nor ldapssl is enabled" do Puppet[:ldapssl] = false Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:new).with { |*args| args[2][:ssl] == false }.returns @conn @manager.connect { |c| } end it "should open, yield, and then close the connection" do @conn.expects(:start) @conn.expects(:close) Puppet::Util::Ldap::Connection.expects(:new).returns(@conn) @ldapconn.expects(:test) @manager.connect { |c| c.test } end it "should close the connection even if there's an exception in the passed block" do @conn.expects(:close) expect { @manager.connect { |c| raise ArgumentError } }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "when using ldap" do before do @conn = mock 'connection' @manager.stubs(:connect).yields @conn @manager.stubs(:objectclasses).returns [:oc1, :oc2] @manager.maps :one => :uno, :two => :dos, :three => :tres, :four => :quatro end describe "to create entries" do it "should convert the first argument to its :create method to a full dn and pass the resulting argument list to its connection" do @manager.expects(:dn).with("myname").returns "mydn" @conn.expects(:add).with { |name, attrs| name == "mydn" } @manager.create("myname", {"attr" => "myattrs"}) end it "should add the objectclasses to the attributes" do @manager.expects(:dn).with("myname").returns "mydn" @conn.expects(:add).with { |name, attrs| attrs["objectClass"].include?("oc1") and attrs["objectClass"].include?("oc2") } @manager.create("myname", {:one => :testing}) end it "should add the rdn to the attributes" do @manager.expects(:dn).with("myname").returns "mydn" @conn.expects(:add).with { |name, attrs| attrs["cn"] == %w{myname} } @manager.create("myname", {:one => :testing}) end it "should add 'top' to the objectclasses if it is not listed" do @manager.expects(:dn).with("myname").returns "mydn" @conn.expects(:add).with { |name, attrs| attrs["objectClass"].include?("top") } @manager.create("myname", {:one => :testing}) end it "should add any generated values that are defined" do generator = stub 'generator', :source => :one, :name => "myparam" Puppet::Util::Ldap::Generator.expects(:new).with(:myparam).returns generator @manager.generates(:myparam) @manager.stubs(:dn).with("myname").returns "mydn" generator.expects(:generate).with(:testing).returns ["generated value"] @conn.expects(:add).with { |name, attrs| attrs["myparam"] == ["generated value"] } @manager.create("myname", {:one => :testing}) end it "should convert any generated values to arrays of strings if necessary" do generator = stub 'generator', :source => :one, :name => "myparam" Puppet::Util::Ldap::Generator.expects(:new).with(:myparam).returns generator @manager.generates(:myparam) @manager.stubs(:dn).returns "mydn" generator.expects(:generate).returns :generated @conn.expects(:add).with { |name, attrs| attrs["myparam"] == ["generated"] } @manager.create("myname", {:one => :testing}) end end describe "do delete entries" do it "should convert the first argument to its :delete method to a full dn and pass the resulting argument list to its connection" do @manager.expects(:dn).with("myname").returns "mydn" @conn.expects(:delete).with("mydn") @manager.delete("myname") end end describe "to modify entries" do it "should convert the first argument to its :modify method to a full dn and pass the resulting argument list to its connection" do @manager.expects(:dn).with("myname").returns "mydn" @conn.expects(:modify).with("mydn", :mymods) @manager.modify("myname", :mymods) end end describe "to find a single entry" do it "should use the dn of the provided name as the search base, a scope of 0, and 'objectclass=*' as the filter for a search2 call" do @manager.expects(:dn).with("myname").returns "mydn" @conn.expects(:search2).with("mydn", 0, "objectclass=*") @manager.find("myname") end it "should return nil if an exception is thrown because no result is found" do @manager.expects(:dn).with("myname").returns "mydn" @conn.expects(:search2).raises LDAP::ResultError expect(@manager.find("myname")).to be_nil end it "should return a converted provider hash if the result is found" do @manager.expects(:dn).with("myname").returns "mydn" result = {"one" => "two"} @conn.expects(:search2).yields result @manager.expects(:entry2provider).with(result).returns "myprovider" expect(@manager.find("myname")).to eq("myprovider") end end describe "to search for multiple entries" do before do @manager.stubs(:filter).returns "myfilter" end it "should use the manager's search base as the dn of the provided name as the search base" do @manager.expects(:base).returns "mybase" @conn.expects(:search2).with { |base, scope, filter| base == "mybase" } @manager.search end it "should use a scope of 1" do @conn.expects(:search2).with { |base, scope, filter| scope == 1 } @manager.search end it "should use any specified search filter" do @manager.expects(:filter).never @conn.expects(:search2).with { |base, scope, filter| filter == "boo" } @manager.search("boo") end it "should turn its objectclass list into its search filter if one is not specified" do @manager.expects(:filter).returns "yay" @conn.expects(:search2).with { |base, scope, filter| filter == "yay" } @manager.search end it "should return nil if no result is found" do @conn.expects(:search2) expect(@manager.search).to be_nil end it "should return