Feature: gitcycle Scenario: No command given When I execute gitcycle with nothing Then gitcycle runs And output includes "No command specified" Scenario: Non-existent command When I execute gitcycle with "blah blah" Then gitcycle runs And output includes "Command not recognized." Scenario: Setup When I execute gitcycle setup Then gitcycle runs And output includes "Configuration saved." And gitcycle.yml should be valid Scenario: Feature branch w/ custom branch name Given a fresh set of repositories And a new Lighthouse ticket When I cd to the user repo And I execute gitcycle branch with the Lighthouse ticket URL And I enter "y" And I enter "n" And I enter "ticket.id-rename" Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ Retrieving branch information from gitcycle. Your work will eventually merge into 'master'. Is this correct? (y/n) Would you like to name your branch 'ticket.id'? (y/n) What would you like to name your branch? Adding remote repo 'config.owner/config.repo'. Fetching remote 'config.owner'. Checking out remote branch 'ticket.id-rename' from 'config.owner/config.repo/master'. Fetching remote 'origin'. Pushing 'origin/ticket.id-rename'. Sending branch information to gitcycle. """ And redis entries valid Scenario: Feature branch Given a fresh set of repositories And a new Lighthouse ticket When I cd to the user repo And I execute gitcycle branch with the Lighthouse ticket URL And I enter "y" And I enter "y" Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ Retrieving branch information from gitcycle. Your work will eventually merge into 'master'. Is this correct? (y/n) Would you like to name your branch 'ticket.id'? (y/n) Adding remote repo 'config.owner/config.repo'. Fetching remote 'config.owner'. Checking out remote branch 'ticket.id' from 'config.owner/config.repo/master'. Fetching remote 'origin'. Pushing 'origin/ticket.id'. Sending branch information to gitcycle. """ And redis entries valid Scenario: Checkout via ticket w/ existing branch When I cd to the user repo And I execute gitcycle checkout with the Lighthouse ticket URL Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ Retrieving branch information from gitcycle. Checking out branch 'ticket.id'. """ And current branch is "ticket.id" Scenario: Checkout via ticket w/ fresh repo Given a fresh set of repositories When I cd to the user repo And I execute gitcycle checkout with the Lighthouse ticket URL Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ Retrieving branch information from gitcycle. Tracking branch 'origin/ticket.id'. """ And current branch is "ticket.id" Scenario: Pull changes from upstream When I cd to the owner repo And I checkout master And I commit something And I cd to the user repo And I checkout ticket.id And I execute gitcycle with "pull" Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ Retrieving branch information from gitcycle. Adding remote repo 'config.owner/config.repo'. Fetching remote 'config.owner'. Merging remote branch 'master' from 'config.owner/config.repo'. """ And git log should contain the last commit Scenario: Discuss commits w/ no parameters and nothing committed When I cd to the user repo And I checkout ticket.id And I execute gitcycle with "discuss" Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ Retrieving branch information from gitcycle. Creating GitHub pull request. You must push code before opening a pull request. """ And redis entries valid Scenario: Discuss commits w/ no parameters and something committed When I cd to the user repo And I checkout ticket.id And I commit something And I execute gitcycle with "discuss" Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ Retrieving branch information from gitcycle. Creating GitHub pull request. Labeling issue as 'Discuss'. """ And output includes "Opening issue" with URL And URL is a valid issue And redis entries valid Scenario: Discuss commits w/ parameters When I cd to the user repo And I checkout ticket.id And I execute gitcycle with "discuss issue.id" Then gitcycle runs And output includes "Retrieving branch information from gitcycle." And output does not include "Creating GitHub pull request." And output does not include "Branch not found." And output does not include "You must push code before opening a pull request." And output includes "Opening issue" with URL And URL is a valid issue Scenario: Ready issue w/ no parameters When I cd to the user repo And I checkout ticket.id And I execute gitcycle with "ready" Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ Retrieving branch information from gitcycle. Adding remote repo 'config.owner/config.repo'. Fetching remote 'config.owner'. Merging remote branch 'master' from 'config.owner/config.repo'. Adding remote repo 'config.user/config.repo'. Fetching remote 'config.user'. Merging remote branch 'ticket.id' from 'config.user/config.repo'. Labeling issue as 'Pending Review'. """ Scenario: Ready issue w/ parameters When I cd to the user repo And I execute gitcycle with "ready issue.id" Then gitcycle runs And output includes "Labeling issues as 'Pending Review'." Scenario: Reviewed issue w/ no parameters When I cd to the user repo And I checkout ticket.id And I execute gitcycle with "review pass" Then gitcycle runs And output includes "Labeling issue as 'Pending QA'." Scenario: Reviewed issue w/ parameters When I cd to the user repo And I execute gitcycle with "review pass issue.id" Then gitcycle runs And output includes "Labeling issues as 'Pending QA'." Scenario: QA issue When I cd to the owner repo And I checkout master And I execute gitcycle with "qa issue.id" And I enter "y" Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ Do you want to create a QA branch from 'master'? (y/n) Retrieving branch information from gitcycle. Deleting old QA branch 'qa_master_config.user'. Adding remote repo 'config.owner/config.repo'. Fetching remote 'config.owner'. Checking out remote branch 'qa_master_config.user' from 'config.owner/config.repo/master'. Fetching remote 'origin'. Pushing 'origin/qa_master_config.user'. Adding remote repo 'config.user/config.repo'. Fetching remote 'config.user'. Merging remote branch 'ticket.id' from 'config.user/config.repo'. Pushing branch 'qa_master_config.user'. Type 'gitc qa pass' to approve all issues in this branch. Type 'gitc qa fail' to reject all issues in this branch. """ Scenario: QA issue pass When I cd to the owner repo And I checkout qa_master_config.user And I execute gitcycle with "qa pass" Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ Retrieving branch information from gitcycle. Checking out branch 'master'. Adding remote repo 'config.user/config.repo'. Fetching remote 'config.user'. Merging remote branch 'ticket.id' from 'config.user/config.repo'. Pushing branch 'master'. Labeling all issues as 'Pass'. """ Scenario: QA issue list When I cd to the owner repo And I checkout master And I execute gitcycle with "qa" Then gitcycle runs And output includes """ qa_master_config.user issue #issue.id\tconfig.user/ticket.id """