Feature: Sign up In order to get access to protected sections of the site A user Should be able to sign up Background: Given a paid plan exists with a name of "Paid" And a plan exists with a name of "Free" Scenario: User signs up for a paid plan with invalid data When I go to the sign up page for the "Paid" plan Then I should see "Paid" And I should see "$1/month" And the "Card number" field should have autocomplete off And the "Verification code" field should have autocomplete off And I fill in "Email" with "invalidemail" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I fill in "Confirm password" with "" And I should see "Billing Information" And I press "Sign up" Then I should see error messages Scenario: User signs up for a paid plan with valid data When I go to the list of plans page Then I should see the "Paid" plan before the "Free" plan When I follow "Paid" And I fill in "Email" with "email@person.com" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I fill in "Confirm password" with "password" And I fill in "Your name" with "Robot" And I fill in "Company Name" with "Robots, Inc" And I fill in "Keyword" with "robotsinc" And I fill in "Cardholder name" with "Ralph Robot" And I fill in "Billing email" with "accounting@example.com" And I fill in "Card number" with "4111111111111111" And I fill in "Verification code" with "123" And I select "March" from "Expiration month" And I select "2020" from "Expiration year" And I press "Sign up" Then I should see "created" Scenario: User signs up for a paid plan with an invalid credit card number Given that the credit card "4111112" is invalid When I go to the list of plans page And I follow "Paid" And I fill in "Email" with "email@person.com" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I fill in "Confirm password" with "password" And I fill in "Your name" with "Robot" And I fill in "Company Name" with "Robots, Inc" And I fill in "Keyword" with "robotsinc" And I fill in "Cardholder name" with "Ralph Robot" And I fill in "Billing email" with "accounting@example.com" And I fill in "Card number" with "4111112" And I fill in "Verification code" with "123" And I select "March" from "Expiration month" And I select "2020" from "Expiration year" And I press "Sign up" Then "Card number" should have the error "is invalid" Scenario: User signs up for a paid plan with a credit card that cannot be processed Given that the credit card "4111111111111111" should not be honored When I go to the list of plans page And I follow "Paid" And I fill in "Email" with "email@person.com" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I fill in "Confirm password" with "password" And I fill in "Your name" with "Robot" And I fill in "Company Name" with "Robots, Inc" And I fill in "Keyword" with "robotsinc" And I fill in "Cardholder name" with "Ralph Robot" And I fill in "Billing email" with "accounting@example.com" And I fill in "Card number" with "4111111111111111" And I fill in "Verification code" with "123" And I select "March" from "Expiration month" And I select "2020" from "Expiration year" And I press "Sign up" Then "Card number" should have the error "Do Not Honor"