require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/extension_generators_spec_helper" shared_examples_for "all instance generators" do # Check for directories %w(config config/environments config/initializers db log script vendor/plugins vendor/extensions public public/images public/stylesheets public/images/admin public/stylesheets/admin public/stylesheets/sass public/stylesheets/sass/admin script/performance script/process).each do |dir| it "should have a #{dir} directory" do ''.should have_generated_directory(dir) end end # Check for files %w(CHANGELOG CONTRIBUTORS LICENSE INSTALL README Rakefile).each do |file| it "should have a #{file}" do ''.should have_generated_file(file) end end # Check for configs %w(boot.rb routes.rb environments/production.rb environments/development.rb environments/test.rb).each do |file| it "should have a #{file} config file" do 'config'.should have_generated_file(file) end end # Check for public files %w(.htaccess robots.txt 404.html 500.html favicon.ico dispatch.cgi dispatch.fcgi dispatch.rb).each do |file| it "should have a #{file} in public/" do 'public'.should have_generated_file(file) end end # Check for scripts %w(about breakpointer cucumber extension runner spec version autospec console dbconsole generate server spec_server performance/benchmarker performance/profiler performance/request process/inspector process/reaper process/spawner process/spinner).each do |file| it "should have a #{file} script" do 'script'.should have_generated_file(file) end end # Check for admin sass/css %w(main.css modules/_links.sass partials/_avatars.sass partials/_footer.sass partials/_layout.sass main.sass _base.sass partials/_forms.sass partials/_messages.sass partials/_content.sass partials/_header.sass partials/_popup.sass partials/_tabcontrol.sass partials/_dateinput.sass partials/_toolbar.sass).each do |file| if file.ends_with?('.css') it "should have a #{file} css file" do 'public/stylesheets/admin'.should have_generated_file(file) end elsif file.ends_with?('.sass') it "should have a #{file} sass file" do 'public/stylesheets/sass/admin'.should have_generated_file(file) end end end # Check for admin images %w(navigation_secondary_separator.gif add_tab.png minus_disabled.png snippet.png brown_bottom_line.gif single_form_shadow.png spinner.gif collapse.png status_background.png draft_page.png status_bottom_left.png expand.png page.png status_bottom_right.png layout.png plus.png status_spinner.gif plus_grey.png status_top_left.png metadata_toggle.png popup_border_background.png status_top_right.png minus.png popup_border_bottom_left.png tab_close.png minus_grey.png popup_border_bottom_right.png popup_border_top_left.png popup_border_top_right.png virtual_page.png).each do |file| it "should have a #{file} admin image" do 'public/images/admin'.should have_generated_file(file) end end # Check for admin javascripts %w(application.js controls.js dragdrop.js lowpro.js popup.js pagefield.js ruledtable.js sitemap.js tabcontrol.js codearea.js cookie.js effects.js prototype.js shortcuts.js status.js utility.js).each do |file| it "should have a #{file} admin image" do 'public/javascripts/admin'.should have_generated_file(file) end end # Check for initializers # initializers are now run from RADIANT_ROOT before the instance, # so most of those are should no longer be copied across %w(radiant_config.rb).each do |file| it "should have a #{file} initializer" do 'config/initializers'.should have_generated_file(file) end end %w(haml.rb compass.rb).each do |file| it "should not have a #{file} initializer" do 'config/initializers'.should_not have_generated_file(file) end end end describe "IntanceGenerator" do include FileUtils include GeneratorSpecHelperMethods Rails::Generator::Base.prepend_sources(, File.join(BASE_ROOT, 'lib', 'generators'))) describe('with no options') do it_should_behave_like "all instance generators" before(:all) do with_radiant_root_as_base_root { suppress_stdout { run_generator('instance', [RAILS_ROOT]) } } end after(:all) do FileUtils.rm_rf Dir["#{RADIANT_ROOT}"] end end { 'db2'=>'ibm_db', 'mysql'=>'mysql', 'postgresql'=>'postgresql', 'sqlite3'=>'sqlite3', 'sqlserver'=>'sqlserver' }.each do |db, adapter| describe("with #{db} database option") do it_should_behave_like "all instance generators" before(:all) do with_radiant_root_as_base_root { suppress_stdout { run_generator('instance', ['-d', db, RAILS_ROOT]) } } end it "should generate database.yml with adapter #{adapter} for #{db}" do 'config'.should have_generated_yaml('database') do |yaml| %w(production development test).each {|env| yaml[env]['adapter'].should == adapter} end end after(:all) do FileUtils.rm_rf Dir["#{RADIANT_ROOT}"] end end end describe('with shebang option') do it_should_behave_like "all instance generators" before(:all) do @shebang = '/my/path/to/ruby' with_radiant_root_as_base_root { suppress_stdout { run_generator('instance', ['-r', @shebang, RAILS_ROOT]) } } @files = Dir.glob("#{RADIANT_ROOT}/script/**/*") + Dir.glob("#{RADIANT_ROOT}/public/dispatch*") @files.collect! {|i| [i, i.gsub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(RADIANT_ROOT)}\//, '')] } end it 'should set shebang for scripts & dispatchers' do @files.each do |fn, f| next if ''.should have_generated_file(f) do |body| body.should match(/\A\#\!#{@shebang}\n/), "#{f} should have shebang '\#!#{@shebang}' but has '#{body.match(/\A(.*)\n/)[1]}'" end end end after(:all) do FileUtils.rm_rf Dir["#{RADIANT_ROOT}"] end end end