module Opal # strips off stuff that confuses things when transmitting to the client # and prints offending code if it can't be compiled def self.hyperspec_compile(str, opts = {}) compile(str, opts).gsub("// Prepare super implicit arguments\n", '') .delete("\n").gsub('(Opal);', '(Opal)') # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException # we are going to reraise it anyway, so its fine to catch EVERYTHING! rescue Exception => e puts "puts could not compile: \n\n#{str}\n\n" raise e end # rubocop:enable Lint/RescueException end module Unparser class Emitter # Emitter for send class Send < self def local_variable_clash? selector =~ /^[A-Z]/ || local_variable_scope.local_variable_defined_for_node?(node, selector) end end end end module MethodSource class << self alias original_lines_for_before_hyper_spec lines_for alias original_source_helper_before_hyper_spec source_helper def source_helper(source_location, name = nil) source_location[1] = 1 if source_location[0] == '(pry)' original_source_helper_before_hyper_spec source_location, name end def lines_for(file_name, name = nil) if file_name == '(pry)' HyperSpec.current_pry_code_block else original_lines_for_before_hyper_spec file_name, name end end end end class Object def opal_serialize nil end end class Hash def opal_serialize "{#{collect { |k, v| "#{k.opal_serialize} => #{v.opal_serialize}" }.join(', ')}}" end end class Array def opal_serialize "[#{collect { |v| v.opal_serialize }.join(', ')}]" end end [FalseClass, Float, Integer, NilClass, String, Symbol, TrueClass].each do |klass| klass.send(:define_method, :opal_serialize) do inspect end end # rubocop:disable Lint/UnifiedInteger - patch for ruby prior to 2.4 if <'2.4.0') [Bignum, Fixnum].each do |klass| klass.send(:define_method, :opal_serialize) do inspect end end end # rubocop:enable Lint/UnifiedInteger class Time def to_opal_expression "Time.parse('#{inspect}')" end end