require "mystique/version" require "callable" require "string_plus" require "mystique/null_context" module Mystique class Presenter {|m| m.to_s.start_with?("to_") }.each do |m| define_method(m) do |*args, &block| target.send(m, *args, &block) end end def initialize(object, context) @__object__ = object @__context__ = context || self.class.context || NullContext end def self.present(object, context=nil), context).tap do |presenter| yield presenter if block_given? end end def context @__context__ end alias :ctx :context alias :h :context def target @__object__ end def inspect "<#{self.class}(#{target.inspect}) context: #{context.inspect}>" end private def method_missing(method, *args, &block) return target.send(method, *args, &block) if method.to_s.start_with?("to_") value = target.send(method, *args, &block) result = if __formats__.keys.include?(value) __formats__[value] elsif __regex_formats__.any? { |regex, _| value =~ regex} { |regex, _| value =~ regex}.first.last elsif __class_formats__.any? { |klass, _| value.is_a?(klass)} { |klass, _| value.is_a?(klass)}.first.last else value end Mystique.present(Callable(result).call(value, context)) end def self.context(ctx=Undefined) @__context__ = ctx unless ctx == Undefined @__context__ end def self.format(matcher, value=nil, &block) __formats__[matcher] = block_given? ? block : value end def self.format_multiple(*matchers, &block) matchers.each do |matcher| format(matcher, &block) end end def __formats__ self.class.__formats__ end def self.__formats__ @__formats__ ||= { nil => "-----", } end def __regex_formats__ self.class.__regex_formats__ end def self.__regex_formats__ @__regex_formats__ ||= {|k, v| k.is_a?(Regexp)} end def __class_formats__ self.class.__class_formats__ end def self.__class_formats__ @__class_formats__ ||= {|k, v| k.is_a?(Class)} end end class Undefined; end module_function def present(object, with: nil, context: nil, &block) presenter_class = case with when nil begin "#{object.class}Presenter".constantize rescue NameError => e return object end when Symbol, String "#{with}Presenter".constantize else with end presenter_class.present(object, context, &block) end def present_collection(collection, context: nil, &block) return to_enum(:present_collection, collection, context: context, &block) unless block_given? collection.each do |element| present(element, context: context) end end end