== 0.8 (Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken) * Add more browsers to defaults ("> 1%, last 2 versions, ff 17, opera 12.1" instead of just "last 2 browsers"). * Keep vendor prefixes without unprefixed version (like vendor-specific hacks). * Convert gradients to old WebKit syntax (actual for Android 2.3). * Better support for several syntaxes with one prefix (like Flexbox and gradients in WebKit). * Add intrinsic and extrinsic sizing values support. * Remove never existed prefixes from common mistakes (like -ms-transition). * Add Opera 17 data. * Fix selector prefixes order. * Fix browser versions order in inspect. 20130903: * Fix old WebKit gradients convertor on rgba() colors. * Allow to write old direction syntax in gradients. 20130906: * Fix direction syntax in radial gradients. * Don’t prefix IE filter with modern syntax. 20130911: * Fix parsing property name with spaces. 20130919: * Fix processing custom framework prefixes (by Johannes J. Schmidt). * Concat outputs if several files compiled to one output. * Decrease standalone build size by removing unnecessary Binary class. * iOS 7 is moved to released versions. * Clean up binary code (by Simon Lydell). 20130923: * Firefox 24 is moved to released versions. 20131001: * Add support for grab, grabbing, zoom-in and zoom-out cursor values. 20131006: * Chrome 30 is moved to released versions. 20131007: * Don’t add another prefixes in rule with prefixed selector. 20131009: * Opera 17 is moved to released versions. 20131015: * Fix converting multiple gradients to old webkit syntax (by Aleksei Androsov). == 0.7 (We Do Not Sow) * Add vendor prefixes to selectors. * Add ::selection and ::placeholder selectors support. * Allow to load support data from Can I Use pull requests. * Remove deprecated API. 20130806: * Add hyphens support. 20130807: * Add tab-size support. * Add :fullscreen support. 20130808: * Allow to select browser versions by > and >= operator. * Fix flex properties in transition. 20130810: * Add Firefox 25 data. 20130824: * Add Chrome 31 and 30 data. * Fix CSS comments parsing (by vladkens). == 0.6 (As High As Honor) * New faster API, which cache preprocessed data. Old API is deprecated. * A lot of perfomance improvements. * Add Opera 15 -webkit- prefix support. * Update Chrome 29 and Safari 7 prefixes data. * Add minor browsers in popularity select. * Better syntax error messages. 20130721: * Add Chrome 30 data. 20130728: * Don’t remove non-standard -webkit-background-clip: text. * Don’t remove IE hack on CSS parse. * Fix loading into Rails without Sprockets. 20130729: * Add Opera 16 data. * Fix “Invalid range in character class” error on JRuby. 20130730: * Fix correct clone comments inside keyframes (by Alexey Plutalov). * Fix angle recalculation in gradients (by Roman Komarov). 20130731: * Add border-image support. == 0.5 (Ours is the Fury) * Rewrite Autoprefixer to be more flexible. * Use css, instead of Rework, to fix CSS parsing errors faster. * Fix a lot of CSS parsing errors. * Fix sass-rails 4.0.0.rc2 compatibility. 20130616: * More useful message for CSS parsing errors. * Remove old WebKit gradient syntax. * Fix parsing error on comment with braces. 20130617: * Remove old Mozilla border-radius. * Don’t prefix old IE filter. * Remove old background-clip, background-size and background-origin prefixes. * Speed up regexps in values. * Allow to hack property declarations. 20130625: * Convert flexbox properties to 2009 and 2012 specifications. * Add support for sass-rails 4 final. 20130626: * Add Firefox 24 data. * Add prefixes for font-feature-settings. 20130629: * Fix convert flex properties to old box-flex. * Fix Sinatra (sprockets-sass) suuport. == 0.4 (Winter Is Coming) * Remove outdated prefixes. * Add border-radius and box-shadow properties to database. * Change degrees in webkit gradients. 20130515: * Add old syntax in gradient direction. * Add old syntax for display: flex. * Update browser global usage statistics. 20130521: * Add Firefox 23 data. * Update css-parse to fix @-moz-document issue. 20130523: * Update Rework’s libraries to fix @page statement. 20130524: * Add Chrome 29 data. 20130527: * Fix new css-stringify issue. 20130528: * Fix compatibilty with Rework from git master. * Add minor browsers to data, which can be selected only directly. 20130530: * Add Opera 15 and iOS 6.1 data. * Fix iOS versions in properties and values data. 20130603: * Use latest Rework 0.15 with a lot of CSS parsing fixes. * Update browsers usage statistics. == 0.3 (Growing Strong) * Use own filters instead of Rework’s `prefix` and `prefixValue`. * Smarter value prefixer without false match “order” in “border”. * 40% faster. * Don’t add unnecessary properties instead of Rework’s `prefixValue`. * Don’t change properties order. * Sort properties and values in inspect output. 20130424: * Fix value override in prefixer. 20130427: * Prefix several same values in one property. 20130502: * Don’t add -webkit- prefix to IE filter. * Don’t duplicate already prefixed rules. == 0.2 (Hear Me Roar!) * Update parse libraries. * Add inspect method and rake tast. == 0.1 (Fire and Blood) * Initial release.