an array of the found results converted to provider hashes" do # LAK: AFAICT, it's impossible to yield multiple times in an expectation. one = {"dn" => "cn=one,dc=madstop,dc=com", "one" => "two"} @conn.expects(:search2).yields(one) @manager.expects(:entry2provider).with(one).returns "myprov" expect(@manager.search).to eq(["myprov"]) end end end describe "when an instance" do before do @name = "myname" @manager.maps :one => :uno, :two => :dos, :three => :tres, :four => :quatro end describe "is being updated" do it "should get created if the current attribute list is empty and the desired attribute list has :ensure == :present" do @manager.expects(:create) @manager.update(@name, {}, {:ensure => :present}) end it "should get created if the current attribute list has :ensure == :absent and the desired attribute list has :ensure == :present" do @manager.expects(:create) @manager.update(@name, {:ensure => :absent}, {:ensure => :present}) end it "should get deleted if the current attribute list has :ensure == :present and the desired attribute list has :ensure == :absent" do @manager.expects(:delete) @manager.update(@name, {:ensure => :present}, {:ensure => :absent}) end it "should get modified if both attribute lists have :ensure == :present" do @manager.expects(:modify) @manager.update(@name, {:ensure => :present, :one => :two}, {:ensure => :present, :one => :three}) end end describe "is being deleted" do it "should call the :delete method with its name and manager" do @manager.expects(:delete).with(@name) @manager.update(@name, {}, {:ensure => :absent}) end end describe "is being created" do before do @is = {} @should = {:ensure => :present, :one => :yay, :two => :absent} end it "should call the :create method with its name" do @manager.expects(:create).with { |name, attrs| name == @name } @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should call the :create method with its property hash converted to ldap attribute names" do @manager.expects(:create).with { |name, attrs| attrs["uno"] == ["yay"] } @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should convert the property names to strings" do @manager.expects(:create).with { |name, attrs| attrs["uno"] == ["yay"] } @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should convert the property values to arrays if necessary" do @manager.expects(:create).with { |name, attrs| attrs["uno"] == ["yay"] } @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should convert the property values to strings if necessary" do @manager.expects(:create).with { |name, attrs| attrs["uno"] == ["yay"] } @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should not include :ensure in the properties sent" do @manager.expects(:create).with { |*args| args[1][:ensure].nil? } @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should not include attributes set to :absent in the properties sent" do @manager.expects(:create).with { |*args| args[1][:dos].nil? } @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end end describe "is being modified" do it "should call the :modify method with its name and an array of LDAP::Mod instances" do LDAP::Mod.stubs(:new).returns "whatever" @is = {:one => :yay} @should = {:one => :yay, :two => :foo} @manager.expects(:modify).with { |name, mods| name == @name } @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should create the LDAP::Mod with the property name converted to the ldap name as a string" do @is = {:one => :yay} @should = {:one => :yay, :two => :foo} mod = mock 'module' LDAP::Mod.expects(:new).with { |form, name, value| name == "dos" }.returns mod @manager.stubs(:modify) @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should create an LDAP::Mod instance of type LDAP_MOD_ADD for each attribute being added, with the attribute value converted to a string of arrays" do @is = {:one => :yay} @should = {:one => :yay, :two => :foo} mod = mock 'module' LDAP::Mod.expects(:new).with(LDAP::LDAP_MOD_ADD, "dos", ["foo"]).returns mod @manager.stubs(:modify) @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should create an LDAP::Mod instance of type LDAP_MOD_DELETE for each attribute being deleted" do @is = {:one => :yay, :two => :foo} @should = {:one => :yay, :two => :absent} mod = mock 'module' LDAP::Mod.expects(:new).with(LDAP::LDAP_MOD_DELETE, "dos", []).returns mod @manager.stubs(:modify) @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should create an LDAP::Mod instance of type LDAP_MOD_REPLACE for each attribute being modified, with the attribute converted to a string of arrays" do @is = {:one => :yay, :two => :four} @should = {:one => :yay, :two => :five} mod = mock 'module' LDAP::Mod.expects(:new).with(LDAP::LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, "dos", ["five"]).returns mod @manager.stubs(:modify) @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end it "should pass all created Mod instances to the modify method" do @is = {:one => :yay, :two => :foo, :three => :absent} @should = {:one => :yay, :two => :foe, :three => :fee, :four => :fie} LDAP::Mod.expects(:new).times(3).returns("mod1").then.returns("mod2").then.returns("mod3") @manager.expects(:modify).with do |name, mods| mods.sort == %w{mod1 mod2 mod3}.sort end @manager.update(@name, @is, @should) end end end end